Chapter 6: The exorcism

Max ran to Chloe to notify that there was a murder, Chloe didn't give max a response, she just sat in her room in silence.

Max got worried about Chloe, so she then went closer and kept asking if she was alright, there wasn't any response given back, max got really worried so she walked up to Chloe and tried shaking her, she then realised that Chloe did get noted that there was a murder and that Chloe passed out in fear, max then took Chloe to Nathan asking if he knew how to wake her up, Nathan stood up, went to his desk and took a little bottle, max asked Nathan what in the bottle was, he then said in a soothing voice ' holy water ' and smiled.

Max had to trust him with this, she didn't want to lose her best friend.

Couple of minutes went by since Nathan poured holy water on Chloe.

Max was just sitting next to Chloe, hoping that she will wake up soon.


4 hours later and Chloe still hasn't woken up, Max got really worried and ran to Nathan asking him on what to do.

Nathan then told her that it might be dangerous and that it might be a higher level spirit which has possessed Chloe.

Max then asked Nathan if he knew in how to get rid of this spirit, Nathan then nodded and took Max's hand and ran off to two of his friends, he then asked them to join him and max and said that it is an important matter, the two boys then looked at each other and nodded, they then took some equipment and followed Nathan, the four of them walked to Chloe's room. Nathan then told them that this was the girl that they needed to exorcist. The two boys nodded again and took their equipment, made a circle and laid Chloe in the centre.

The two boys the said some old Latin words and Chloe then began to move her hands and legs.


Two hours have past since then and Chloe was back in her bed asleep, Nathan and Chloe thanked the two boys for saving Chloe, the boys just nodded and walked away. Nathan was exhausted and so was max, they then both fell asleep in Chloe's bed.


5 hours later and max hears a scream. When she wakes up she realises that Chloe and Nathan are both awake and for the same reason as her. The three of them heard a scream.

They stood up and walked outside to investigate.

Max was petrified.

This was a life changing moment for max and Chloe.