Yang Zi Was Greatly Disturbed

"Miss Yang, why did you leave the office? You know the boss will severely punish me for this if he learns about this," Yuan Quan asked meekly, as he shifted his eyes to her legs.

He quickly squatted when he noticed a sign of bruises around her ankle.

"Miss Yang, look now you have sustained a bruise because you failed to listen to my words. Now I am sure that boss will not spare me," Yuan Quan said in a worried tone. From the way he talked, people will think that he was worried about the punishment but Wen Min and Yang Zi knew that was not the case.

"Yuan Quan, can you stop scolding me in the office too? Feng scolds me because of my leg at the Mansion. At least let me walk around a little when I am in the office in peace, ok? I am afraid I might really become cripple if I sit in a place just like you guys want," Yang Zi said. Yuan Quan wanted to help massage her legs to ease the pain but he stood up when he realised that it was inappropriate of him to touch her.