Wen Min, What The Heck Happened Here?

"That is more like it. My Cutie Pie looks the prettiest when she smiles so, make sure to smile more often," Wang Yibo said as he pulled her cheeks playfully. 

When they joined the others inside the restaurant, Yang Zi's mood was no longer foul. She tried her best not to think about the past while on the table.

After dinner, they all took a walk before they went back to the hotel. Yang Zi tucked in Mi Er and Xiaotian who insisted on sleeping on the same bed with her. She tucked them in early so that they could wake up early for their morning flight. Yang Zi afterwards, patiently waited for the couples who went out on dates to come back but none of them returned until midnight.

Before they returned, she had planned to scold them but when she saw them in each of their partners' arms, she did not have the heart to scold them. She just urged them to go to bed early.

She went back to her room after making sure that they had all entered their designated rooms.