Where Are The Rings?

"They should be arriving soon so you don't have to worry," Shui Shui said maintaining her smiling face. Before Shiyi could object again the sitting-room door opened, Wen Min and Jin entered the room with worried expressions on their faces. The moment Wen Min entered the sitting room, she rushed over to Yang Zi's side. She pulled Yang Zi up and spin her around just like how Shui Shui did.

"Hey, can you stop spinning my woman around? You are gonna make her sick this way," Yifeng whose gaze has been on Wen Min since the moment she entered the room scolded her.

"My name is Wen Min, not Hey. I am just worried about Zi Er so why are you overreacting? Why do you always find fault in whatever I do?" Wen Min said sounding hurt.

"Can you put down the pretentious act? I am gonna get really annoyed with you if you ruin the happy atmosphere here," Yifeng reprimanded seriously.