May I Have This Dance?

"We are all humans with flaws. Any human who claims that he/she is flawless then, that person is the biggest liar of all. I have my flaws and so does Feng so, I see nothing wrong with me wanting to spend the rest of my life with him," Yang Zi said, wriggling her wrist out of her firm grip.

"And one more thing Zhao Liying, despite all his flaws, he is the perfect man for me," Yang Zi said proudly before she turned to leave, but before she could walk far away, Zhao Liying turned and blocked her path.

"Yang Zi, you are making a big mistake by choosing to stay with him. I will make sure you regret this decision you made today," Zhao Liying threatened.

"Don't you dare threaten me, Ok? You just know me as Yang Zi, but you don't know what I am capable of so watch your back before you go around threatening me," Yang Zi threatened, an evil glint visible in her eyes. She walked away afterwards, leaving angry Zhao Liying alone.