Your End Has Come, Yang Zi

"She thought she could leave me bedridden and go scot-free. Hell no! Her period of grace was long exhausted. Now it's an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth but since I am Yang Zi, anyone who snatches a tooth from me, will not only get his tooth snatched away but also his eyes so, she should better watch her back the next time she strikes because I will be sure to repay the favour in double folds," Yang Zi said, as she took the glasses off. 

The petrified Zhao Liying just sat there like a robot.

Did she just say that she aimed to get me killed?

Zhao Liying thought, still in shock. Zhao Liying continued to sit like that for a few minutes. Her mum who just entered the room was shocked to see her in this state.

"Liying, what is wrong? Are you Ok?" Her mum asked worriedly as she hurried to her side. Zhao Liying slowly lifted her index finger and pointed it at the dagger stuck into the portrait hanging on the wall.