26. 'Visit'

*Song Meng POV

After Qin Shan and I finished taking pictures in the snow, the temperature started dropping and so out of concern, I asked her if she was ready to go back. We headed back together through the icy wonderland and I honestly wondered if it was a dream. I was feeling a little bit hot headed so I said goodbye and went back to the dorm.

Wu He was sitting on his bed looking amused as he scrolled through his phone. He kept reading something, then looking up at me and then laughing a but before repeating the cycle. Finally, his strange behavior got to me and I had to ask

"What is so funny?" Wu He comes over in a flash and holds out his phone to me.

"You and Qin Shan are a new campus couple huh?" The article displays pictures of two figures with blurred faces (yet still obviously the two of us) walking together through the snow. The ice and trees and still vibrant flowers make for a beautiful scene and I smile unconciously. Wu He notices and breaks out in a laugh

"Are you sure that you two aren't dating yet?" The smile fades from my face.

"Not yet." I murmur quietly which gets another round of laughter from Wu He.

"Is it hot in here?" I mutter as a strip off the layers of clothes that I had worn today. Not too heavy, just a t-shirt and a black jacket over it. However, I am sweating and am developing a slight headache.

"No. Are you getting sick?" Wu He asks. I freeze. Vampires do get sick, however, it doesn't happen very often but when it does. It feels like hell and earth have combined. I've gotten sick once before but it was years ago. 'Shoot.'

"I'm going to rest." I say quietly to Wu He and close my eyes.

---The next morning---

Over the night, I could tell that my fever wasn't letting up. I started sweating a lot and there was prespiration forming on my forehead and lip. I was feeling really hot and every time I moved, there was a sharp searing pain in my temple.

"You are not going to class today." Wu He says this matter of factly and I just roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say.

"Get some rest." He says softly and then goes to change into his clothes for the day. I can't help but feel disappointed that I can't see Qin Shan today but I don't want her to worry about me too much.

My head starts throbbing so I just lounge in bed and try to close my eyes to shut out the pain. At around maybe 9am or so I hear footsteps coming up the stairs to the dorm. They are hurried and I thought that Wu He was coming back because first class was done. I'm not really in the mood to talk so I just keep my eyes shut as the door opens.

"He seems to be resting right now." Is Wu He not alone? That is definitely his voice but is he talking to someone?

"Oh, can I still go to him." That voice. I barely suppress the urge to sit up straight. It is Qin Shan. She has come to the dorm.

"I guess." Wu He's response sounds playful and I know that he is just waiting for some entertainment.

Quiet footsteps slowly make their way to my bed. I force myself to keep my eyes shut as a feel a warm hand touch my forehead. She exhales slightly.

"Why is he burning up? I didn't know that he could get fevers?" There is concern in Qin Shan's voice and I almost start to smile. She really does care about me huh.

"He can get fevers, obviously" Wu He's snarky response comes and I feel her hand on my forehead again. It traces down to my cheek and rests there for a second. She sighs

"It's all my fault. I wanted to play in the snow even when I knew that neither of us were wearing the right clothes. It's all my fault." Her voice starts to tremble and I can't keep up the charade anymore. I open my eyes and meet her teary ones.

"You're awake!" She says and pulls me into a hug "I'm sorry I'm sorry." She mumbles into my ear. Her hair smells like lavender and it is sweet. Something about it makes the pain in my head dissapate.

"It is not your fault." I'm surprised by how weak my own voice sounds. She pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asks, there is a small crease on her forehead which shows just how worried about me she is.

"Of course I am." I say with a slight grin and she looks a little bit relieved. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Wu He leave the room and close the door behind him. This goes unnoticed by Qin Shan who is looking me over as if searching for other injuries.

"I brought you soup. Are you hungry?" She asks softly. I nod. Anything from her is truly a blessing and I plan not to let them go to waste. She pulls a thermos out of her bag and retrieves a spoon.

"Here." She holds out the items and I decide to play with her a little bit. My hands are trembling as are my arms like pushing myself up is 'such a painful ordeal.' She notices and immediately pushes my chest down.

"Nevermind that, I'll just feed you. You look like your going to pass out." Her voice shows concern again and I almost laugh out loud.

"Okay." I say and she starts.

"Careful it's hot." She mutters as she feeds me some. It tastes so good. I notice that she is a little bit nervous as well and her hands are trembling ever so slightly.

We sit together in silence until the soup is gone.

"Thank you." I say in mock weakness. She nods and then pulls me into a hug.

"Just be better by tomorrow so we can work on the art project okay?" She whispers into my ear. I nod again and she smiles.

'Good' I think to myself. This girl is so sweet and innocent. I'm extremely lucky and fortunate to have met her here.

"Okay, I will be going to second class now. You stay here and rest. If you dare to leave this place, I swear Wu He will rat you out to me." She scolds me and I can't help but laugh.

"Okay ShanShan." I say and she blushes. I blush too as a notice that I gave her a nickname. However she seems to be happy about it.

"Bye!" She squeaks before escaping out the door and down the stairs. Wu He comes back in with a big smile.

"Ha" he says and I roll my eyes.