Adam Hunt

Tony P.O.V

"Whis find Oliver and ready the suit," I say as I began to walk out the mansion and to my car for the second time today. "Sir I found him he seems to be at the old queen consolidated steel factory in the glades," Whis says as I climb into my car. The car pulls up to the quin jet again and I suit up and fly at top speed towards the glades. I spot the factory I looked down at an open window and flew in. I landed to find my brother doing cross-fit with his shirt off.

"You knew that nobody here who are you showing off for,? " I asked as I scan the room. He jumps down from the what every it called and lands on his feet. "I could say the same for you, a new suit?" he asked with a joke like a tone. "I heard you put two men in the hospital," I said. as being to circle him. He draws a bow and begins to bardish an arrow. "I hear you're a superhero," he said as begins to aim the arrow at me. "Oliver this suit can take shellfire from a tank at point-blank range and still be in one piece I don't think you're arrow going hurt me," I said. "Why are you here Tony ?" he asked, "you side you would give me answers three years ago I want those answers now" I replied. Oliver puts down the bow "how much did you know about dad" he asked "not much if you're asking that question" I said as step out of the suit.

"Dad was a good man but he had his sins," Oliver says as he takes a seat next to the computer. "I take he told you about Emiko," I said as I took a seat next to the arrow case. "Whos Emiko" Oliver asked with a look of confusion. "Some other time what where you referring to," I asked trying to change the subject. "Dad and some other people are involved in a conspiracy to destroy this city," Oliver said as pulled small and handed to me with it open to a page. The page has a few names on it some they recognized but the one that stood out was Adam hunt.

"These names these people are poisoning this city my city and they need to be stoped," he said. "Oliver I get you to want to protect your city but" I tried to come up with a reason why he shouldn't do this but I couldn't. He was doing the same thing I was getting strong to protect what he cares about. I and Oliver spent the rest the night talking about what happened to him. He won't give me details and avoid some questions altogether but he has answered some of my more important questions.

The next day Olivers welcome back party

Tony P.O.V

I walk into the building that Tommy got for Oliver's welcome home party honestly I hated the parties but Oliver told me he needed my help. I saw Tommy and Oliver talking near the bar "by my calculations you have not had sex in 1800 days tonight we make up for lost time" I hear Tommy say. With that, I turned around and saw Laurel sitting with some of her friends. I decide to go talk to her "please tell me you're not here for Oliver" I said to her as I took a seat next to her. "Hello Tony nice to you," Laurel says in a sarcastic tone.

"Nice to see too, please tell me you're not here for Oliver," I said again. "Not that it's any of your business but no I'm not here for Oliver, and why do care anyway," she said. "Because it's not going end well for you or him and Tommy," I said. She looked at me in shock "I don't know what you mean" she said. "I know about you and Tommy and you are right that's not my business, but if you and he are going to continue then you need to talk to Oliver and if you want Oliver back then it's a bad idea for many reasons" I continued.

"Oh really and here I thought that play both of then you know like Oliver did with me Sara," She said sarcastically. "I'm sorry about that but Oliver is not in a place right now where you two can be together," I said. "Why do you care,?" she asked "because he is my brother and for what it's worth you are one of the few people I consider a friend," I said. "Really where this friendship in last 20 years we know each other," she said sarcastically. "It was in me telling you about Sara before you heard it on the nightly news," I said idiotically as she slapped me. She looked like she was about to cry and walked away.

As watched Laurel walk away I spot Thea buy drugs form some guy. I walked up to her and she tries to walkway be I grab her arm. "How you get in here?" I asked, "I walked up to the door, and some guy side right this way miss Queen" she answers trying to push my hand off her arm. "You shouldn't be here," I said "then do what been doing for the past 3 years act like I'm not" she pushes me away and leaves. I walk over to the trash can and dump the drugs in. I spot Oliver looking at me with a look that side he saw everything we share a node. He then looks towards his bodyguard as a way of telling me that he needed me to get rid of him.

I walk up to him "Diggle right ?" I asked "Yes sir" he answered, "You see the guy that sold my little sister the drugs ?" I asked. He nodded his head " Get rid of him and any of his friends that here" I said. "That might anger some people," he said " Do I look like I care," I asked. He looked at my face and shook his head "Then get it done" he nodded. I looked for Oliver and he like he dissipated I guess he crosses the street.

Just thought I was done with my work for the night Thea comes up to me slaps me, god, what is this slap Tony day. She tries to walk away and I grabbed her arm again "What was that for" I asked. "You got my friends kicked out of the party," she said trying to bark away from me. "Your friends are drug dealers," I said, "so what!" she yelled "so you need better friends," I said. "So what, you want to be my brother now your too late" she yelled and walked away.