Wang Yibo Made Yifeng Jealous

"My bad for having to make you guys witness this here. It's just that I can't seem to control myself whenever she is around. I always want to touch her and do all manner of naughty things to her whenever she is with me," Wang Yibo said, as he put on his sweetest smile. Yifeng his fist tightened more although he managed to stay composed. Wang Yibo turned to face Yang Zi again when he saw Mo Yu and Yifeng approach the centre of the room.

"Cutie Pie, you are the one to blame for this. You know just how naughty I get whenever you are close to me so, why didn't you stop me? Don't tell me you can't hold back your desires...,"

Yifeng coughed again. This time he made sure to make it look real.

I haven't even started and you are this affected? Just wait and see how I will get back at you for hurting the woman I love.

Wang Yibo thought as he turned to stare at the guy who was still coughing.