Get Me A Blanket

"I wanted to inform the boss that Young Miss entered the heavy downpour without her car. I even offered her an umbrella but she shunned me. In the state she is right now, I am sure she might do something stupid. The evil ones might take advantage of...,"

"Jin, call Shui Shui and ask her to come over. While you are doing that I will follow her and make sure that nothing bad happens to her," Yifeng said as he stood up only to fall back on the couch. 

"Feng, calm down a little. Forget about protecting her because I am sure that you will collapse at this rate before you even get to save her," Jin said as he held Yifeng in place.

"Jin, forget about me. I don't have the luxury to relax right now since I am sure that Zhao Liying and her friends will strike again if they know the state Zi Er is in right now," Yifeng said as he stood up.