Jin Gave Yang Zi His Word

"Feng always tells Jin everything so I am sure he must have confided in Jin about his reason for acting this way so let me call Jin. I am certain he will tell me what is going on," Yang Zi who just saw a glimmer of hope said, as she grabbed her handbag from the bed and took out her cellphone. She called Jin's line afterwards. 

"Jin, how are you? How has your business trip been going? I hope you are having a lot of fun over there?" Yang Zi asked the moment Jin answered the call.

"Without you around....," Jin paused when he realised what he had said.

"I mean without you guys around, life here is boring. There is no one to hang out here with. After series of meetings each day, I just spend time in my hotel room," Jin relayed sadly.

"You mean, you don't go outside to have fun after the meetings? That is so unlike my Jin, " Yang Zi said in surprise.