Chapter 3

Emma softly groaned as she slowly opened her eyes staring up at a roof made of straw. Barking drew her attention to the side as she saw Patch was sitting next to the bed, she was laying in. Memories came flooding in her head as she quickly sat up remembering the Alpha only to wince causing her to look down seeing her entire body was covered with Bandages.

"Oh, I'm glad you are awake"! Said a small female voice.

Emma looked up to see an elderly woman in a lab coat busy filling in a form. She had soft brown hair were at the top was slowly turning white. Her eye color consisted of a soft green behind a pair of white rimmed glasses.

"Where am I? What happened?!" Asked Emma panic full volumes in her voice.

"Easy there one question at a time". Said George soothingly.

The girl looked at the door way and saw George standing there.

"This is Doctor Spade she is the villages doctor while also my wife". Said the man resting a hand on Spades Shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you missy you were pretty roughed up when George brought you in" Said Spade a small smile on her face.

"All I remember is the Alpha Land Shark trying to eat me when a figure came and defeated it with one flaming punch!"

George sighed sat on a chair next to Spade.

"Sounds like Aku we told him not to come so close" said Spade as she had a sad look in her eyes.

"Aku?" asked Emma.

"Yes... Aku Drake is his full name he landed on this planet about 10 years ago as a toddler in a life pod." said George.

"We didn't know what his surname was at the time so we gave him our surname." Said Spade as she had a small smile on her face.

"Landed? Did his family crash land here or something?" asked Emma.

"No, it was only Aku from the life pod that flew across the whole galaxy without a scratch." Said George.

"Talk about lucky! Where is he now, I'd like to thank him!" said Emma cheerfully.

"He stays in the forest.... alone" told George looking away from the girl in front of him.

"Huh? Why does he stay there its full of strong creatures!" shouted Emma scared for her savior.

"The village didn't give him much choice..." told Spade sadness still in her voice.

"Did he do something?" asked Emma.

"No, he is but a kind boy..." said Spade.

She had a fond smile on her face as she was thinking of memories.

"When Aku arrived here people hated his red eyes thinking he was a wild beast, they treated him as some type of monster going to kill all of them in their sleep, but he was but a mere child..." told George.

"I had to treat him a lot due to other kids throwing rocks at him and telling him he should have crashed into an asteroid flying here" said Spade remorsefully.

Emma covered her mouth in shock.

"That's just heartless!" said Emma

"It also didn't help that when he activated his gear people found out its name." came the voice of George back into the conversation.

"As you know you get different gears but they are part of main groups called "Tech" which are also known as Prime Gear and other Gears underneath it is called Sub Gears.

"Right my Panther Pounce is a sub Gear from the Sky tech branch" said Emma as she nodded her head.

"Well Aku's gear is called Satan Tech...." said Spade.

Emma gasped.

"He has a Prime Gear plus it being a Satan Tech is an extremely destructive gear!

"So, you can imagine the feedback he got from that." said Spade.

"A child with red eyes and Satan Tech..." spoke George softly.

"Couldn't you have done something?! You're the Village Chief!" Shouted Emma.

George sighed and rubbed his face.

"I did try I took him in and raised the kid teaching him how to speak and everything but the villagers were in constant fear they were planning to come and kill him. I didn't want him to die so I did the second best I could..." said George.

"By banishing him to a forest full of creature?!" roared Emma.

"Young Lady Calm yourself! George tried everything to help Aku but he just couldn't." shouted Spade.

Emma kept quiet and climbed out the bed putting on her shoes and slowly walked to the door.

"Where is he?" Asked Emma.

George looked long in the girl's eyes and saw Determination burning in her eyes causing him to sigh.

"There is a path behind my house leading into the forest it will lead to a small wooden cabin he built himself." told George.

Emma nodded and called Path causing her to bark and follow her partner as they walked out the medical building and ventured back into the forest. George stared at the back of Emma as she slowly went deeper in the forest until you couldn't see her anymore. George sighed and turned back to the village only to stop seconds later as he saw a ship slowly land at the landing site.

"I wonder who that is?" thought George to himself.

At Emma as she was walking on the path for the past 10 minutes but she couldn't help but remember her fight with the Alpha.

"It just slapped me away as if i was a lowly fly...." spoke Emma.

She looked up at the sky and saw the clear blue sky with a few clouds in the sky.

"You would probably be laughing right now dad huh?" said Emma.

She gave a small chuckle and Patch whimpered softly next to her sensing her partners sadness.

"Don't worry Patch I'm alright we are just going to have to get stronger! Why stop at only being strong let's be the strongest in the universe!" Shouted Emma

Patch barked with Emma causing her to laugh when she noticed they arrived at a small wooden Cabin.

"Guess this is the place." said Emma.

Seconds later rustling came from a bush drawing the duos attention only for their jaws to drop against the floor as they looked shocked. There being carried by who they presumed to be Aku was a Mountain Boar a B class monster the size of a bus on his shoulder. With a huff he threw it on the floor and wiped his brow.

This was when Emma finally saw how Aku looked. He was quiete tall yet had a lean build not skinny. He was 18 years old with long messy black hair that reached his lower back with white strips. His eye color consisted of a dark red. He was wearing nothing but baggy grey pants and a brown ragged cloak covering his entire body. He was about to eat his newly captured dinner when he sensed a presence behind him seeing Emma stand there.

"Oh, it's you...uhm Dog Girl?" asked Aku confusingly

"MY NAME ISNT DOG GIRL!" Shouted Emma angrily.

"My name is Emma Cross and you are Aku Drake right?" asked Emma.

Aku nodded.

"I just wanted to thank you for saving me from the Alpha." said Emma.

"It's no problem it was already busy eating too much in the forest so I was going to give it a lesson" said Aku.

Emma giggled softly as she imagined Aku giving the Alpha a lesson as if it was a parent and child.

"I heard from George and Spade about you past..." said Emma slowly.

"Gramps and Grams?" asked Aku.

Emma looked confused for a second before realizing he was implying George and Spade.

Aku turned to the boar and then suddenly his fingertips turned to black and small black flames escaped them.

"That's all it is in the end the past" said Aku.

He swiped his hand down and a sizzling sound was heard in the forest as Emma saw the teen held a perfectly cut piece of boar meat being cooked from a black flame escaping his palm. Seconds later he started to eat it showing how hot the flame was. He used the heat from the flames to literally use it as a hot knife cutting a piece of butter!

Aku saw Emma staring at him and he looked down at the piece of meat he was eating. So, he cut the piece in half and held it for Emma to eat some.

"Here you go." said the teen with a smile.

Emma slowly took the piece out of his hand and ate a piece. It was very tough as expected from an animal that is famous for making tunnels in mountains. Even though it was tough it was extremely good it had lots of natural salt in its body and this could have been a delicacy! Aku took his piece and threw it at Patch who happily ate it making the teen show a smile.

"What's your plans for the future Aku?" asked Emma.

"Plans?" said Aku.

"Yeah do you plan to stay on this planet for the rest of your life?" said Emma.

Aku just shrugged.

"I know! Why don't you become my Adventurer partner!" asked Emma happily.

"I'm sure you wouldn't want a monster like me on your team..." replied Aku softly.

"Nonsense!" Shouted Emma.

Aku looked shocked for a second before he turned away from the girl.

"We could make millions of Coal if we worked together." said Emma

She had stars in her eyes as she imagined she was living in a mansion with gold every were.

Just as Aku was going to reply a massive explosion rang out causing all the birds and wild life to run away.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT?!" Shouted Emma.

Aku looked in the distance and heard another explosion.

"It came from the village" said Aku.

After he said that he sprinted towards the village causing Emma to shout in protest that he was going too fast.