Wang Yibo, The Surprise

Three days later in a big hall whose walls were white, the room was decorated beautifully with flowers and curtains. About five ladies were seen attending to the lady in white dress.

"Wow!" The two people who just entered the magnificent hall remarked in surprise when they saw the splendid room and the superb dress of the bride.

"Hey, Mi Er why did you let him in? Didn't we tell you that men are not allowed in here until it is time for Zi Er to come out, so why did you allow him to enter the room?" Qing Shui, the chief bridesmaid asked sternly.

She and the other two ladies approached where Chen was standing admiring the lady in a white beautiful dress staring at him with a smile on her face.

"Godmother, Chen Chen just wants to get a glimpse of Mum before she comes out, that is why I let him come in with me...,"