The Accident

"Zi Er, please don't say this. There's still some distance before you get to the end of the toad, so this means there is still hope," Shiyi said. As he spoke, warm tears trickled down his eyes.

"Shiyi, don't cry, Ok? You know it always breaks my heart to see you cry," Yang Zi said when she noticed that Shiyi's voice sounded like he was in tears.

"I promise, I will not resign to fate. Just like I fought to stay alive for 8 years to avenge my sister's death, I will wrestle with fate today until the end. Instead of crying, just await my triumphant's return," Yang Zi said confidently. Knowing too well that Shiyi will not disconnect the call until the end, she disconnected the call.

"Starting from this moment, my life is in my hands and I, Yang Zi, will never resign to fate. I will rewrite my fate tonight," Yang Zi said sternly. As the car continued to move at top speed, she glanced around for something she could collide with to stop the car.