A pleasant day

The next day Williamson woke up as usual and after having a cold shower ,he headed to the dining room . where Amelia was already there sitting alone quietly and waiting for his dad.

" Good morning Amelia! what are you waiting for?!have ur breakfast now." William spoke out with a bright smile on his face .

"Good morning dad! okay you too ! " Amelia spoke out with a soft smirk on her face. After completing their sandwich uncle Jack headed in and placed some juice which is freshly extracted. Amelia gulped the drink and soon after having the meal completed Amelia stood up , hugged his dad and made her way to the company.

Amelia was raised very stronger and she is like little lady boss.she has her own fashion designing company which is a very big reputed company throughout the whole Australia. she has partnership of her best friend Annie as well. They both were best friends from the childhood. They are sisters by heart.They both grew up together.

Amelia trusts her very much.Annie is the one whom she can believe very much in the entire world. Annie loves Amelia to the moon and back .For her Amelia is everything and more than like a sister.

They both used to run that company .when Amelia got to get here (Williamson's tech),only Annie will be running that company most of the time and Amelia will have frequent visits to her company.


Williamson headed out way as it was already late for the office. He went to his cabin and he busied himself with some files and contracts which he has to sign . out of nowhere Ava headed in with a red file in her hand .

"Boss, this is the file for today's meeting.meeting will be in 10 minutes. I almost checked all the papers and I brought here as I want you to have a glance at that file."Ava spoke out poking at the file.

William nodded his head in response . " thank you" Ava spoke out while she was going out from his cabin.

Meeting started. williamson sat in the chair which is located at the centre. Blake was at his right and Ava at his left .

It was a very pleasant day and meeting was done pretty well .. moreover good news was The other company agreed their contract and with their collaboration Williamson company would be at its best heights of success.

After the meeting Blake headed in to the boss cabin to greet him for the success of the meeting and to have a conversation about some stuff of that other company , details and whatabouts of the collaboration and the contract.

They get into the topic deeply and after having that conversation concluded , They sat on the couch with full of the silence. After a minute or so Williamson broke the silence.looking at Blake he spoke out " I want to talk to you about something Blake .not company issues but my personal thing."

"What is it boss!" Blake spoke out with furrowed brows

"you don't call me boss as it sounds me different .I feel different when you keeps calling me boss. It hits me something different and bad. you can call me uncle as I truly believe you and as you are my god son."

Blake was dumbfounded and he has teary eyes on listening to his boss words. He can't just explain this feeling running inside to the man infront of him. He was alone all the time with no emotions but Williamson was the person who was very close to his heart . He feels like he was his god father.

He used to be a boss with the company but not with the Blake . Blake actually look like Williamson's best friend . Williamson always wanted to ask that how his bestfriend and Blake were related but never asked as they didn't move that much close as they have no time literally to get deep with each other. May be that's the reason why he likes Blake the most .

Blake who last in his own world contemplating was caught with his teary eyes to Williamson.

Williamson interrupted him., "Blake ! what happen?! Are all the things okay with you ?" to which Blake responded with a chuckle "yes b..boss..! sorry.yes uncle".

Iam very honoured and pleasured that you too feel me as your own son . you are always my god father and I just couldn't expose that to you these many days and on hearing these words from you today really made me emotional ."

"oh come on my boy! I know you are so strong and moving on to the main topic I just wanted to tell you something , actually I wanted to have a conversation with you ?!" William spoke out.