Yang Zi Sets Out To Rescue Her Mum

Although Yang Zi seemed to be resting, they both knew that she was the most troubled person in the Mansion.

Yang Zi stayed in that position for a long time. Even though she was not asleep, she still could not keep track of time. All her entire being was occupied by the thoughts of her mother. 

She was so worried that her mum was in danger.

"Shiyi, how was it? Have you finally located Aunties's whereabouts?" Shui Shui asked in a serious tone after Shiyi finally showed up. It had been hours since they left him alone. Shiyi had never taken an hour to track the location of anyone, so for him to have taken that long Shui Shui knew that it must have been very difficult.

Yang Zi's eyes flew open when she heard that Shiyi had come downstairs. She sat up properly. Shui Shui stylishly massaged her aching shoulders while waiting for Shiyi's response.

"Auntie was forced into a black tinted car by a group of masked men..,"