I Am Pregnant!

"How could I bear to leave my cute baby? I only went to the rooftop to get some fresh air, I am sorry for making my baby worried," Yang Zi said, as she patted her hair. It was at that moment that Shiyi arrived. He heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Yang Zi and Yang Mi hugging each other so tightly like there were afraid of losing each other.

I am so glad she is alright. I almost had a heart attack earlier when Mi Er called. I thought something terrible had happened but now I am happy to know that I was overly sensitive.

Shiyi silently thought as he stood and watched them.

"Mi Er, I bet you must be tired from running around the mansion searching for me so, let me take you to my room. Starting from tonight we will be sleeping together...,"

"Don't forget to count me in," Shui Shui interrupted sharply.

"Same here," Shiyi added raising his right hand to signal his presence.