Chapter 35: Yvan Uriel

It has been months since Cammy died but his soul kept wandering in this world and he has helped a lot in helping those who are in need.

"So we have a new mission now huh. Again. You just saved someone yesterday." Cammy said, looking at the necklaces. They are on the way to their next mission, to the City of Smiles beyond the mountains and the lake they adored on their town. It seems like even in the City of Smiles, there can still be lonely souls. Joy pondered deep but the cuts in Lights wrist which are now fading away caught her attention, and she looked at hers and was happy to see how her cuts are vanishing in front of her eyes. These past few days, with many missions they had, Joy have noticed how Light soften and she realized how his eyes sparkled more and more every time she sees him. Joy wondered why she really felt so painful and happy at the same time every time she sees him.

She was thinking deep but just then, Light looked at her and smiled a little- then slept again. 'Just what? Hahaha.'

Cammy was on his side sleeping like a baby. Joy looked at Cammy's eyes and realized the pain he has on them which drove him to take his own life away from the pains of the world. No matter how much he smiles and jokes, he can never mask his pain because those are like glued on him. They took off the train after about an hour and went straight to their destination which was just near the station. The place was very different from their town which is like in a pre-historic setting, whereas this place is like a modern happy place.

"This is AK University and they have just released the results of the exam. Maybe someone was not able to pass." Joy said as Light looked at their necklaces' clocks, then to her.

"Its not the same" He said.

"What? But how did that happen? Does that mean that there is more than one person in need here?" Cammy asked.

"Thats the case." Light replied. "AK University is one of the top universities on our state where only excellent people can enter and survive. The results they released are for the graduation, and I think, the person that we are to help will not be able to join."

"I've recently realized how hard it is to hide from your missions." Joy told Light who was already tracking his way.

"Oh, that- a messenger from above told me that people will no longer see you of you press the button on the center of the clock." Light said and she looked at it and pressed the center where the hands of the clock seemed to be attached.

"I don't feel a thing." Joy said and turned around.

"Uh, where are you?" Cammy asked her.

"You can't see me?" Joy asked, surprised. She turned to face Light but he was already gone from her side. She heard a voice inside her head and she recognized that it was Light's.

"If you want to be seen, just think and it will happen" she thought of Cammy very hard and imagined what his reaction would be the moment she appears in front of him.

"Hope- no- Joy. You- appeared out of nowhere!" Cammy yelled and recomposed himself. Joy looked at the necklace she wore and felt it as it shined. It lead her and Cammy to the bulletin board where the results were posted. She looked at the person in front of her- he was a tall guy with thick eyeglasses and green eyes and he stared sadly at the board. Joy looked at his identification card and found out that his name is Yvan Uriel.

"Amazing. He really can't see me." Joy said as she sneaked in front of him.

Cammy and Joy looked at the board from the bottom of the list but did not find him anywhere- so they supposed that he did not pass, but to their surprise, they saw his name at the top of the list- Yvan Uriel is number 1! But why does he need help if he passed the exam?

They watched him as he silently looked at the results while crying and then Joy realized that he was holding a photo of him together with a woman in a hospital gown.

"You were gone before I could even make you proud" He sobbed as he held the photo next to his aching heart. He left the university, so the both of them went after him only to find out that he was heading to a cemetery where a woman named Yvanna Uriel was laid.


"I passed the exam. I cant believe I did it. I should be happy because Im on top, but Im terribly sad because the person whom I wanted to see this moment died after the exam." Yvan said and touched the grave. "Now I stand before you- I'll be receiving an award I have worked hard for so I can give it to you, what is the essence of everything now that you are gone?"

He was to talk more but a girl appeared in front of him- she is pretty with long black tresses falling on her back and her eyes are like the silver moon that is looking straight at his green eyes, as if she was unlocking something in his heart.

She wore pure white long-sleeved dress and sandals- and an angelic face. To his surprise, her hand was stretched into his heart as if trying to figure out something beyond his comprehension.

"Can you see me?" she asked. Yvan was too shocked to say something so he just gave her a nod.

"You shouldnt be able to see me" She spoke again. "Why can you see me? Is there something wrong with this?"

Her eyes shined so bright while she looked at him and tapped on the necklace she wore- but he felt like she was looking directly at his miserable soul.

"W-Who are you?" Yvan asked, half astonished, half frightened. She might be pretty, but she wore pure white things and he was so afraid of ghosts that seeing her made him so surprised. "Are you a ghost? Ill offer you a prayer. Whats your name? Ill find your tomb for you. Please leave me alone plea-*

" Haha stop it. Im no ghost, no need to be frightened" She said with a dazzling smile.

'She really is pretty!' he thought and smiled as he looked at her.

"If you are not a ghost, what are you then?" Yvan asked. "Are you an angel?"

"If you say I am, then I am" She replied. Joy smiled at herself because she heard that line from Light and using it in a conversation was a total surprise for her. She did not realized how much Light influenced her. However, her words just confused Yvan more as she opened her mouth, but her voice became indistinct and inaudible until he was not able to hear her as darkness engulfed him.


Yvan woke up with the sight of the moon and stars as he laid down the grass. To his surprise, the girl had placed his head on her lap.

"Feeling okay now?" she asked, not moving an inch so Yvan wont be disturbed. "I guess you haven't eaten for days."

And shes right. Since his mother died, he no longer slept or ate anything. He was too sad to do those stuffs.

"Who are you?" Yvan asked.

"You may call me Hope or Joy" she said. "Call me whatever you want. Make a wish!" falling stars has lit up the entire skies as she closed her eyes and whispered silently-

"I want you to live. Please continue living" She wished.

'Astound I am to the soul that she possess.' Yvan thought and looked at her as she closed her eyes. Probably sensing that she might he numb now because of his weight, he went up from her lap and sat down the ground. He did not dare to avert his gaze from her because the sight of her beauty gave him chills and amazement. Then the wind blew against her dress, so the sleeves went up, and Yvan was able to see the scars she had on her wrists as well as recovering cuts. Yvan looked into her eyes and noticed how sad they were no matter how beautiful they are.

"I guess I'd call you Hope because there is no Joy in your eyes. But there is also no Joy in your eyes. What do you want to be called?" Yvan said and she looked at him. Her eyes really gets him every time.

"Okay then. Hi. I am Hope and I was sent from above."

"Why would the heavens send me someone?"

"Because you still have a will to live, but you are suffering so you are forgetting them now. Im sorry for your loss." She said, her scars more visible than before because of the wind. "Am I the only one you see?"

"What do you mean the only one you see? Does that mean that someone is with us now?" Yvan asked with an alarmed tone on his voice.

"Yeah. Originally, we are 3. But the other one is out there giving light to someone."

"While you are giving hope.."

"I hope I am." She looked at him in the eyes and sadness enveloped her as the moon reflected in her pretty face. "Cammy is right here beside me."

"Who is Cammy?"

"He was a lonely soul like you, but I was not able to give him hope like I should have done to him" she said, tears on her loving eyes. Yvan was surprised to realize how her face looked so sad - hers is the saddest face he had ever seen on his entire life.


"I will listen to you. She said and looked at him like she can feel all the pain in his heart.

" You will what?"

" I said I will listen. That's the least thing I can do for you. Yvan, you are hurt and keeping them inside will only make it worse. I have come this far to see you because I don't want you to suffer anymore. Let me carry your burden with you. Please. I will listen and wont judge you" She pleaded.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I know how suffering feels like" She touched the cuts tattooed on her wrists and her face showed deep and indescribable pain.

"Yvan" She said and hugged him. "The pain in your heart is too heavy. You don't have to suffer alone. I am here now."


The deafening silence enveloped them as she hugged him tighter, as if she's scared to let him go because she is too concerned.  Yvan was not aware with the tears that fell from his eyes, until the moment Joy saw them because she wiped them all away.

"Tell me about you Yvan" She smiled and looked at his sad eyes, still hugging him and easing the pain he have that has been killing him for days.

The rain's timing was really perfect.

The grey sky poured down torrents of rain but she did not bother to look for a shade because Yvan just stood there, staring at her- filled with wonder with how the world made him meet such a wonderful person.

Just then, a tall figure from behind her appeared, sending him instant warning with his golden eyes- he was so cold that the breeze surrounding them became even colder with his gaze. Yvan noticed how he held his left hand with the fresh cuts he acquired, with blood dripping so rapid that even himself--who was standing considerably away from him felt the pain he carried. Realizing that Yvan can see him, his frightening gaze turned to wondering eyes probably with the fact that he can see him, or with the fact that Hope is hugging another person.

"Yvan Uriel?" he asked. Joy turned to himthe moment she recognized his voice and was so shocked with the cuts he had. This person reminded Yvan of something- a bright light shining luminous, making all the lesser lights pale into comparison, like himself who just stood there watching as Hope ran to hold the other person.

"How do you know him?" Hope asked.

"No. Nothing. Just ignore what I said." he replied as she tried to carry him to a shade because of the rain. Yvan was planning to help, but his golden eyes looked so familiar and frightening to him that it sent him images that seemed to involve himself and someone with a blurry face.

Before Yvan realized it, Joy was already dragging him to get out of the rain, with concerned eyes and bloody hands.


As they sat on the chair, the guy with golden eyes looked so strong - but as Yvan looked at his cuts, he realized that he looked too vulnerable. He possessed multiple cuts on his wrists as well as his thighs.

"I have been constantly wondering how you can only see us." Hope told Yvan , while looking in the rain. "You can see Light, and me, Hope. But you can't see Cammy, who is standing in front of you." she said in a frightening manner. Probably reading Yvan's expression, she said "I'm not trying to scare you though. Gosh. I'm sorry." she smiled.

Her face is hopeful, she smiles, she laughs,

But her eyes say the opposite.

'And she's pretty.'

"Can you tell me more about Cammy?Why is he still wandering here?" Yvan asked.

"Well, he wants to help us with our mission- which is helping those who are in need. And Light here came from up above and told me about the mission the heavens tasked me. It was surreal at first but everything is real hahaha... I cannot believe that a mere human like me would be honored to help. I always wanted to tell people that there is Hope, there is Joy. And I want to be that hope. So I always smile so I can cheer up everyone." she said and looked at "Light" who was sleeping by her side. For some reason, this person really looked familiar to him. Especially those eyes.

"Hmmm..." she hummed, looking up at the crying sky.

"You said that you are a mere human." Yvan laughed.

"Wait. I did not."

"You did! Hahaha" he laughed at Joy which seemed to awaken Light slightly.

"Nahh, I still think you are an angel." Yvan said and looked at her.

"Joy." Cammy said, standing in front of him. "This person is unusual. Hmm.. I don't know why but there is something going on between Yvan and Light"

Joy reached for Light's necklace and looked at the time. The clock's hands were gone from inside it.

"I think this person fell in love with you." Cammy said as he tried to touch him from different angles, but failed.

"Shut up. You're lucky he can't hear you. Hmft!" Joy said as Yvan chuckled.