
They said that we, as human beings have the utmost tendency to commit mistakes, and to fall into something deep- that is- beyond comprehension of the human mind. Many have already tried to understand why this happens, and it has been understood. Now, all there is left is interpretation, and actuality.

You can call me Joy or Hope, and I am the story teller for this story. Nice to meet you.

To begin with, it all started 5 years after the great wars- 2050 to be exact, with the entire world struggling to cope with the loses brought about by the disastrous intent of human greed. The loss of the world was too great that it lost half of its entire population- and human rights were deemed unimportant. Due to the incomprehensible feeling of a deep, dark, and scary pit called depression, the people who died due to the extreme battle outside the self increased with the colossal numbers of people who killed themselves because of the greater pain that they can no longer bear. Life was deemed unnecessary, so they abandoned it.

With the numbers rapidly increasing every second of the hour, I was struck with a defeaning pang straight into my chest- the impact was so great that I heard it, and the pain was too strong that it created a huge chasm in my fragile heart. I started to wish to save the people suffering from the stress created by the wars. I pleaded greatly that the heavens have heard me- and sent Light, a chosen who also chose me.

We were tasked by the heavens to save the people trying to end everything- to save everyone... But as we do, we share their pain with them, no matter the intensity, and heal with them, but in the end, even if we save everyone, who will save us?