The Fifth Day Finally Reached

"You are teasing me, Zi Er. That is not fair," Mrs Wang said, sounding as though she was upset. She hugged the lady she hadn't seen finally for years a little while longer.

"Auntie, how could I have the heart to tease you? I was telling the truth and Shu sitting there can testify to it," Yang Zi said as she finally pulled out of her embrace. Feng Shu frowned when she saw that Yang Zi was trying to drag her into her conversation with her Aunt.

"Welcome, Uncle. I feel so happy to meet you after such a long time. I have missed you," Yang Zi said, as she embraced Mr Wang.

"I am also glad to see you. I can't believe that this naughty son of ours is still following and disturbing you every single day. You must have suffered a lot because of him," Mr Wang said as he released Yang Zi.