A Kiss For Gamble

"If you dare as much as appear in front of me only to speak badly about my mum, then that day will be the day you will die. I will kill you and dump your stupid body in the sea where your corpse can never be retrieved so, I ask that you tread cautiously around me if you don't want to end up in a miserable state," Yang Zi said as she walked away gracefully.

"How dare those mother and daughter duo think that I, Yang Zi can be easily bullied? In the past, if not for my promise to mum or the fact that I did not want to get Yifeng implicated, do they think I would have tolerated their nonsense. They are so foolish to think that I am still that same lady as two years ago," Yang Zi muttered, as she left the hall to go in search of the restroom. Because she was furious, she did not notice that someone was following her.