Where Did We Stop Before The Interruption?

"Will you still love me like you do, if you find out later that I am not the one you think I am? Will you want me even after knowing all this?" Yang Zi asked nervously. She felt so scared that Yifeng would leave her if she told him that the reason she chose to work for him was only to use his company as a coverup for her hidden mission. The thought that Yifeng might throw her out of his life like some trash after learning about who she truly is terrified her.

"I love you. I love you for the person I knew yesterday, for the one I know today and for the one I will know tomorrow. Not even the secrets you are hiding from me can ever change that," Yifeng said, seriously staring into her lovely eyes affectionately.

Yang Zi was slightly perplexed that he didn't think twice before he replied to her question. His attitude right now showed her he had thought a lot about this before she even muster up the courage to ask him.