She Will Wake Up If I Talk To Her?

"I do," Feng Shu replied firmly.

"You need to bring Mi Er here because she is the only person who can convince Zi Er to wake up. She can't continue to stay unconscious, we all need her and she needs to see her mum being buried," Shui Shui said, as she disconnected the call.

Tears flowed from her eyes after she hung up the call. This incident made her recall the incident that happened when Zhixiang was murdered coldbloodedly. She knew the kind of pain Yang Zi went through back then when she woke up from the coma and realised that her sister had been long buried. She wasn't given the opportunity to say her last goodbye. She did not want history to repeat itself.

Shui Shui quickly cleaned her tears for fear that Mi Er would see it. They all had to be strong for the little girl. Only by seeing them strong will the little girl not cry so much.

She arranged Yang Zi's hair properly to make sure she looked as beautiful as Mi Er had always seen her.