Chapter 31: The Park

Cammy and Joy strolled on the playground for about an hour, but the place seemed endless because it's too huge especually for a facility that's meant for children enjoyment. Joy sat down on one of the benches with butterfly designs and looked up. Cammy sat beside her and they both looked into the orange-red sky. Joy opened her necklace but the hands of the clock inside it was gone.

"Where could Light be? That guy doesn't have a phone." She muttered to herself but Cammy just looked at her. It has been hours since she last saw Light and she can't help herself from worrying. What if Light was still searching for Ren or her?

'Whenever I want to see Light, I just focus on my desire and his face- then he comes out. Gosh. Why would Light torture me like this?' Joy thought and sighed while Cammy observed her. She closed her eyes as she was looking up- her head was leaning on the top rail of the bench. 'Light.. Light... Where are you... Come out now...'

She repeated the words inside of her head until she believed that Light was already standing in front of her, and after about a good couple of minutes, she opened her eyes again and looked forward and her fafe was painted with a' looking-forward expression' but it was immediately erased when she realized that Light wasn't there.

"We' ve had enough rest, don't you think?" Cammy said while Joy just nodded her disappointment. However, just before they were to leave the place, she heard frail whispers and sobs coming from the bench that was slightly far from them.

"Do you hear it?" Joy asked Cammy but he shook his head. She walked towards the bench and the voice became clearer as she came closer.

"Oh no!" She leapt towards the bench and saw Light shivering- he was holding his head as she was shaking. He seemed to be in a lot of stress because his eyes seemed to be in pain and he doesn't know what was going on because he did not notice them even though they are both in front of him. The coldness had left his eyes and only sadness remained. It was terrifying for Joy to see him like that because she's used to Light being cold- and seeing him bear pain is a horror she never imagined to see ever since she met him. He was the strongest man she ever knew- and the coldest as well, and the sadness that was reflected in his eyes were terrifying. "D-did you have a mission without my knowledge?"

Joy noticed some parts of his pants that were still wet- she took her jacket from her bag and placed it on him. Light, however, did not look up to them. Instead, he started whispering unintelligible words again and shrieked in pain as Joy tried to calm him down.

"It.. It hurts here." Light pointed at his heart and he held his chest tight. "I.. I want to be numb.. I don't want pain... It's so dark and scary... It's so painful.."

"If this is half of your sufferings... I can't imagine how hard it has been for you all these years." he continued and the jacket fell from his shoulders and Joy had to rearrange it again. "Stop please. Don't talk.. Shhh... Stop talking..."

"Joy.. What should we do?" Cammy asked her. Joy clenched her fist as she looked at Light.

"I don't know... He finished his mission without me and maybe he soaked on water." Joy thought about his mission - it might have been a person without cuts who endured everything that's why Light became like this. She tried her best not to show Cammy that she was freaking out.

" No.. No please... " Light said." Please.. Please... Stop... "

Joy stood up and helped Light to sit on the bench. He was still shaking hard and scared. She placed the back of her hand on his forehead and realized that Light's temperature was so high. She rearranged the jacket on his back and sat down with him.

" It's really scary to see you like this Light. I want you back... I want you to be yourself again." Joy said and held the both of Light's hands. "Sulk at me again. Be cold to me again.. I don't want to see you like this... Please Light come back... Come back...."

Joy hugged him tight and prepared herself. The blinding silver light had escaped from her necklace as she hugged him- it was a cool, frigid light that made her shiver slightly. Cammy couldn't see but he felt the coldness that the silver light emitted- he tried to get close to them but he can't move his legs. He heard Joy speak inaudibly as the light surrounded her, and when she finished, a golden light had appeared from Light's necklace too and Cammy was so surprised to see it when he finally managed to open his eyes. Joy's light was so cold while Light's was warm- a real reverse in their personalities.

Cammy wasn't able to count the time that had passed when the light completely vanished from his sight but when he was finally able to see, he saw that Joy and Light's position still hadn't changed- she was still hugging Light who seemed normal now. However, Joy had collapsed and Light caught her just before she he had reached the ground. Light looked at Joy's necklace and sighed heavily because of his frustration. The necklace had darkened again.

"Did she managed to finish her mission?" Light asked Cammy who sti couldn't believe what just happened.

"N-no.. Ren have DID and the clock only appears every time Akuji fronts." Cammy said and looked at him. Light clenched his fist while still looking at her necklace and sighed heavily.

"Thank you for always helping out." Light told Cammy. He slowly lifted his head to the point where their eyes met - Cammy was taken aback because of the expression of Light's eyes- it was colder than before- no- his eyes reflected anger. "You did not experience anything unusual today right?"

Cammy knew what Light was talking about. He knew that once Cammy felt regret he will fade away-

"Of course you didn't. Right?" Light said, and the anger was immediately erased from his eyes. He looked back at Joy and hugged her tight while muttering 'I'm sorry you had to see me like that.'

"We are like the sun and the moon, Hope. I bring Light and you bring Hope, and when that happens, as the sun shines, the moon disappears from sight. I hope that our relationship won't be like that..." he said, his eyes had sadness in it.

It was the first time in Cammy's existence that he saw Light being a soft human being. He seemed so worried about Joy and was about to cry.

"Hey you pervert. I can't breathe.. Don't suffocate me!" Joy said and pushed Light away from her. "What's your deal?"

Cammy looked at him again and saw that his cold expression had come back to him- but he will never forget how Light looked like a while ago.

"What?! The sun is setting! We should hurry to get to the train. Light, you might catch a cold so wear the jacket. Cammy, let's go."

"I am not cold." Light said and refused to pick the jacket that had fallen on the ground. Joy glared at him and went to pick it up and she placed it on his shoulders. Light protested but he saw her blushing so he just let her place it on his shoulder.

"Let's go." Joy said and the three of them left the playground.