Breakfast, Hickeys, and a Jealous Ex

Hailey's P.O.V

I groaned as my alarm went off for school. I opened my eyes, seeing Avery's arm still around my body, making me smile a little. I was surprised he was still here. I honestly thought he would have left first thing before I woke I tapped his hand with my fingertips.

"Sleeping, go away." He groaned.

I giggled, turning around onto my side. I was met with Avery lying there looking at me, a small smile on his lips. He reached towards me, pushing my hair away from my eyes, quickly pulling away from me. He jumped to his feet. I bit my lower lip as I got a view of his half-naked body again. My hormones are broken; they need sorting out. I do not do this, go around checking out half-naked guys. Even if Joshua was that way around me, I never looked at him the way I am probably looking at Avery right now.

"Well once you are done being a perv, Hailey, we should get organized for school." He chuckled.

"Sorry," I said, turning away because I knew I was blushing.

He laughed loudly before disappearing into my bathroom. I stretched, groaning before deciding to climb out of bed. I headed down, getting breakfast organized as he got ready. He brought clean clothes with him last night, reminding me I need to get his other set of clothes out of the dryer before my parents discovered them. I do not want to try to explain that one too them. I decided I would make bacon and eggs, something quick and tasty to get the day started. He arrived down not too long after me.

"Can I help?" He asked, coming up behind me.

I looked over my shoulder, smiling at him and shaking my head.

"Help yourself to coffee, tea, or juice whatever you like." I smiled.

"Thanks, I will take coffee. You want one?" He asked.

"Yes, please." I smiled.

He set the table, getting our coffee as I finished making breakfast. I joined him at the table, passing him his plate. A silence was forming between us as we ate, a comfortable one. I could feel him watching me, making me look up at him. He had a worried look now on his face.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"About last night Hailey." He started, but I cut him off, knowing what he was going to say.

"Avery, it is fine. I know it was only a little fun. I do not think we are together now. I am not that dumb. You can stop looking worried." I giggled.

"Am I that obvious?" He chuckled, and I nodded.

I finished my breakfast, heading up to get myself ready for school, chuckling to myself a little. I cannot believe Avery thought I thought we were now together. That is amusing. Maybe I should have played on it for a little longer. The worried look on his face was priceless. I headed to my bedroom, deciding what to wear today. I would end up with the same thing, jeans, and a hoodie. I was standing in my underwear as I looked through my clothes. I then felt a pair of hands creep around my hips, a pair of warm lips on my neck. I moaned, instantly as he did it, making him smirk against my neck.

"It doesn't mean we can't do it again," He whispered in my ear.

"Nice try but no." I giggled, looking over my shoulder at him.

"You sure about that?" He smirked, and I nodded, "What are you doing anyway?" He asked.

"Positive. Trying to find clothes." I said.

He pulled away from me, standing next to me, looking through my clothes. He rolled his eyes every time he came across another hoodie, shaking his head.

"You need new clothes, Hailey with a body like you have, you shouldn't cover it up as much." He said looking at me.

"It is what I feel more comfortable in," I said shrugging.

He laughed, shaking his head. He gave up before making his way over to my bed, sitting down as I choose something to wear. I went with my usual, making him chuckle at me. I turned to him, glaring at him. A smirk was creeping on his lips. Why is he smirking now?

"You do realize you are half-naked in front of me again, right?" He said.

"Shit!" I groaned, covering myself up, the same way I did last night.

How could I forget that I was standing half-naked in front of him again? He looked at me, a small smile on his lips before coming towards me. He stepped towards me, grabbing my arms, pulling them away from my body. He held them against my sides. His eyes were trailing my body again.

"I told you last night Hailey, don't get embarrassed. You have a good body on you. You should be embracing it, not hiding." He said, looking me straight in the eye.

"I know, I know I can't help it." I laughed.

He let go of my hands, putting his on my hips and pulling me flush against him. I found my hands automatically going around his neck. The silence was filling the room as he stared at me. I see him lick his lips. His eyes were landing on my lips, and I knew what he wanted. I decided I would make the first move for a change. I inched closer to him, he did the same until our lips met with one another. His hands moved to my ass, grabbing it, using it to push me against him. My breath got caught in my throat.

The kiss was going in the same direction as last night...heated. He turned us around, leading me towards my bed, pushing me down. He came down on top of me, our lips not parting once. I hooked my legs around his hips. Avery grabbed my hands pinning them above my head, taking complete control. His lips moved from mine, landing on my jawline before moving to my neck. He kissed over the skin, finding my sweet spot, sucking on it. That was going to leave a mark, right now, at this moment I was not caring. He let my hands go, sliding his down my sides, continuing downwards. He gripped one of my thighs in one of his hands roughly, the other sliding between our bodies, running his fingertips over my ribs and stomach. I knew where he was going, but I was not going to let him. I grabbed his hand with one of mine, pulling away from the kiss.

"Don't even try it." I giggled.

"Hey, it was worth a shot." He chuckled. "We should get on our way to school." He added, pecking my lips before climbing off me and jumping to his feet, heading back downstairs.

I stayed in the same spot, catching my breath. I let my body calm down before finishing getting ready for school. I gave myself the once over, my eyes landing on my neck.

"AVERY I AM GONNA KILL YOU!" I shouted as I noticed the massive hickey noticeably clear to see on my neck.

I never owned a scarf to hide it. The only thing I could do was cover it with my hair. I am going to kill him. I ran downstairs, finding Avery waiting at the front door for me, looking smug.

"What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"Could you have made it any more obvious for people to notice?" I snapped, annoyed.

"Yes, I could have made it bigger or done it on the other side as well. Calm down it is only a hickey it will clear in a few days." He chuckled.

I made my way over to him. I slapped him across the back of the head, making him yelp before grabbing my things and heading out, Avery following.

"What was that for?" He groaned, rubbing the back of his head.

"For this." I groaned, pointing to my neck, making him chuckle.

"Geez, you would think you have never had a hickey before." He said.

"I haven't," I said.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yes, I don't appreciate getting my neck decorated with hickeys thank you very much." I laughed, him doing the same.

He shrugged, not seeming to care that he had done it. He had his car with him, but we decided to walk to school. We stopped on our way to meet Layla. The look on her face when she saw who I was with was priceless.

"Hey, Layla, it is nice to meet you officially." Avery smiled sweetly at her.

" too." She smiled back, making me giggle.

As much as she would never admit she was intrigued by him like everyone else. The three of us headed to school, laughing, and chatting with one another. Layla and Avery seemed to be hitting it off, which made me smile.

"Layla you should come and hang out with us tonight. We are going to go watch a movie." Avery smiled.

"We are?" I asked looking at him.

"Yes, did I forget to tell you that?" He chuckled.

"You think? But okay. Yes, come with us, Layla." I smiled.

"Yeah, sure thing. I better get to class. See you at the break." She smiled, saying goodbye and heading off.

I turned to Avery, a smirk playing on his lips. What is he up to now?

"What you up to?" I asked.

"You will see. Is Layla single? And before you get all jealous, I don't mean for me." He chuckled.

"Yes, why? You are not going to try to set her up are you?" I asked.

"Maybe." He winked. "I will see you soon. I do not wanna be late for class. Try not to miss me too much kitten." He added, kissing my cheek before heading off, heading to two guys waiting for him. One of them the same one he was talking to yesterday; he must have made some friends that is good.

I smiled, heading into my first class. The smile soon fading when I remembered Joshua and Mandy are in my class. Layla or Avery was not...great. I put my head down, taking my seat at the front of the room. Joshua and Mandy were soon coming in with another guy. I turned away from them, hoping they would leave me alone.

"Hey, you ready to give up that virginity to me yet?" I heard a chuckle in my ear.

Great! Joshua! I turned to face him, glaring at him.

"No. And I never will be especially not to you of all people." I hissed.

His eyes soon went wide, looking pissed and I realized he was staring at my neck.

"What the fuck is that? Who gave you that?" He hissed, glaring at me.

"None of your business that is who." I snarled at him, turning away from him.

"Was it that fucking idiot Avery? Did he do that? What are you fucking him now? You never even let me do that and what you have known him a day and you let him do it?" He snapped.

Why does he sound like he is jealous? That cannot be right, can it?

"Again, none of your business," I said, not even looking at him.

"Yes it fucking is, you are mine." He growled.

Oh my God, he is jealous. I swung around facing him.

"No, I am not; I never was, remember. Now leave me alone, Joshua okay. Because I have had enough of you." I said, moving seats.

His? What the heck is that meant to mean? He dumped me. He was using me, so how does he think I am his? I think he is on something. I pushed him out of my head, done with letting him get to me. I can do better than him. I deserve better than him.