Both In Pains

"Wait there because I am coming for you," Jin said before he disconnected the call. He picked his car keys lying on the table and left his mansion in a hurry.

Sun Jin drove at top speed on the free road. Thank goodness Yifeng shared the good news about Yang Zi's invitation to him. He wouldn't have known what to do if he had kept it a secret from him.

About fifteen minutes later, Su Jin who just entered the room did not utter a word, he hugged the miserably looking Yifeng tightly.

"Feng, don't worry everything will be okay. Your revelation just left her astounded and even more hurt than she already was. Zi Er needs more time to digest the incident. She loves you way more than you can even imagine. Just like you can't live without her, I am sure she can't live without you too so, give her some more time. I am sure she will come around after she has calm down," Su Jin said as he patted Yifeng's back.