She Is Dead

Spending three days in the cell because of the incident at the engagement party had made her think a lot. At the end of all the thinking, she concluded that no matter what she does Yifeng would never love her.

She had done so many terrible things to separate the two of them and yet they still miraculously came back together. The reality is harsh but she finally came to her senses.

Although it won't be easy, she has decided to move on from Yifeng and embark on her journey to finding her happiness instead of wasting her whole life on a man who will never love her.

Yang Zi's words to her in the past gave her this waking up call.

"No matter what you do, be it sacrificing your life for him, he will never be yours if it was not meant to be so why don't you give up and find the one who was meant for you?"

These were one out of the many words Yang Zi said to her the day she tried to drug Yang Zi in the club but ended up being drugged instead.