The Game

"Ok, I will do as you want. We just have to play five games to decide the winner...,"

"Why five games? I don't possess such patience so, let's play just two games. I am confident of winning so why waste time playing five games?" Yang Zi said confidently. Carmella hesitated when she heard Yang Zi's words.

"Ok, since you said so then we will do like you want," Carmella finally said.

"For the game to be fair, I will choose a game while you choose one also," Carmella said seriously.

"You can choose the two games, I don't have a problem with it," Yang Zi said carefreely.

"Are you sure?" Yifeng and Carmella chorused.

"What is there to be certain of? If I wasn't confident of winning I wouldn't have agreed to your condition so let's get on it now so my husband and I can leave," Yang Zi said with confidence.

"I love your guts. You have earned my respect for that," Carmella said as she smiled at Yang Zi.