Zhao Liying Promises To Fulfil Shiyi's Long Time Dream But In Exchange...

"Because of you, he has left. Stop pretending to care about me and just get lost. Your pretence is getting on my nerves," Wen Min said angrily. Before Pei Yan could speak further, she quickly stood up and headed towards Shui Shui's table.

When she saw Zihua talking with them from afar, she wanted to turn back, but before she could decide, she noticed that Zihua has left their table.

"I bet Shui Shui must have given him a piece of her mind," Wen Min said, smiling as she continued approaching Shui Shui's table.

"Hello, lovebirds. I knew I would find you both in the darkest part of this hall. I can't believe I was right again this time," Wen Min said, sitting opposite the couple.

"We are this way because Fei is afraid of hurting my reputation by revealing our relationship to the public. I wonder how long he will keep worrying about me," Shui Shui said, throwing him an accusing gaze.