Damn, It's Feng!

Tonight Yang Zi insisted on staying over at the hospital. Despite how hard Wang Yibo tried to persuade her to leave, she refused.

What Yang Zi did not know was that Li Yifeng had been waiting for her at the hospital's parking space for about thirty minutes after she arrived at the hospital. Even after he realised that it was very late, he refused to leave with the hope that he would be able to talk to Yang Zi that night but unfortunately, Yang Zi did not leave the hospital.

After waiting for ages, he ended up falling asleep in his car. When she finally came to the parking space that morning, the tired Yifeng was still asleep. He missed talking to her despite all his efforts.

Yifeng was sad and surprised when he woke up and realised that she was gone. He felt like crying but he held back his tears.