Who Says I Am Timid?

Yang Zi and all the employees talked. At every interval laughter always erupted in the air. Yifeng just watched Yang Zi relate to his employees like they were her friends. As far as talking to them made her happy, he wasn't against it.

After about two hours of talking and playing, Yifeng told the maids to serve the food. They all ate to their heart's satisfaction. Before they could even conclude their meals both Chen and Yang Mi's driver arrived. They both joined in the celebration but Yang Mi and Chen had to leave after the meal.

"Mum, don't worry I will visit you every day. I will make sure I make up the time I couldn't visit you every day in the hospital," Yang Mi said, as she pecked Yang Zi on her right cheek. 

"That is so sweet of you baby. I will be waiting for you every day, just make sure you don't forget your promise," Yang Zi said in a playful tone as she pecked the smiling Yang Mi.