The Two Mischievous Kids Grand Entrance

"Hey Jin, you don't have to sound so hurt. I didn't forget about you. I just got over-excited after setting my eyes on Grandpa. You guys might not have known this, but Zi Er and Shiyi both know that it has been my wish to meet Grandpa Li. My daddy will feel so proud of me if he watches me on the news shaking hands with a famous business tycoon like Chairman Li," Shui Shui said before she embraced Su Jin.

"Don't frown because I hate seeing you frown," Shui Shui said, patting his back.

"Jin, stop acting so naughty or Xiaofei will punch you hard on the face for flirting with his woman," Yifeng teased, smiling.

"If he dares to punch me, I am sure Shui Shui will soothe the pain for me or don't tell me you won't pet me, Shui Shui?" Su Jin said, acting so childish. He let go of Shui Shui afterwards. 

Shui Shui, Jin and Yifeng turned and stared at the entrance when the socialites' voices became louder than usual.

"Wow! They look so cute together,"