Someone On The Rooftop

"Mi Er," Yang Mi heard a voice call her from behind.

Yang Mi turned around when she heard the familiar voice. She was shocked when she saw Shui Shui panting heavily.

  Yang Mi rushed to embrace her.

"Mi Er, what did you say is wrong with Zi Er and where is she?" Shui Shui asked nervously. The fear on her face was clear of how terrified Yang Mi's sudden phone call made her.

"Mum has gone missing," Yang Mi announced, as she abruptly pulled out of Shui Shui's embrace.

"Zi Er has gone missing?" Shui Shui shouted in shock.

"Yes, after she left my room earlier, I went after her but I couldn't find her. I have searched the entire mansion but I still couldn't find her. The way she talked to me earlier when she thought that I was sleeping makes me very scared. Godmother, I am scared that mum might do something terrible to herself," Yang Mi said with pain in her eyes.