19. 'Greedy'

*Qin Shan POV

The dance is over and after that I really don't remember what happened until I woke up the next morning, in my bed, changed and weirdly at bliss. The day after the dance, the school provides a "rest day" or almost a holiday. It's also halloween today. Huan is sleeping when I get up and shower.

As the warm water washes over me, I recall my memories of last night. I had a splendid time getting ready for and at the dance. Song Meng and I were out on the patio for the while and we talked about each other, life, and he had tried to kiss me. Remembering his cool hand cup my cold cheek, I sigh. 'I don't deserve this boy.' I remember that I had pushed him away. He looked so hurt yet his gaze on me did not waver. He continued to comfort me. I still remember the words that he said to me.

"I will wait for you." What did I do to deserve somebody like Song Meng? His presence alone already makes my heart beat, his voice makes me flush. But I am guarded. I can't trust everybody yet. Not yet. Just a little bit longer.

Huan wakes up as I come out of the shower.

"Oh. My. Gosh. You fell asleep in the car and when I looked back, Song Meng had you in his arms. And then when we got here he carried you upstairs. But don't worry, I'm the one who dressed you." Huan's expression is a mix of awe and laughter at the same time. I'm thankful to her though.

"I didn't know that I was such a lightweight. Falling asleep before it's 2AM. Studying must be catching up with me." I say and Huan giggles.

"Thank you for helping me last night HuanHuan. It really means a lot." I say quietly and she just nods, sensing how genuine I am at the moment.

I look at my phone and see a missed text from Song Meng from last night - or well this morning.

"Good night. See you soon." The words are simple yet my heart flutters yet again. 'Get a grip on yourself.' I tell my emotions. 'You hurt him.' This makes my face pale.

I decide to text him,

"Did you sleep well?" His reply comes almost immediately

"Yes, and you?" He is polite as always.

"Well, and thank you so much for last night. Do you want to meet up with me today? I know its a holiday but we could go out somewhere." I hit the send button and then immediately regret it. I don't deserve this boy and he might think I am just leading him on now. Oh gosh. I see that he is typing.

"Sure. I'll come by your dorm and pick you up at 2:00. Is that time okay with you?" I glance at the clock, it's nearly noon.

"Okie. I'll get you lunch :)." I text and then sigh in relief.

":)." Is the only reply and I can't help but laugh. Huan looks up from her phone.

"Going on a date today I see." She chuckes, "Good for you."

"Its not a date" my face is already turning red. "We are just having lunch together." I do my best irritated face at her which only makes her laugh harder.

"Oh so its a lunch date then." Her voice is all implying. I just roll my eyes and head to the closet to pick an outfit.


I see a black Chery begin to head my way and instinctively, I know it is his. I head out of the dorm and meet him in front of the building.

"Ready?" I say with a slight smile and he returns it.

"Let's go!" I laugh. I'm happy to see his enthusiasm.

I ride shotgun and he pulls out of the parking area. The car ride is in companionable silence, the aura is just warm and not awkward at all.

"Where do you want to eat?" I ask, I don't know anything about his taste in food or his likes and dislikes. It seems like a good opportunity to learn something about this ice block.

"Whatever is fine with me. I'm not picky." He says gently. I begin to scroll through my phone.

"Traditional or western or seafood? There are a lot of places with pretty decent reviews around this area." He smiles,

"Lets keep it traditional then." His voice is low and I can't help but smile.

We pull up to a mall, where the restaurant is inside and step out. He takes a moment to look me over.

"Heh." he laughs. I look myself up and down. I wonder if there is something strange about the way I dressed or if there is a stain.

"Hmm?" I'm confused.

"Today we're matching." he says and he's right. I look him over. We are both wearing black tops and beige bottoms.

"You're right." I say and smile at him. "Lets go!"

Upon entering the mall, there is a bunch of decorations to celebrate halloween. 'That's right' I think to myself. 'Today is halloween.' There are many other students from different campuses here today and there are girls checking Song Meng out. It's really to be expected. But I find myself getting a little bit annoyed.

Wait. No, I can't be angry. He is not mine. I'm really getting to greedy. He deserves somebody so much better than me.

My heart starts to ache a bit but I keep a straight face.

"We're here." His clear voice snaps me out of my thoughts. He is looking down at me and so I just look up and smile. He smiles back and my heart skips a beat.

I know I'm getting greedy. I know that I still have to wait until I can see if I can fully trust him. But I'm getting impatient, yet, frankly, instead of trying to hold back, my mind knows what it wants. It wants him.