When Do You Want Me To Have The Surgery?

"You are absolutely right about that. Zi Er comes first before anything else," Shiyi agreed.

Since no one was against Mo Yu's proposal, they all moved to choose the day which was convenient for all of them.

Today being a Monday, they all agreed that Wednesday was the best time. After everything was concluded those who came with their partners left together while the ones without partners left alone.

As usual, when it reached closing time instead of going home directly, Yang Zi dropped by at the hospital. Feng Shu whose job has been to watch over her silly cousin and makes sure he did not escape from the hospital was so relieved to see Yang Zi.

"Welcome Zi Er, it's so nice to have you back. I am sure Yibo will be very happy to see you," Feng Shu who bumped into Yang Zi in front of Wang Yibo's hospital room said.