Isn't That Part Of His Duty As My Lover?

"She is so cute," Shiyi exclaimed as he smiled broadly. 

After they both freshened up and got dressed, they headed downstairs for breakfast. Wen Min took a day off of the office did not have to worry about work. She and Shiyi hung out in the Mansion until afternoon.

In the late afternoon, they went out for sightseeing and afterwards went to the cinema to watch a movie. They had dinner out. When it came to the time to part ways, Wen Min found it hard to separate from him.

I wish he would ask me to spend the night over at his mansion again tonight.

Wen Min who just got down from the car in front of  her parents' mansion thought as she turned and walk towards the long pathway

"Do you mind spending the night with me, pretty lady? I promise I will treat you well,"  Shiyi now standing outside the car said loudly. It was as though he read her mind.

He just asked me to spend the night over at his Mansion. Can he now read minds?