C63: Red Velvet Voice

Laurence's POV:

"There we go Laurence," Baleen told me as he sat down a blueberry cheesecake in front of me to replace the dinner I finished. I eyed it over before feeling my mouth water and started to eat it as I kicked my feet under the table. "Happy master," he chuckled out and rubbed my head. "Eat that up and then we have to brush your teeth for bed."

"Hmph, you still look like a child," I heard a familiar velvety voice purr behind me- one I hadn't heard since almost the dusk of the first vampires. "You can't be happy like that, can you?" I widened my eyes a little and perked up as I glanced around for that familiar voice.

"Master," Baleen whispered softly as he eyed me over with a questionable look. I saw someone stepping out of the shadows, the eyes catching my attention first- the area surrounding his irises were pure black, his irises a fiery reddish purple that was sort of orange towards the center. It was mesmerizing. He was beautiful.... He was a pale ivory, his facial features were perfect, his jawline was sharp and defined but not pointy or round. It was a perfect balance between both.... A calm smirk rested on his face as he walked towards me slowly and brushed his bright burgundy hair over his slightly pointy ear. Two medium black horns stuck out of the side of his head, pointing back from his head. It was Valan an old friend of mine.

"Valan," I husked out as I watched him. I didn't think he'd want to show his face around me... It's been forever. "Baleen, go wash that dish," I told him. Baleen frowned before stepping out of the room. Valan watched him go then looked at me before he hopped up onto the table in front of me and dangled his legs on either side of the arms of my chairs.

"Bet you've missed me being around~ haven't you? You such a lonely little angel, aren't you? Oh, fallen angel," he corrected himself and looked me over playfully as he grinned, showing off his pointy canines.

"Vampire," I corrected him and showed off my fangs. "Aren't they lovely? They kill." He purred and leaned forward, reaching one of his fingers into my mouth as he laughed and touched one of my fangs.

"Mine kill too~ Want to see, Laurie?"

"No," I told him and yanked my head back from his hand. "What are you doing here?" I asked him curiously. "I have a nice life now. No one knows who I really am, and I prefer it that way."

"Oh, I'm not here to expose you," he told me calmly and leaned back and smirked. "I'm just visiting~ Father says hello."

"I don't care," I told him and looked away. "He let me rot down there when I was dead. Tell him I don't care for him if he's going to let my kind sit in a graveyard full of stones for eternity after death."

"They're not your kind," Valan told me then laid out on the table in front of me, kicking his feet over his head as he watched me and grinned. "You're not like them. You know you're not. You may have their kind of body, but your soul locked to that stone is not like theirs~ Now why don't you come to Hell with me as a demon? You'd enjoy Hell so much more then~ You're already kicked out of Heaven. They won't take you back, but we will if you become one of us." I scoffed then as I crossed my legs.

"Daddy didn't tell you?" I asked softly. I leaned in then as I eyed him over. "I'm planning his destruction as we speak. Fuck him." I picked up my plate and took a bite out of my pie. "I'll never be his soldier."

"Then be mine," he purred out and reached his hand out, rubbing my jaw. "I'll take you~"

"I've got someone better in mind," I told him and glanced away. He frowned as he watched me then was suddenly in my lap with a small hiss.

"You're playing hard to get," he muttered then ran his fingers to my chest. "I'll have your soul, Laurie! I want it.... I want you," he tore my shirt open with his nails and smirked as he ran his fingers over my bare chest.

"You can't have my soul," I told him and chuckled. "It's mine to keep. I don't plan on giving it away."

"Not even to me~? We're the best of friends," he told me and leaned in towards my ear. "I'm the whole reason you got kicked out of Heaven, remember?" He asked me and chuckled darkly. "I bet that fruit from Hell tasted great to you, didn't it?"

"So good," I moaned out as I remembered the taste of it to this day. "Sinful," I sighed out. "Too bad it destroyed my rights into Heaven." He grinned then held his hand out as he pulled it away from my chest. I saw another fruit appear into his hands as he leaned away from my ear and looked at it, turning it over in his hands.

"I'll trade you," he told me and held it out in front of my lips. "A fruit for your soul."

"My soul is worth more!" I yelled out at him and smacked it away from my mouth. "I'm not biting back into it. God won't save me from the depths of Hell again! Any food from hell locks a person there and we both know the only way I got out of it was because God took mercy on me and cast me here, blessing me and giving me a new life. A vampire's life." He growled a little then and frowned at me.

"This isn't mercy," he hissed to me then grabbed a lock of my hair. "If God really loved his angels, he would have never sent you here. He would have never sent my father to Hell."

"I'm doing good here. I run my own kingdom. That's more than I could have slaving for your father all day for all eternity."

"Didn't you hear? I wouldn't give you to father. I'd keep you all for myself," he told me sharply then leaned in towards my neck, smelling me. He gave a slight moan and ran his fingers back to my chest quickly as he let go of my hair. I grabbed his hand sharply and crushed it in between my fingers to teach him a lesson. He hissed in pain then yanked away from me before he jumped onto the table and started to walk down it. "Rot for all I care," he hissed and waved it off. "I'll have you one day, Laurie. You'll wind up in my domain eventually."

"No," I told him and smirked playfully. "I rule. I know more than you and I can easily tip a scale if I want. I have."

"I don't care~" He told me and whirled around on his heels to look down at me with a smirk. "No one escapes death forever."

"I know. I already died once but here I am," I told him. "Loyal friends are the best. Why don't you try being one," I purred out.

"Because you're mine, not the other way around," he told me and put a hand on his hip as he smirked.

"If that's so then why is it taking you so long to retrieve my soul?" I asked. He frowned at me.

"Maybe I like playing with you. Have you ever thought about it that way, Laurie? Maybe I want to bring you down to your knees and break your spirit first."

"You accomplished it the day you tricked me!" I yelled at him and stood up. "I HAD A DAMN GOOD FEATHER BED!"

"There are feather beds in Hell," he sung out then walked up to me before he sat down on the edge of the table in front of me again and grabbed my hands with a sweet purr. "Come with me~"

"Fine," I whispered and eyed him over. "Take me with you," I suggested. He purred as he watched me then yanked me to him and leaned in, kissing my neck.

"Really~ A sweet little fallen angel like you wants to venture into Hell with me? It must be judgement day~"

"I'll come back," I whispered. "I love it here," I told him. "You won't convince me to stay long there."

"Oh, I could keep you down there in ways you can't even imagine," he murmured in my ear then nipped at it as he wrapped his arms around my neck, trapping me against him. I blushed a little and tensed against him.

"I think you underestimate me," I whispered. "I might be small, but I aged deep down inside me and I'm wiser." I felt his lips pull up into a smirk before he trailed his face down against my neck then went to my collarbone. I felt his lips brush against it before he gave my skin a small lick then started to suck on it. I groaned and shoved him down onto the table as I got on top of him and leaned in towards his neck. I bit down hard into it and let out a growl. He moaned a little then looked at me out of the corner of his eye before he smirked, and I suddenly felt a soft bed under my back as he hovered over me. I pushed my hand up against his chest quickly.

"No," I told him. "I'm not giving you anything of mine!" He smirked at me then grabbed my hand before he pinned it down against the pillows under my head.

"I didn't ask, did I?" He purred at me then licked his lips.

"You know better than to," I whispered and yanked on my hand. "Where are we?"

"Hell," he told me and grinned. "I'm not taking your soul. I can't really take that unless your dead or you said I could, or someone sells you to me."

"I have a friend here that will take me home if I ask," I told him.

"You don't want to go home," he told me then rubbed my wrist before he leaned in and licked my neck.

"I do!" I told him and squirmed under him. He moaned as he breathed in my scent and I felt chains snaking around my wrists before they tightened suddenly, and I felt my hands get tugged to the headboard of the bed. I gasped and looked up at the chains. "What do you think you're doing to me?" I asked him sharply. He looked down at me and smirked before he crashed his lips against mine in a hungry growl. I yelped and tilted my head to look away. This bastard ignores me for centuries and then wants this! No! No, I don't work that way. I'm not letting him have me. He's a little bastard. He got me kicked out of heaven. He kissed my neck and then nipped at my ear.

"Oh, don't look away like that~ You act as if you're mad at me for leaving you alone for so long~ I was busy doing things for my father," he told me. I scoffed then.

"I am mad at you," I hissed and then kneed him between his legs. He snarled sharply at me then sat up on top of me, glaring me down before I felt the chains tighten.

"How dare you?" He growled out. "I'm your friend, you little brat." I laughed a little then as I looked up at him.

"It hurts doesn't it?" I asked him. He clenched his jaw then went to smack me but held his hand back.

"I didn't have to come back and talk to you," he hissed.

"Why would you ever leave me," I asked softly and tsked. "I'm a great friend. I just gave you a little bit of pain."

"You're a brat," he muttered as he watched me. "I already told you. My father was making me do things for him. Time flies in Hell, and I was curious about where you'd be in a few millenniums." He clenched his jaw as he glared at me then grabbed the chain around my wrists. "You should be happy I showed up. I could have let you rot on your own. That was no way to treat your oldest friend!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I thought you wanted an ass whooping."

"You need one," he told me then relaxed a little as he purred again and let go of the chain. He rubbed my cheek then and leaned in. "I missed you, Laurie~ You were always the best angel I'd ever seen." I moved my cheek away from his touch a little.

"I can't stay."

"I'm not going to make you stay this time," he told me and smirked, leaning in and kissing my neck. "I'll let you return this once. I'll even take you back myself~" I nodded a little and closed my eyes.

"Thank you," I whispered. He purred and then kissed my neck again before he started to suck on it and moaned as he trailed his fingers across my chest then down my sides. I squirmed at his touch quickly and giggled. "S-stop," I begged. He smirked and chuckled before he moved down to my collarbone and gave me another love bite as one of his hands snuck down my front and started to unbutton my pants. I widened my eyes and kneed him again as fast as I could. He groaned and I felt his teeth graze against my collarbone as he growled and broke the button on my pants. "Don't break my clothes!" I yelled at him and pushed up against his body. "I'll break you in half." He grumbled and muffled me with his free hand. I gasped and licked it quickly. I felt his finger brush up against my tongue playfully, rubbing it. I groaned and pulled away from his hand quickly in disgust. I don't want to know where that thing has been. His hand was quickly replaced by his lips as he moved between my legs, forcing me into it. I groaned and moved away from the kiss. Curses! I can't knee him anymore. He kissed my cheek then went towards my ear before he started to suck on it and rubbed his hips up into me slightly. I yelped and squirmed a little under him. "H-hey," I whispered. "Stop it," I told him firmly. "I'm mad at you still."

"Well quit being mad at me~ I'm here, aren't I?" He asked and chuckled as his warm breath hit my ear.

"Y-yes but.... You're still in trouble."

"Let me make it up to you," he purred out and licked below my ear with a slight moan.

"Walk across hot coals first," I told him.

"No because you're only telling me that because you're mad~ You're just frustrated," he told me and laughed before he rubbed his hips up against me again. I groaned and closed my eyes.

"Frustrated? There's nothing to be frustrated about," I told him. "You don't got anything down there to bother me with."

"I didn't mean that~ I meant that you were frustrated I hadn't talked to you~ I could have sent you letters but your new friends would have found them," he told me then ran his fingers down into my pants before I felt him rubbing my manly parts through my underwear.

"Quit that, this body is pure of those sins," I told him.

"No~" He told me and laughed.

"Demon," I growled out.

"Angel- no fallen angel," he purred to me then smirked. "Whatever shall we do~"

"Vampire!" I corrected him. "I've been punished."

"Well I should punish you too for the way you've been treating me! You've been so cold to me," he said and gave me a playful look. "It's almost enough to make me shudder."

"Everything is cold to a person from Hell," I told him and chuckled. "Wait until you meet Russia."

"Oh, I'm not going to that death trap," he told me and smirked as he gave me a squeeze.

"No, there is one thing that is hot to us," he told me and leaned in for my lips. "Don't treat me so coldly, Laurie." I eyed him over before glancing away.

"How long until you leave me again?" I asked him.

"Quickly if you keep acting like that," he growled out. "I won't stay if I get that treatment out of you." I eyed him over before giving him a soft look and leaned in for a kiss. He frowned at me and moved his lips back slightly as he pulled his hand out of my pants. "What?" He asked me. I frowned at him then and sent him a glare.

"UNCHAIN ME!" I yelled. I yanked until I broke free of the chains and wrapped him up in my arms before flipping us and sat up on him before pinning him down to the bed. "I'm not a little kid you can play with then leave!"

"I know you're not a little kid," he purred out and watched me in amusement. "I'll come around more often if you start being more friendly to me~"

"I don't want you around me anymore." I stood up then on his bed. "We're not friends anymore."

"Now who's acting like a child," he muttered and yanked my foot out from under me. "Saying that like we're toddlers and I stole your dollie."

"Not. Friends," I grumbled. He frowned at me then before he hissed.

"We are friends," he growled out. "You're mine, Laurie!" He sat up and yanked me into his lap before he wrapped his arms around me and sent me a glare as he leaned his face into my neck. "Stop being so pissed off about what happened. I'm here now and that's what fucking matters." I sniffled and leaned in towards his shirt and clung to him quickly as I started to cry against him.

"You left me," I whimpered out. "I was so alone!" I felt my face heating up as tears tripped down my cheeks. He tensed a little before he started to rub my back comfortingly.

"I know," he murmured to me then gently kissed the side of my head. "I won't disappear this time if you don't want me to...." I trembled a little against him as I pushed him back down onto the bed and curled up against him. He held me tightly in his arms then and sighed softly. "I'm sorry, Laurie," he murmured then kissed my cheek. "I shouldn't have left my little angel alone like that- especially in a time like that...."

"I was thrown out of my home," I whispered and rubbed my eyes.

"I know," he mumbled to me then tilted my head up. "I won't leave this time," he promised me. "I'm here...." I let out a shaky breath and nodded against him. He rubbed my jaw then and leaned in, kissing me. "Now stop being so cold to me, Laurie.... I'm not going anywhere." I nodded a little and clung to his shirt. He's not going anywhere.... He gave me another kiss then and rubbed my jaw with his fingers as he kept an arm around me. I leaned my head down into his neck quickly and breathed in his scent.

"I can't trust you," I whispered.

"Why not?" He asked me then rubbed my back as he ran his fingers through my hair. "Must I swear it to you?"

"Is your swear worthy to uphold?" I asked. He nodded to me then and purred.

"Of course, it is...." I eyed him over before rubbing my eyes a bit. He leaned in and gave me another kiss, pressing his lips up against mine firmly. I glanced away from his lips quickly and licked my own. He eyed over my tongue before he looked into my eyes with a playful smirk and leaned in, kissing me again. I sat up on him quickly and eyed over my buttonless pants.

"You owe me new pants," I told him. He smirked then.

"I'll just give you my new little brother's pants," he told me and shrugged. "He's about your size. Dad just can't stop screwing around with new women."

"He's Satan. He doesn't have to pick one life partner." He purred at me then and sat up and leaned in, kissing my lips again.

"No, he doesn't," he murmured then licked my lips. I pushed his chest down to stop him. He frowned as he watched me then grabbed my hand, massaging my wrist. He kissed the inside of it then looked up at me, meeting my eyes as he started to suck on my sensitive skin there. I eyed him over before blushing.

"M-my wrist," I gasped out. He purred then tugged me down into a passionate kiss, leaning up into it. I moaned and looked away from the kiss quickly. He smirked and then let go of my wrist before he turned my head back to look at him and kissed me again, pushing his tongue up against my lips as he parted his. I blushed and leaned away quickly. "Is this all you came to me to collect?"

"No~ I came to talk to you too," he purred out. "I wanted to visit you and start talking to you again~"

"You did?" I asked softly and gave an excited look. He nodded and rubbed my cheek.

"I wouldn't just show up for kisses," he told me and then purred as he gave me a small smirk.

"What else," I asked softly.

"I wanted to see your friendly face," he murmured then kissed my cheek. "I wanted to breathe in your familiar scent and hold you... to hear your excitement at seeing me."

"Will you grow tired of me?"

"No," he purred out then leaned in for my lips. "I'm not going to grow tired of you~" He kissed me again and gave a slight moan as he tightened his grip on me. I gasped and tensed up against him.

"Promise?" I asked softly. He nodded to me and ran his fingers through my hair before he tugged on it.

"Of course, I promise not to grow tired of you," he murmured then eyed my lips over again hungrily. He kissed me quickly and tried to push his tongue into my mouth. I gave him a sweet look before I captured his tongue and started to suck on it. He moaned and flipped us quickly before he pushed his tongue further into my mouth and tilted his head as he deepened the kiss with a hungry growl. He slipped back between my legs as his hands ran down my sides, tracing against my skin. I giggled a little and squirmed against his touch as my skin tingled. No, that tickles!

"S-stop!" He chuckled and watched me before he kissed my neck then purred into my ear.

"Want to do something fun?" He asked me playfully.

"What kind of fun?" I asked curiously. He ran his fingers down to my pants then and unzipped them.

"It involves more kisses," he told me and leaned in towards my lips with a small smirk.

"Are you replacing my pants?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes, later," he purred and kissed me passionately again, pressing his lips against mine firmly as he leaned into it and pressed my head back against the pillows. I gasped and looked away from the kiss.

"So rough," I whispered. He gave me a playful look then grinned.

"Rough?" He asked me then smirked as he pressed his lower half against me. I could feel his arousal through his pants as he pressed it up against me. "I'm rough?" I widened my eyes and tensed up against him.

"Y-yes. What's your intentions?" He purred at me then leaned in and gave me a small kiss.

"To deepen a friendship with you," he told me as he pulled back from the kiss. "Don't you want to explore?" He asked me and smirked. He moved his hips a little against mine.

"I know what this is all about! That's not just friendship," I whispered. "Lovers do it."

"Well you wanna do what lovers do?" He teased me and rubbed up against me and licked my bottom lip.

"That's a big deal," I told him. "I don't have lovers. Never."

"Well you don't have lovers on that little human world, but that doesn't mean you can't have me," he told me and purred before he kissed me and slipped his tongue into my mouth. I felt my lips tingle a little as I felt his lips up against mine.

"I don't know," I whispered. "I might start something I don't know how to finish." He smirked playfully at me then kissed my cheek.

"Then I'll finish it for you." He pulled my pants down and tossed them aside then looked my body over with an eager look. "You'll love this~"

"We haven't seen each other in a very long time, and this is all you want to do with me?" I asked him softly.

"Of course, not~" he told me and purred. "I want other things too. I already told you that," he leaned in and kissed my lips quickly, running his fingers through my hair as his kiss sent sparks through me. I blushed and licked my lips a little curiously before sitting up quickly- throwing my weight up against him to do it and gave a nervous smile at him.

"Let's play a game," I told him. He frowned and shoved me back down onto the bed and got over me.

"I like this game. Quit being so scared of it," he muttered and nipped at my ear. "Just relax~"

"I'm not scared," I whispered. "I'm not looking to play it with you."

"Well I'm looking to play it with you," he grumbled out then flipped me, pushing my head down into the pillow as he raised my hips up into the air. I blushed and looked over my shoulder at him.

"H-hey!" I yelled out at him and gasped. "Not cool!" I grabbed the sheets under me quickly. Bastard! He smirked at me then pressed his lower half against my hips and started to grind into me.

"Not cool?" He teased me, holding onto my hips to keep me from trying to pull away. I groaned and buried my head into the pillow.

"J-jerk," I whined out into the pillow.

"Heh," he laughed then leaned down, kissing the back of my neck. "Don't be that way~ You'll love it," he told me and rocked his hips up into me, almost pushing me against the bed as I heard it creak under me.

"Selfish," I grumbled and eyed him over and gave him a small frown as I tried to adjust myself under him.

"Maybe a little," he told me and smirked, leaning in and kissing me. He rocked into me again and gave a slight moan as I felt one of his hands leave my hip and travel down my front into my underwear where he traced his fingers down to my manhood and started to rub it as he grinded into me. I gasped and bit down into the pillow and exposed my fangs, giving a small growl. Darn him! He's touching me! He's in trouble and he's touching me! He breathed in my scent and moaned lowly in my ear as he squeezed me and started to massage me in his hand. I felt him spread my legs out more and raised my hips up a little, sending a shiver of pleasure through me as I felt his aroused department rub up against a sensitive spot. I heard him shove his own pants down before I felt him more firmly behind me as his naked body hovered over my barely covered one. I groaned and looked back at him. How dare him! He's just going to leave me! He'll probably leave me waking up alone after this! He got me kicked out of heaven.

"Valan!" I groaned out. Damn him! SON OF THE DEVIL! He smirked at me then before I felt him sliding my underwear down to my knees.

"Don't look so upset, Laurie~ You'll feel better once you get into it with me," he told me and kissed my neck before he started to suck on it and grinded his hips against me. I gasped and tried to flip to face him as quick as I could. He growled sharply and held me down. "No way, you'll run," he hissed. "I'm not letting you get away so quickly." I gave a small whine and tried to throw my weight up against him to get free from him holding me down. He hissed and rocked his body into mine sharply, throwing his weight against me right back. I heard the headboard hit the wall as the force shoved my head down into the pillow some. I hissed a little and knocked the pillow out from under me and threw it at him. He caught it and slipped it under my stomach to force me to stay up as he started to rock his body into mine, settling into a rhythm that made the whole bed shake as he moaned and gave my manhood a squeeze as he started to rub it. He lightly bit my ear and started to suck on the tip of it as he ran his tongue against it. As soon as he found that spot that made me shudder again, he started to teasingly rub up against it, forcing me into submission under him as he got more firm with his hold on my manhood. I whined a little and buried my face into the bed.

"Valan," I groaned out. Wh-why is he doing this to me!

"Laurie," he husked out. "I want you~ I've missed you so much," he whispered then breathed in my scent with a moan as he slowed down into a harder grind. "We're going to be closer than we've ever been before...."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked softly. Who said I want him back? Maybe I'll run away from him this time.

"You're mine," he purred out to me. "I'll make sure of it this time~" He pulled his hand away from my manhood then before he kissed my neck and I felt him pressing up against me. "It'll feel really good after a few minutes~ Just relax and let me do the work~" I groaned and gave a small huff.

"Valan, don't be rough," I begged.

"Alright," he purred out and smirked a little against my neck. "You're a lot smaller than me. I'll make sure to hold back on you," he promised. "I'll pick it up when you're ready for it~"

"No, I won't be," I told him firmly. "Gentle."

"Fine~" He hummed out then ran his fingers to my hips. "Want me to get you ready for it first or do you want it now?" He asked me and smirked as I felt one of his hands brush up against my rear end. "You might need some help first~ You are a lot smaller."

"S-shut up," I whispered and blushed. "I don't need help."

"Are you sure about that? I'm pretty big~ I don't want to cause you too much pain when I enter you," he laughed out. "I should probably ease you into it by stretching you out first."

"N-no!" I widened my eyes. "No," I begged him and tried to turn back around. He held me firmly and smirked.

"It's too late, Laurie~ You're not that innocent. You knew we were going to have sex as soon as I turned you over," he told me.

"I've been trying to turn back over," I grumbled.

"But Laurie~ I'll be gentle," he promised as he spread my legs a little for him and pressed his body up against mine. "Just bite down on something till it feels good." I whined a little and gave a small huff.

"I'm already sore on this pillow," I whined out. I heard him laugh then.

"Oh, wait till after," he teased me then rubbed my hips with his hands. "Don't worry. I'll take really good care of you. Just relax," he reminded me then leaned in and kissed my lips, starting to take my virginity from me as he made me stay in his bed....

I heard someone moving around the room before Valan's scent hit me- fresh like he had bathed. He came over to the bedside where I was trying to sleep off my soreness and leaned down, kissing my neck before he kissed my lips and pulled back. I groaned and turned away from him quickly and took the pillow with me in my arms and hugged it tightly. He chuckled then walked off. "I have to visit father today, Laurie. I'll be back later to take you home unless you want to stay with me longer," he hummed out to me. "Don't leave this room. It's dangerous outside of it. I don't want you to get lost in Hell~"

"F-fine, as long as you've promised to take me home," I whispered and eyed him over.

"I'll take you home as soon as you wish to go home and then I'll visit again in a few days to check in on you," he purred out then winked at me as he looked over his shoulder at me. "I'll even give you a black magic spell to summon me to you for when you want to call on me."

"Never," I told him. "I'm leaving you this time."

"You can't be rid of me," he told me and smirked devilishly. "I can show up when I please, and you can't stop it, and you can't make me leave. I'm the son of Satan- his first born. I'm almost as powerful as he is."

"I'm. Leaving. You." I gave a smirk then. "Not getting rid of you but leaving you."

"It's the same thing," he told me and walked over to me then ran his fingers across my cheek. "You're not going to ever get away from me, Laurie. I'm the whole reason why you fell from Heaven."

"I-I will," I told him and looked away from him and groaned a little as I squirmed a little on the bed. "I want to go home now before you leave me for a very long time visiting your father."

"You don't want to leave me," he told me and sat down on my bed. "You're just acting out because of how long I was gone last time. You're such a baby sometimes Laurie." I puffed out my cheeks and eyed him over. I want a bath and I want Baleen.

"Take me home before you go," I whispered softly. He smirked suddenly then.

"Come meet my father," he said and grabbed my hand. "He'll love to see who my friend is."

"No," I told him quickly. "I don't want to meet him. I'm replacing him anyways. He's not worth meeting."

"Awww, I'll have to tell him you wouldn't come see him.... I'll come see you in a few days," he promised and leaned down, kissing my lips. "I'll return you to where I found you. Just close your eyes and imagine it."

"Don't come. You're entering my life at a bad timing. I don't want my friends to ever meet you," I told him firmly.

"Then I'll come visit you when I know you're alone in that little castle of yours," he told me and smirked. "I'll be watching from here." He winked and suddenly I started to feel drowsy... my eyes falling shut.