Slapped Twice In A Row

The moment Mr Yang saw who it was at the door, he rose from his chair and approached the door. Without any warning, in a fit of anger, he punched the man at the door hard on his face. The intruder staggered a few steps backwards because of the severity of the punch. For a minute he couldn't get himself. 

"How dare you to show your face here?" Mr Yang berated furiously, raising his hand to punch him again, but the server standing beside Mr Zhao tried to intervene. He got punched in Mr Zhao's stead.

"Have you and your abusive wife not done enough harm to us?"

"Darling, you don't have to let him ruin your mood on this important day. Let me be the one to handle him, Ok?" Mrs Yang now standing beside her husband tried to calm her furious husband. When she saw he was slightly calmed, she turned around and gave Zhao Jianfei a tight slap on his face. The slap was resounding, even the server holding his swollen face shivered in fear.