Plans To Break Up

Feng Shu who was eagerly waiting for this rushed and collected the gun from Yang Zi's hand.

"So mum was only thinking about me until the end. Her thoughts were filled with me. How foolish of her to accord so much importance to a child who isn't even hers," Yang Zi said, as she walked backwards. Shiyi quickly caught her before she could sprawl on the floor.

"How could she only think about me? What about Mi Er? That little girl is so pitiful so, why didn't mum think about her? Why didn't she think about herself? She has the entire Yang's World to cater for so why didn't she think about all those things?" Yang Zi said in pain as tears trickled down her face. Qing Shui squatting beside her hugged her tighter. Feng Shu, Jin, Xiaofei, Wen Min and Shiyi just watched her with misty eyes. Seeing Yang Zi in tears moved them to tears too.