C56• Ducks in Order

Victor's POV:

"Pit stop," Laurence purred out as the shadows moved around us and cleared away to reveal the fox den where I first met Polar at. "We need to stop here so I can let you see something before we spend a few months away from the mother and children to let them grow up before they can part ways and you take them from her." I frowned then.

"T-they're born already?" I asked and looked around. "I didn't get a letter yet."

"Well the letter hasn't reached your castle yet," he purred out in amusement. "Good thing you have me to tell you." I chuckled then started off in the direction of the mother's room quickly.

"How many?" I asked quickly, getting excited. I hope it's three~! Three is an amazing number! He smirked as he followed me.

"It's a surprise." I ran down the hall quickly and threw open the door as I reached it then froze as I heard crying babies. O-oh... that's way more than three. I gulped as I walked in slowly, seeing her curled up in bed with twelve little fox babies against her stomach and chest. She looked up at us tiredly then kissed a few of their heads with a pleased look.

"You got here quickly," she murmured. "Where's Trick?" She lifted her head and looked around hopefully. "They're so beautiful.... I want to show him~"

"He's not here for this trip," Laurence told her as he walked in and eyed them over. She frowned and looked us both over before she laid her head down, disappointed.

"O-oh.... Well, could you tell him about them?" She asked me and blushed. "I don't know if he'd care...." I purred and nodded, walking up and sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"Of course, he does care~ I'll tell him," I told her then reached for one. "Can I hold one?" She giggled and nodded.

"Sure~" She said cheerfully and picked up the one I was reaching for and let me hold it. "Are you going to take them all with you when they're old enough?" I laughed then and nodded.

"Unless Trick tells me no... but the last time I talked to him, he wanted every single one of them." She smiled and rubbed one of her baby's ears.

"Okay... they'll give you lots of trouble, but they'll love you," she promised. I nodded and purred as I bounced the little baby girl I was holding before I gave Laurence a thankful look. Laurence eyed them over and smiled softly.

"They're so cute~" He purred out. "Too many but cute." I laughed at him then smirked.

"Want to hold one?" I asked him and chuckled. "Maybe you'll get attached and take one home with you."

"No thanks~ I like my solitude."

"Are you sure? You asked me to be your companion," I told him and smirked. "I don't think you like solitude."

"Yeah... I missed you," he whispered. I laughed and gave the baby back to its mother before I got up and scooped him up into my arms.

"We should make a newborn together," I murmured into his ears. "Think about how fun it would be to share a newborn~"

"Yeah about that...." He smirked then like he knew something.

"Is that what we're doing?!" I asked and laughed then as I squeezed him a little. "With Val? Why didn't you say so earlier? I would have been there instantly!"

"Well it's fine if you take a bit of time," he told me. "We won't meet her that quickly- the right one to turn that is." I frowned and gave a nod.

"So that's why we're going on a trip... not a simple teleport," I said softly then kissed the top of his head with a small growl. "She better be really special then because I want to share something with you- something special like that."

"Of course, she will be very special in the future for us. For everyone," he purred out. "She's a good choice." I laughed then and sat down with him on the bed.

"Our futures are going to be so bright, aren't they?" I asked softly. "I've got these little ones to take care of and then a newborn with the three of you wonderful people!"

"Oh, we're ditching her," he said calmly.

"D-ditching?" I frowned and looked at him. "You're not supposed to ditch newborns."

"I thought her life would be more interesting if we ditched her and let her grow up on her own." I frowned then nodded.

"F-fine... but I'm going to have someone keep tabs on her," I said and crossed my legs.

"Oh yeah? Me right?" He asked in amusement.

"Suuuure, you... and this other newborn of mine that has been hanging around my castle like a lazy bum," I said calmly then chuckled.

"You're supposed to let her grow up on her own silly. She'll come back to us." I frowned.

"Really? Not even a spy besides you?" I asked and tsked. "Fine... but I'll be pestering you a lot till I forget about her."

"You know you won't forget about her," he purred out. "She's going to be one of your favorite newborns." I chuckled then nodded.

"Of course," I whispered then looked towards the babies in excitement, leaning over to kiss each of them on their foreheads.

"Alright Victor~ You'll get to know them when you take them home. It's time to go to Val before she gets upset that we've delayed the trip longer." I frowned and whined as I moved away after giving them each a kiss before I grabbed his hand.

"Fine, let's go," I told him and puffed out my cheeks. He smirked and grabbed my hand before rubbing it.

"Don't be so upset," he purred to me. "When we get back, they'll be more fun to play with."

"Okay~" I purred and teleported us to Paris's place in Canada. "Val's here, right?"

"Yeah~" Laurence purred out. He took me into the music room where everyone was. Even Donnie was in Paris's arms, wide awake and looking around. Richard glanced up at us and smirked as he continued playing Mary had a Little Lamb for Donnie, leaning over and kissing Donnie's head before he cooed at him sweetly. I chuckled and glanced around for Val, walking up to her quickly then kissed her cheek. Alex tsked as he watched me then glared us down as he sunk into his seat.

"Awe, it almost makes me want children," Val whispered to Rose and giggled as she watched Donnie reach out for Richard with a giggle. Richard stopped playing and snatched Donnie away from Paris, starting to purr up a storm as he showered Donnie's face in kisses. Donnie giggled and started to kick away in Richard's arms.

"Yeah, just a little," Rose whispered back to Val. I glanced at Rose then chuckled.

"You want children?" I teased her.

"Someday," she whispered and blushed. "I'm hoping I'll find my soul mate first."

"You'll find him," Val promised her. "We all do."

"Soul mates are silly~ You don't need a soul mate," I told her then sat down on the couch with them. "You can be perfectly fine without your soul mate." Richard shot a glare my way then gave Paris a quick kiss as he held Donnie a little closer to him.

"It would be nice to find one though," she whispered and blushed. "Someone that loves me the first time they see me."

"I liked you the moment I saw you. Everyone was head over heels when Paris brought you to Laurence's castle," I grumbled. "We all wanted to squish your little cheeks and play with your hair."

"What are you trying to say?" Val asked in amusement.

"She was adorable, and I had to fend off Vlad to get attention out of her," I hissed and looked towards Val. "At least now she takes interest in playing with me and spends time playing prisoners."

"I can't find Vlad," Rose whined out. "I don't know where he is."

"Don't ask me," Laurence said quickly.

"Where is he?" I asked and frowned, looking towards Laurence.

"Not anywhere near us," Laurence said calmly.

"No seriously, where did he go?" I asked and tsked. "There's only so many places on this earth to hide. What happened? Did a hunter get him?"

"He's hanging out with family," Laurence told us and smirked a little.

"My cousins?" Paris asked and tilted his head before looking at Richard. "Do you have cousins?"

"N-no... not really," Richard said and frowned. "Maybe on my mother's side, but we never talked to them. My father was real... proud... of being king of the world."

"Maybe I should check my cousins then for him," Rose mumbled.

"No~ Let him stay where he's at for a while," Laurence purred out. "He's having a good time." I frowned and looked Laurence over. Hmph well.

"If he's having a good time, then it's fine," I purred out and looked to Rose. "If it's meant to be, he'll come back to see you," I told him then kissed her cheek. "If not, you have me." She blushed and looked away from me quickly.

"I- I guess."

"What? You aren't pleased to hang out with me? I'm pleased to hang out with you all the time," I told her then tsked. "Oh well...."

"I do like time with you," she said quickly and looked at me. "But I also miss Vlad."

"He's a lowlife if he doesn't come back to see you," I purred at her. "If he does, then send me a letter. I have some choice words for that boy."

"What kind of words?" Laurence asked in amusement.

"The kind of words that involve screaming and torturous whipping noises in my basement," I said calmly and crossed my legs. "It'll teach him to make my girl miss him."

"Your girl?" Rose asked and blushed. "I'm yours now?"

"Of course," I said and chuckled darkly. "You play with me in my dungeon, then you're mine."

"I don't remember agreeing to this-"

"Oooo does Polar know?" Laurence asked in amusement.

"No," I purred and smirked at him. "I just mean that I'm not sharing Rose with another man."

"What if I want a mate to have kids with?" Rose asked and blushed.

"Then you'll have to ask me," I teased her and smirked.

"Ask you.... if I can have a mate for kids?" She asked softly.

"Because if I don't like him and if he doesn't like me, then we'll fight, and I won't be able to play prisoners with you as often... and if you have kids, we can't play prisoner as often either~"

"Well I'll think about asking you if you like the guy," she huffed out. I tsked then and smirked.

"No, you have to ask me," I told her. "You have to ask me too when you go to have kids."

"I won't," she said and smirked. "It's none of your business." I frowned at her then exposed my fangs.

"Then I guess no more playing prisoner," I hissed. I'm not putting up with her telling me that she can't because she has kids....

"Then have fun with someone else. I'll ask one of my newborns to play with me." I tensed then.

"N-no you won't. You're not allowed to play it with anyone else but me," I told her quickly and grabbed her hand.

"Allowed? Those are strong words," she hissed out.

"Of course, they're strong words. They're from a man that cares very much about you," I told her and frowned. "I like playing prisoner with you."

"I like playing prisoners too but not when you're wanting to deny me of a mate and kids. I want that someday."

"Laurence," Paris gasped out. I heard Donnie giggle then. I frowned and looked Rose over before I gently kissed her hand.

"Just not anytime soon, right?" I asked her.

"Look here bucko, that's my sister and the only game you can play with her is chess," Paris hissed at me. Donnie kicked his feet and giggled as he looked at Paris before babbling the tone, he made towards me and then looked at me. I frowned and looked towards them. What... the... hell....

"I'll play anything I want to with Rose. Right Rose?" I asked and looked towards her quickly, giving her hand a squeeze. "Fine, you can have a mate, but you better still make time for me."

"I will," Rose purred out in amusement.

"F-fine...." Paris gave a huge smile then as he looked at Laurence. Laurence frowned and looked like he didn't know what was going on but Paris gave him the all-knowing look. Laurence gave a quick 'fuck' look. Donnie babbled again and licked his lips quickly before showing off his mouth as he let out a yawn and looked down at the piano. Richard laughed and kissed Donnie's head before he playfully nipped at Donnie's nose with a purr. Donnie squealed then and started back to kicking.

"He loves you," Paris purred out to him.

"Well I love my little guy too," Richard said then grabbed Donnie's hands playing with them as he wiggled them around then smirked, covering up Donnie's eyes with them. "Uh-oh... where'd I go?" He teased Donnie then moved his hands. "Oh, there I am~ See me Donnie?" He asked and then chuckled. Donnie babbled again and squealed in delight. Richard smirked then kissed Donnie's head before he nipped at Donnie's nose again. "My sweet little boy~ I love you so much~" Donnie babbled again like he was saying I love you to Richard before he looked around the room and giggled. Richard smirked and started to play Mary Had a Little Lamb again, watching Donnie's face curiously. Donnie started to babble to it and looked thrilled by the song. Richard chuckled and changed it to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star suddenly, smirking as he put a few flourishes in it to show off to Paris. Paris smirked a little at the sound.

"Awe.... Alight, we have to go," Val purred out as she stood up. "We'll be back in time before he gets in his rebellious years. I can't wait to know him during those years."

"Rebellious? What's there to rebel against?" Paris asked.

"I don't know~ Anything is possible." Val giggled then as she grabbed Alex's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Be back soon," Laurence promised as he grabbed my hand and dragged me after Val. "This is going to be so fun," Laurence told us and gave a happy chime. "We get to really bond~ Go a little crazy- stir crazy... change and develop as vampires."

"Sounds like a blast! Let's get a move on before all we see is buildings," Val purred out. I laughed and followed them out of the room.

"Besides, we don't need to sit cooped up in a music room all day," I hummed out happily. Let's go find that life changing girl and turn her into a vampire~ I can't wait! We'll find her eventually after we ditch her in the world.

Heinrich's POV:

Dante shifted in his seat as I walked into the dining room then purred as he rubbed Raven's knuckles, earning a sweet giggle from her as he held her hand. She purred then kissed his cheek quickly, leaning over to do so before he smirked and rewarded her with a small kiss. "Hey, don't do that at the dinner table," he whispered to her. She smirked then.

"But Dante~" She purred and leaned in for another kiss. He placed a finger against her lips then.

"No, not right now. Later," he warned and frowned. "I want to eat dinner."

"Dinner?" I asked everyone at the table as I stepped aside and let the other servants bring in the dinner I planned for this evening. "Duck." Dante chuckled as he watched then leaned back in his seat, purring contentedly as he eyed over the plates being brought in then glanced towards me expectantly. I smiled and took his plate to him, sitting it down in front of him and watched as the others got their dinner. Hachi- Damon, his cats- catfish, the foxes- stew- Oz- stew- Raven- stew, my master- duck, and Walter got a healthy salad since he told me he was a vegetarian. Dante purred as he looked his meal over then picked up his fork, starting to eat before he moaned in delight and sunk into his seat a little. Raven giggled as she watched him then started to eat her dinner, humming as she crossed her legs. I stood off to the corner and hummed lightly as I watched them eat. He glanced towards me as he ate then started up a light conversation with everyone else before he finished eating the got to his feet, tossing his napkin into his plate. Raven frowned as she watched and took another bite of her food with a pout.

"You're already done eating?" She asked him, making him chuckle.

"Of course, ~ I want to head to bed earlier tonight. I've had a very long day," he told her then stretched as he walked for the door. "Heinrich, come put me to bed. The other servants can attend to their needs unless you'd prefer me to put myself to bed and give myself a bath." Raven tsked as she eyed me over and gave a slight growl as that look of anger slowly crept into her eyes- jealous from earlier. I could smell he had made it up to her though- his mark on her instead of me.

"Sure! I'll put you to bed. Would you like anything to go with it? Tea?" I asked him and gave a huge smile. "Blood?" He gave a thoughtful look before he nodded.

"Yes, a small cup of warm tea mixed with blood would be just what I need," he said and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Raven frowned and grabbed Ellie's hand, giving it a squeeze as she glared at me.

"Miss Raven would you like to retire early with him?" I asked her and winked. She tsked at me then ate another bite of her stew.

"No," she hissed, staring me down. "Go take care of my lover and help him get to bed that way he can spend tomorrow with me."

"Yes ma'am~ I'll take gooooood care of him," I told her. She snarled and threw her fork at me quickly, hitting me in the shoulder before she giggled at the sight.

"Gotcha," she muttered under her breath. I frowned and looked at my shoulder.

"Very mature," I told her and started out the room. When I was out I yanked the fork out and threw it.

"YOU'RE VERY MATURE!" She shouted after me before I heard her grumbling about me in there. Dante looked back at me and raised an eyebrow before he sighed.

"I'll have a talk with her to make sure she doesn't bully you when I'm not watching," he told me then walked over, touching my shoulder before he let go and started to walk off. "She'll mellow out when she realizes you're not after me." I smirked as I followed him. Am I though? I purred to the smell of his scent.

"No, I'm not after you." He glanced back at me with a small smirk then purred.

"Of course not, because you're my loyal butler," he said then went up to his bedroom with me before he headed for the bathroom to get it out of the way and turned on the water himself this time- heating it up. I frowned and walked after him.

"Another bath?" I asked him. "You sure do feel dirty. Will there be something interesting in your diary about me?"

"W-what?" He frowned and looked back at me. "No, I just don't want to get in my bed with filth on me from dealing with Damon and walking around.... I respect my bed." He started to unbutton his shirt then and sighed. "I won't have a bath in the morning though. You can brush my teeth when I wake up and brush my hair, but I won't need a bath."

"Good, I'm starting to wrinkle up~" I smirked and rolled my sleeves up and eyed him over. "You're looking quite stunning, master."

"Hm? Thank you," he said and paused in unbuttoning his shirt. "I would hope so. I'm a prince. It's in our job description to look stunning."

"Well I do most of the work~"

"Just be thankful you don't work for a naturally ugly prince," he told me and frowned before he eyed the water over. "Do you really think another bath is excessive? I don't want to dry my skin out...."

"I don't think you need one. We'll just rinse you~" He frowned and turned off the water then.

"No, it's fine.... It's a lot of work," he said then walked off into the closet to go find some clothes as he finished unbuttoning his shirt and dropped it on the floor.

"Fine," I said quickly. "Change your clothes at least."

"Could you dress me?" He called out from in the closet as I heard him rummaging through it before he came back with a pair of silk pajamas then put them into my hands. "You do it better than I do." He gave me a purr and then pushed his pants down for me so I could dress him. I smiled and dressed him in his silk pajamas and ran my fingers against the soft fabric before pulling away. He purred and then ruffled my hair as he went into his bedroom and sighed. "What about the tea?" He asked from in there as I heard him sit on the couch. "Tea would put me to sleep...."

"Could you take me to the kitchen? I'm lazy," I whined out. He groaned and came back in before he grabbed my wrist with a tsk and teleported me down into the kitchen. He glanced around curiously before his expression lightened and he went towards a platter of brownies and stole one, starting to eat it as he chuckled and looked at it in delight. I smirked and started to make him a cup of tea the way he likes. When I finished, I put it in his hands. He looked at it eagerly then started to sip on it happily then handed it me when he finished it off and purred.

"Thank you, Heinrich," he purred sweetly.

"You're welcome," I purred out to him and licked my lips as I eyed his throat over before I walked up to him and bit down into his neck. He groaned and tensed before he wrapped his arms around me quickly and purred in my ear.

"You could've asked," he murmured lowly then kissed my cheek. "That's okay. You're my favorite newborn." I purred in delight as I drunk down his blood greedily. He tsked and rubbed my jaw then. "Don't take too much from me," he warned. I nodded and pulled back, licking my lips clean as I eyed his neck over.

"You're a nice master," I whispered to him. "Let's put you to bed." He nodded then grabbed me, teleporting me back into his room before he sat down on his bed.

"Of course, I'm a great master. If only the others could figure that out and start obeying me," he said and rolled his eyes a little. "Damn Damon," he hissed. I nodded and laid him back then covered him up. I tucked him in and gave him a sweet smile.

"Try not to think about that fool," I told him. He nodded then gripped my hand before I could pull it away and gave it a squeeze.

"I'm sorry about Raven," he whispered to me. "She doesn't know any better."

"I'm just your butler wanting to take care of you for eternity," I told him. "I hope I don't threaten her. I mean well."

"She just... she's just shocked because you had my mark for a little while," he told me and frowned. "She's never had it taken from her like that."

"Well~ She better look out~" I purred.

"Why?" He asked and chuckled.

"I'm sure it'll happen again- if not with me then with someone else. She's not even your soul mate... One day you'll find him or her." He frowned then.

"Soul mates are a load of crap," he told me then gave my hand a squeeze. "Trust me. You are better off finding someone else. I..." He trailed off then and tsked. "I had better love with someone who wasn't my soul mate than with my actual soul mate. He loved me in ways a soul mate couldn't, Heinrich, and besides... just because I have a colored past with men doesn't mean that I will have a colored future with men," he told me and then laughed again, shaking his head.

"Well I hope you find your soul mate again and he gives you everything you look for in a suitor." I rubbed his head and gave him a cute smile. "Goodnight." He purred at me then.

"I could care less about my soul mate showing up," he murmured, "but I'll let you say it because you still believe in them...." He let my hand go then stretched out in the bed before he gave a small moan and settled into it. "Night, Heinrich," he purred happily, his eyes lingering on me. I eyed him over and smiled a little.

"Do you think I'll find one?" I asked him softly and bit my bottom lip as I watched his eyes. I saw him tense a little before he furrowed his eyebrows.

"Is that what you want?" He asked cautiously.

"Not if it distracts me from you," I told him and smiled. "Make sure you write something in your diary." I started for the door then to ditch him. "We have a big day tomorrow~!"

"Doing what?" He groaned. "And stay out of my diary- that's private!"

"Darling~ I'm your butler. I practically am you. So, I can read our private things." I winked at him then. He tsked and eyed me over.

"I'm going to start writing in code," he teased.

"I'll learn it." I gave him a playful look. "Whatever you do I will make sure to be right there." I opened the door and walked out before shutting it gently behind me. I heard him get out of bed quickly before he rushed towards his closet where he kept his diary hidden, grumbling under his breath about it. I smirked and eyed over the door before I started down the hall... No.... I can't keep spying on him before he goes to bed... I need to do other things... Like go to my room and write my own diary.

Richard's POV:

I looked Donnie over as he slept then slipped away from his crib side and went over to Paris before I gave her a small kiss then wrapped my arms around her. "I was thinking... it's about time someone did something about those little mutts," I whispered into her ear. "We can't let them keep living after what happened, and... I don't want a surprise visit with Donnie being this young. We should honestly move back to the manor too where it has higher security. Donnie's so young...."

"Should we even consider a big move like that with him this young though?" Paris asked me and frowned. "Plus... we buried his twin here...." She trailed off then. "Are you sure you want to strike them now and then go home to the manor? Our son is still young."

"They'll strike us if we don't get them," I told her and glanced back at the crib. "Besides, Donnie won't know the difference if we take him back to the manor... and we can come here every once in a while, with him to visit his twin's grave. Look, it's not safe with them out there. They know we're in Canada, and we're sitting ducks."

"They also know about the manor," She told me and frowned. "The manor is pretty well known." She gave a small sigh. "We could go home to France or Transylvania... I'm sure Rose won't mind me being home in the castle." I frowned and then walked her over to the crib, looking down at Donnie.

"Do you really think it's safer here for him? I guess trying to find this place is hard compared to the other places. I just think that there's not a lot of places to hide though in here with him if they do break in."

"The only reason they found us was because of St. Cross.... and we killed him. Our location probably died with him." I hesitated before I nodded and kissed her temple.

"We should still hit up the organization. They're getting too powerful, and we should do something about it now before they get too big when Donnie's older," I grumbled.

"Let's wait until Donnie is a few years older before leaving him to do that," Paris begged me and grabbed my hand. "They can't develop that fast."

"They can if they can prove that vampires exist to the rest of the human race," I told her and tsked. "All it takes is for a few vampires to get careless...." I looked at her and then kissed her neck. "Don't you want to avenge Danny?"

"Of course, I want to avenge my baby boy..." She trailed off then. "F-fine.... but I won't leave him with just anyone to look after him. It has to be someone we can both really trust with him."

"Well... you could stay home with him, and I can take a few of our newborns... Louis... Rose... and run off to do it with them," I suggested and rubbed her waist as I kept her close.

"W-what? I want to go with you! I'm not letting you do it alone."

"Rose could babysit," I whispered, looking down at Donnie before I reached in and picked him up into my arms, kissing his head.

"R-Rose?" Paris asked and gave it a thoughtful look before giving a look to shoot it down. "Absolutely not."

"Why not? That's your sister," I said and frowned as I bounced Donnie lightly in my arms. "What about Louis then? That's your twin."

"Louis is coming with us and Rose isn't powerful enough in case of dying emergencies."

"Well... I'd suggest Victor and Laurence, but they're off on a trip... and Alex is with them," I told her then tsked. "Maybe this is a sign we should wait.... They're all gone on a trip or they're on the trip to go with us or they're too weak." There is... Dante... but....

"Mhmmm Dante...." Paris gave it a thoughtful look. "He owes us after all for being so quiet and rude."

"Maybe we should go visit him first," I suggested. "We don't know what he's been up to. What if he's been secretly plotting everyone's deaths? I don't want to hand Donnie over without knowing what kind of mental state Dante is in."

"Well let's go see him-" She blushed and froze up. "N-no, I'm a female... I don't want to hear what snarky comments he'll come up with to call me besides a French poodle." I smirked then.

"Maybe he'll call you nastier names that start with B," I teased her then kissed her. "Maybe he'll treat you like an alien. Who knows~ We could always invite him here. He might be calmer if it's in our home and not his."

"No- never mind the thought of Dante coming anywhere near me and my baby boy. He's got a stick up his hole-" I heard the door open before one of our newborns walked in with a frown.

"Some jerk wad from Germany gave this to me to give to you," he said, holding out a wrapped box tied up in a blue bow.

"Open it," she said calmly. He frowned then before he held out a card to her.

"It came with this. I didn't want to open it," he said. She eyed over the card before taking it and started to read it as she held it out for me to read with her.

Paris and Richardo,

Congratulations on your bouncing bundle of joy. I'm sure that you're all very well pleased with yourselves. I enjoyed hearing that the two of you got back together. It was about time for Richardo to get his ass out of Africa. If you're reading this, then that box is for Donnie for the most part. I hope he enjoys it, and no, it's not going to kill him. If he doesn't like it, simply write me a letter, and I'll find something else for him to play with. -Dante

I frowned and then looked towards the box before I took it from the newborn and started to open it, pulling the bow off then got the box open. I chuckled as I saw a little blue rattle inside along with a wooden teething ring that looked like it had been carefully sanded by a professional. There was also a stuffed teddy bear inside that had a silk bow around its neck and had a cute little button up vest on it. He took time to get Donnie something nice.... I wonder if this was just to cover up the years of calling Paris French Poodle. Maybe he's up to something. I smirked and brought the items over to Paris before I shook the rattle in front of Donnie's face. "Look at this, Donnie~ It makes noise," I told him and put it in his hands then slipped the bear into his crib along with the teething ring. I glanced at Paris then frowned. "Is it just me, or am I not surprised that he didn't deliver it himself?"

"We'll have to go visit him... maybe he's just still pouting over the lack of letters we sent him," Paris said thoughtfully. Donnie giggled and eyed over the rattle. Paris picked it up and rattled it for Donnie again. Donnie giggled and kicked his feet. "Welp, you definitely succeeded in waking him up, hunny."

"Hey, you shook the rattle last," I purred out. "You wanted to play with our little guy as much as I did." I smirked and grabbed one of Donnie's feet and started to tickle it lightly. Donnie gave me an upset look and started to cry quickly- his face getting red like a tomato. I frowned and stopped before I quickly started to shower his face in kisses to calm him. "Don't cry~ I'm just a big old bully~" I purred in his ear then stole him from Paris, starting to bounce him in my arms. "Daddy's got you~" I love him so much! He's the best thing that ever happened to me besides Paris. I wish I had him earlier like I promised Paris so many years ago! But I love this now... being able to hold him and play with him. Who knew having a baby would be so fun? I chuckled and gave Donnie's cheek a quick kiss then nipped my finger with my fang, drawing blood before I smeared my blood against his lips slightly to let him get a taste. He stopped crying and licked his lips before giving a small gasp before he looked at Paris as if he was expecting something from her. I smirked and slipped him into Paris's arms.

"There~ he's hungry." I chuckled and kissed her cheek. "You better feed him," I teased then gave a small growl. "He'll figure out what biting is and get his way."

"Oh, you think so? At his young age? He doesn't have fangs yet." Paris snatched him from me and walked away with her baby to the rocking chair and sat down in it. I tsked and followed her.

"Hey just because you're the mother doesn't mean you can walk away from me like that with my baby," I grumbled then knelt in front of the chair and grabbed Paris's foot, starting to give her a massage. "He's so cute~ I love him," I purred out and looked at Donnie happily. I want so many more.... Paris smiled as she started to breast feed Donnie- watching as he gave a pleased look. I bit my bottom lip as I watched then gently kissed Paris's knee. "What's it like? Being the mother?" I asked her softly as I rubbed the inside of her arch with my fingers.

"Tiring and sore but the overwhelming love I feel for our son makes it worth it," she told me. I nodded then gave a playful growl as I kissed her leg then looked up into her eyes.

"How about I watch him for an entire day and let you hang out with your sister to let her pamper you? You could put some of the milk in a bottle so I can feed him during the day. It's not a bad idea~ Besides, Donnie and I need some bonding time together~ He's daddy's little boy."

"What? No... you can have him when he's older," Paris purred out and kissed Donnie on the top of his head. "Maybe..." I frowned then and tsked, watching Paris as I dropped her foot then looked at Donnie.

"I'm taking him tomorrow," I grumbled then exposed my fangs at Paris. "He's mine!"

"Donnie is mine though, he's too young to be away from me," Paris said sharply and exposed his fangs. I narrowed my eyes and got to my feet, leaning down to her face.

"I love him. He's mine," I growled out then went to take Donnie. "Donnie, come play with me~" She frowned and kicked me in the chest and smirked as I flew across the room.

"Don't take my boy from me," she warned. I snarled as I hit the wall then gave her a sharp glare.

"He's my boy too," I hissed then clenched my jaw before I started for the door. "Fine, I'll go play the piano. You're obviously capable of taking care of him."

"He's mine~! I just had him, and you can't just take him from me!" She told me. "You shouldn't even consider it." I stopped and looked at her then tsked.

"We're supposed to share him," I growled out then walked over to her. "I just want to hold him!"

"You can but don't you dare run away with him," she told me firmly. I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Where the hell would I go? There's no where I could go with him besides this house and the manor! Even then, I wouldn't leave the house if you're in it."

"I'm his mommy and I want to be in every room he's in- got it?" She asked me. I tsked then and shook my head.

"Paris, you can't hog him," I grumbled. "You're going to have to learn to follow me around the house if you're wanting to follow him everywhere like a hovering mother." I should have turned him back to being male. These hormones are getting to his head and screwing him up....

"Hey! Donnie is my kid. I just gave birth to him. It's fine to be overly motherly right now. His place should be with me and no one else anyways." I frowned at her then looked down at Donnie.

"I'm his father," I reminded her sharply. "He does belong with me too."

"Not as much as me," she hissed out. I looked back at her then frowned.

"Fine," I hissed back then went over to the bed, getting in it. Damn Paris... already trying to tell me Donnie's hers. He's at least a quarter mine. I'll give her the other quarter that should've belonged to me because she gave birth... but he's still mine. I love him just as much as she does! That's my kid in her arms....

"When he's older you can do whatever you want with him but he's too young to be running away from me that easily."

"He can't even walk," I grumbled. "He'd be back in your arms as soon as he got hungry and you know it." I brought the blanket above my head then and tsked. "It gives me more time to play the piano instead."

"I didn't say you couldn't hold him.... just don't take him out of my sights."

"What would I do with him? Run away?" I asked and frowned. Does she not trust me? I pushed the blanket off my head then to look at her and sat up on the bed. "Do you really think I would take our kid and run away with him or something? Drop him on his head? You know me better than that. We're mates!"

"I'm laying down the laws buster," she told me firmly.

"You just don't trust me," I hissed then laid back down, throwing the blanket over my head. "You still don't."

"No! That's not it. You're the one messing with me over it. I don't want my CHILD that's just a few days old away from me and I'm not even going to let you joke about it Richard."

"Fine," I muttered and frowned. I guess I can understand it for now since how he's only a few days old... but if she tries this when he's at least one year old.... "I love you, Paris," I whispered under my breath to her.

"I love you too," she whispered and pouted a little. "You don't get being a mother- but it's stressful when someone tells you they're going to take your baby away." I frowned and pulled back the covers from me a little to look at her.

"He wasn't going to go far from you. I only would have gone down the hall with him and to the music room with him," I told her and sighed. "Especially if he woke up and you were sleeping."

"Well don't ever say something like that again. You scared me. He's not ready to leave this house."

"I wasn't planning on taking him out of it," I groaned and sat up, eyeing her over. "You're worrying about nothing. It's those mother hormones of yours."

"Well your father hormones are acting up too!" She puffed out her cheek and gave me a small glare.

"Don't look at me like that," I grumbled and looked away from her. "I'll let you take care of him till he stops nursing... and then you have to share."

"You've got big balls saying that to me," she growled out and gave a smirk. "I'll think about loosening my grip."

"You better," I hissed back at her, shooting her a look. "He's my son too! You can't kick me out of parenting- especially when I'm your mate!"

"It's not kicking you out. I'll be where he is at all times and so can you." I frowned and looked at her then before I took a deep breath then nodded.

"F-fine," I whispered to her then looked towards Donnie in her arms. "I'm sorry I threw a fit. I should have kept my calm. We're lucky he didn't start crying...."

"Well he's probably confused but doesn't care because he's eating."

"You think so?" I asked and chuckled a little before I slowly got to my feet and walked over. "I guess I would be less grouchy too if I was eating," I purred to her playfully then bent over and kissed Donnie's forehead gently. I looked towards Paris then leaned in and gave her a small kiss before I purred and got another one from her. She purred a little and kissed me back.

"I love you- Mr. Mate," she whispered to me. I laughed and rubbed her cheek before I kissed her neck with a playful growl.

"Not as much as I love you," I told her and breathed in her scent. I felt my stone pulse in pure love as I closed my eyes and gave her neck a small kiss. "Remember back in our childless days when we used to train together and wind up in bed because of a simple knife found its way across one of our bodies?"

"No," she said in amusement. "I try to live in the present." I laughed and pulled back to look at her.

"If it wasn't for our past, we wouldn't be together," I purred to her sweetly then kissed her again. "I love our past. It's the best story I've ever heard.... I can't wait till you're male again and I can throw you on the bed and have passionate sex with you~"

"We can have that now," she whispered and winked. I laughed and looked down at Donnie before I tensed.

"What about Donnie though? He'll hear and see," I whispered.

"He won't remember," Paris purred out. I smirked then and looked at Paris before I kissed her passionately, leaning into her lips then pulled away sharply.

"Finish feeding him~ I'll wait for you on the bed," I told her and started to pull off my shirt slowly to tease her as I walked towards the bed, giving her a good view from behind. She giggled before I heard her get up and go towards the crib. I smirked as I looked her over then pushed my pants and underwear down then crawled onto the bed. I really hope Donnie doesn't remember any of this when he's older~ He'll be so embarrassed if he does~ I propped my head up on my hand as I stayed on my side facing Paris to show my body off to her and purred. "Don't you wish you were male though- besides the fact that you wouldn't be able to breast feed Donnie?"

"Of course, I miss being male," she told me as she laid Donnie down in the crib and fixed her dress. "I miss it very much." I smirked then and looked her over. I kind of miss it too.... Paris and I could have fought for domination in bed with way more on the line for the person on the bottom~ I'm going to make Paris stay in bed with me for a whole month when he's back to be a male.

"When I finally make you male, I'm going to make you stay in bed with me for a whole month doing nothing but feeding and mating," I teased her and purred loudly.

"We can't ditch Donnie for a month," she purred out as she walked up to the bed and crawled into it.

"We can ditch him for a week," I told her and smirked. "Let Rose watch him~" I snatched her and yanked her to me, giving her lips a quick kiss. I've missed being able to hold her this close for so long~ "Nine months is way much longer than it sounds like," I mumbled and looked her in the eyes lovingly. "I missed being able to hold you this close without worrying about squishing Donnie."

"Donnie still needs me too as a girl~ So you have to wait longer than nine months." She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around me as she gave my cheek a kiss.

"Of course~ I'll let you finish nursing him. I won't rip you away from him like that. He deserves his mother's attention as a mother just as much as he needs my fatherly attention," I purred out then gave her another kiss, making this one slightly longer. She pulled away from the kiss and gave my cheek a small kiss before curling up to me. "Let's just get some rest," she suggested. "He's worn me out already." I frowned and rubbed her back, kissing her cheek.

"Already? Little bugger," I grumbled then pulled her close, getting us under the covers. "We can cuddle since you're too tired," I whispered and wrapped my arms around her as I adjusted myself to get comfortable for a nap. At least I still get to hold her.... I love her so much. She's the only reason for my existence besides Donnie... but Donnie is half her.... I looked at her lovingly and brushed her hair out of her face as I made sure the blanket was close against her body to keep her from getting cold. She gave a small purr before I heard her falling asleep. I chuckled and closed my eyes, nuzzling my face into her neck. The love of my life~

Laurence's POV:

"We're close," I whispered to Victor in amusement. "This is the town she lives in." He smirked and looked out the carriage window in excitement before he started to laugh.

"Oh I can't wait~ I'm going to give her the biggest scare she's ever had~ I wonder if I can get her to play with me when she's older and comes back to us," he said and then tapped his fingers on his knee. "I hope she tastes great~ I'm starving for a human's blood!"

"We all are," Val purred out and looked out the window. "I miss being pampered in a palace."

"You have Alex. Get a real coachman instead of him and put him in here to massage your feet," Victor told her then exposed his fangs. "He's been acting ungrateful lately."

"He's always ungrateful," she purred out.

"He was quite rude to me earlier and called me a fang bag," he grumbled and rubbed his fangs with his fingers before he stopped. "I smacked him so hard I knocked a tooth out."

"I think he's just jealous," Val purred out.

"Jealous of what? Humans?" Victor frowned then. "I would hate to be a human. I'd have jumped off a cliff if I was born human and knew vampires existed."

"He's jealous because he's not my focus right now. He likes the spotlight."

"Oh... that would explain it~" Victor smirked then gave her a devilish look. "You should tease him~ I'd like to see him get mad."

"No, I'm tired of his whining already," Val whined out.

"Seriously? Fine, I'll tease him instead~" Victor pulled out a bottle of vodka then started to sip on it before he moaned and threw the bottle back, tilting his head as he started to chug it and sunk into his seat slowly, his body going limp.

"Oh, that's just what you need," Val growled out playfully. He made a small noise then sat up a little, moving the bottle back from his lips.

"Oh, sorry~ Did you want some?" He gave a playful growl back as he held it out to her. "I'm just a drunkard with some good vodka~" A smirk grew on his face then as a light crept into her eyes, and he was suddenly over her, sinking his fangs into her neck.

"No," Val hissed out and shoved him off. "Save that for later." He growled and let the bottle fall into the floor as he snatched her wrist then bit into it hungrily. He let out a small laugh- the sound making me tense up. Somethings off.... He smirked darkly at her and sunk his fangs into her wrist deep, closing his eyes as he went to tear a chunk out. She frowned and opened the carriage door before throwing him out it and shut the door. I heard him yelp outside before he shouted for Alex to stop the carriage.

"VAL!" The carriage came to a stop then, Alex giving a snarl.

"Victor, what the hell are you doing jumping out of the carriage?! I don't stop for everyone! Get your Russian ass back in the carriage!" Victor grumbled as he opened the door then got into the carriage, shooting Val a suspicious look as he sat down and picked his bottle up. He took a sip then crossed his legs, tsking. I brightened up as my eyes shot to the church down the road where she was walking out of. The poor girl looked drowsy. She had worked over-hours at the church.

"Wait here Alex," I told him quickly. It's a good thing Val threw Victor out. There's supper. "Victor, she's over there. Let's wait for her to pass and give her a ride." I eyed her over and smirked. She's pregnant but it's not visibly noticeable. Victor smirked and crawled over Val to get over to me before he glanced out the window towards her and started to laugh.

"She's pretty and she's going to be all of ours~" He purred at the thought then gave me his bottle for me to sip on. I eyed over her bloody outfit from how much work she had done nursing the wounded. After all there was a battle going on- or war. Something the humans are going through that I don't understand much about- well I don't care for understanding it. Humans are boring anyways. Her hair is tied up but let down it's long in length. Victor watched her closely then gripped my hand in excitement. I smirked as she walked towards us- making her way to walk straight home to see her other children.

"Lure her for a ride," I whispered to Victor. "I can be your child and Rose can be the parent." He nodded then poked his head out the window.

"Excuse me miss! Do you need a ride?" He called out quickly. "There's plenty of room, and my small humble family and I were heading home~ We could take you to yours if you want- you look so exhausted, and you do so much for our country healing our wounded soldiers. I'm sure a nice lady like yourself has family that you want to get home to quickly! It's a lot quicker than walking." She eyed over the carriage door before giving a thankful look and got in quickly with us.

"Thank you~!" She gave a relieved look. "I was afraid I would have to walk home again..." She trailed off a little. "Are you new to town? I haven't seen you before. My name is Margret O'Haren."

"Oh, my family just moved here from a few towns over," Victor purred out and shut the door for her as she got in and got settled. "My name is Victor Ivanov, this is Laurence- my little boy- and this is Val~ She's the love of my life and my darling wife," he purred then gave Val a playful kiss. Val blushed and gave him a small smack on the chest.

"Darling don't kiss me," she warned and gave him a look. He frowned then and grabbed her hand gently, rubbing it with his thumb as he held it against his chest where she smacked him.

"Why not dear? Is it upsetting little Timmy?" He asked then looked towards her stomach before he gave a small laugh. "I can't wait till you're big enough to start kicking Timmy~" Val gasped then like she was offended and gave him a nasty look. Oh... Victor is dead... He looked at her and frowned. "Are you okay, my love? You look like you ate something bad."

"No, I'm not okay!" She yelled at him. He frowned then moved his arm around her, letting her hand go.

"I'm so sorry. I should have sent that steak back when you found that pink spot in it," he whispered to her then gently pulled me towards them, moving me into his lap then kissed the top of my head. "Laurence~ say hi to the nice lady," he told me then chuckled. "You want to be a gentleman when you grow up, don't you?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind," I told him and then eyed over our next meal and smirked at her. Let's eat her and get this over with so I can move back home into my big castle and eat servants daily. Victor purred and moved away from Val a little, wrapping me up into his arms then kissed the top of my head.

"You're such a good little boy," he purred to me then sighed as the carriage started to move. He began to hum and looked towards Margret. "Do you have children?"

"Four and counting," she told us calmly. "They're all a year apart"

"How wonderful~ Your husband must be pleased. Is he a family man?" He purred out and smirked, looking her over.

"Sure is- but he's fighting in the war right now," she told us calmly.

"How tragic," Victor said and shook his head. "I'd be fighting in the war myself... but they just wouldn't take me because of my leg.... I can't stand on it properly~"

"That's terrible," she said softly.

"I'm about to be old enough and then I'll go in his place," I said quickly and smirked.

"Oh, you're not old enough," Victor murmured and kissed the top of my head. "Stay young forever~ The war is no place for a sweet boy like you. They'll send you back to me mutilated and missing hands and fingers and toes."

"No, they'll send me back as a man," I told him and smirked. "A man with gold metals."

"You'd come back and make me a proud father... but I don't want you killed in the war~ Your mother would never be sane again...." Val purred and pinched my cheek.

"The war will be over before you grow up to fight in it anyways," she said in a teasing tone.

"Exactly~ Don't worry about a war," Victor told me then pinched my other cheek with a smirk. "You're such a good boy~ I love you to pieces."

"Yeah...." I trailed off before smiling and gave Victor a wink. He winked back at me then looked towards Margret before he kissed my cheek. He widened his eyes suddenly and looked at her.

"Miss Margret! You're bleeding," he said in fake surprise and gently set me aside, going towards her then tilted her head to the side. "I think you got nicked by something!" He smirked then exposed his fangs, sinking them into her neck quickly. She yelped and tried to back away from him, but I got on her other side and stopped her as I bit down into the other side of her neck and covered her mouth. Val grabbed her wrists and held them as she bit into one. Victor started to purr as he tore a chunk out and started to feed greedily, moaning as he pinned her down to the seat by her shoulders. Her screams were muffled by my hand as she struggled against us. Victor pulled back suddenly and laughed before he ran his fingers over her belly. "I can smell it~ You're pregnant, aren't you?" He purred out then smirked. "We can't have that~ The baby is going to wind up dead anyways~" She shook her head quickly and gave him a begging look. "Don't look at me like that~ It's either it stays in and dies from your body killing it or I kill it." She glared him down quickly. Val giggled and pinned her down as she pulled away. Victor smirked then and leaned down to her belly, giving it a small kiss before he tore into it with his fangs then dug his fingers into her flesh with a sweet hum. "You'll be okay~ Don't worry," he promised her as he went to take her unborn child. "You'll live." I held her mouth firmly to make sure her screams couldn't be heard outside of the carriage. He finished up and pulled back, licking his bloody hand after tossing it away. He moaned then leaned back into her neck quickly, biting back in savagely. She flinched against our touch and gave a furious look.

After a few minutes, he yanked back then bit down into his wrist as her pulse was getting weaker then tensed, looking at me and Val. "Alright you two, we have to feed her at the same time if we want to share her," he told us and smirked.

"I know that," I told him firmly before biting down into my wrist quickly.

"O-okay," Val said and giggled before biting down into her wrist. "But I want to give her a new name. Lauren, after Laurence."

"It's much better than Margret," Victor said and tsked as he shoved his wrist against her lips, giving her a taste then moved back to let us feed her. "I'm fine with naming her Lauren. Laurence was the one who brought us together today~" I grabbed her jaw and opened her mouth before leaving my wrist over her mouth to let my blood pour in. Val used this opportunity to let her blood fall in with mine. Victor watched as the three of our bloods mixed in her mouth, licking his wrist to heal it as he hummed slightly. "I can't wait to see her when she's older." I yanked back and licked my wrist clean.

"Awesome, just toss her out now," I told him. Val pulled her hand away as it healed and looked at us.

"Toss her?" Val asked and frowned.

"Yes, we're tossing her. Say bye bye to Lauren, Val," Victor hummed out then made sure Lauren swallowed our blood then tossed her out, slamming the door shut. "ALEX! DRIVE!" The carriage started to move quickly, making Victor laugh. "That's actually kind of fun~"

"Ditching your newborn?!" Val asked and then clenched her jaw before looking away quickly.

"Oh, she'll be back soon enough," Victor said calmly. "Laurence said it would be best to ditch her here because she'll grow up into something beautiful on her own then come back to us."

"It's true, just forget about her... It's not like we could easily raise her together.


"Besides, when she comes back, we can all fight to be her favorite," Victor teased us and chuckled as he picked up his bottle. "So, how's Timmy, Val?"

"FUCK OFF," Val hissed at him and sharpened her fangs. "There is no Timmy."

"No Timmy?" Victor gasped. Val clenched her jaw before smacking him across the face. He started to laugh then and dropped the bottle.

"Val~ I was only playing~! Of course, you're not pregnant!"

"Well don't joke about it! I don't want to get fat!" She glared him down before crossing her legs. "You drink too much! So, HA! I insulted you back."

"Honey, that's a complement," he purred out. "It means that I'm never sober enough to look around and go 'damn, my place is cold- maybe I should move to Italy during the winters and pester the snot out of Val."

"Go further and get mummified," she suggested.

"I don't want sand in my bed," Victor purred out. "I'm not a fan of sand- that's why I picked snow."

"Snow is still cold," she told him.

"But I like it," he hummed out then offered her the bottle. "How about a sip for the wonderful princess of Italy that could easily kick my ass if she so desired?"

"No thanks," she sighed out and looked away quickly. "I'm sobering up."

"Is it because I made those Timmy jokes?" He asked and frowned, taking a sip of his vodka. "Come on, we're best friends- all three of us."

"Those jokes weren't funny," she warned him. I smirked and placed my hands up between them.

"Stop it, you're giving me a headache."

"Alright~" Victor purred out then started to finish off his bottle before he hiccupped then started to giggle as he neared the end of the bottle. I eyed him over before smirking and shook my head. He's a troublemaker when he's drunk... but at least we turned Lauren, so we got what I wanted done. Now we can just explore and relax for a few years while Donnie grows up. We won't be needed until then.