Yang Mi's Parting Words And Gifts To Li Chen

"Mi Er, your breakfast is set," her Nanny informed her the moment Yang Mi entered the sitting room.

"I will only eat when my mum and godmother come downstairs for breakfast," Yang Mi said carefreely before she lied down on the couch with her cellphone in her hand.

"But Young Miss instructed we should always make sure you have your breakfast on time," the Nanny said sternly.

"I won't eat so, just stop trying to make me change my mind because it won't work," Yang Mi said vehemently before she started playing with her phone.

Yang Mi, afraid that her maids might be spying on her messaged Li Chen instead of calling him like she wanted to. She was scared her maids might report this to her elder sister.

"Chen Chen, can we meet later?" Yang Mi sent the message as she eagerly waited for Li Chen's reply. His responses only came ten minutes later after Yang Mi had given up hopes on receiving his reply.