Monday Morning and Silly Lies

Hailey's P.O.V

The weekend was over, which means school today, I was not in the mood. I had no heard from Avery since I told him I was done with him, I know it has only been a day or so, but I was missing him. I was that used to having him around annoying me. On the bright side, I have been speaking to Dane; he was a sweetheart, the complete opposite from Avery and Joshua. We had a date on Saturday, which made me both nervous and excited. I was waiting for Layla to come out to walk to school with me. I would not be surprised if she were still hungover from the weekend. By the time Mason got her back to my place on Saturday, she was utterly wasted. She spent all day on my sofa, feeling sorry for herself.

"You still rough?" I giggled as she finally arrived.

"A little." She groaned.

"Ha, your own fault." I laughed.

She glared at me, flipping me off, making me laugh harder at her.

"I hate you right now." She laughed, "You ready for this?" She added.

I knew she meant was I ready to face Avery. I shrugged, it does not matter either way. I was going to see him anyway.

"I am over it. I got a date on Saturday." I smiled.

"You sure? You and Avery had become close but YEAH for the date." She said, smiling at the last part.

"Layla, he doesn't give a damn about me. He never did. I am hoping Dane doesn't turn out to be the same as Joshua and Avery. I am hoping because he is a couple of years older he will be more mature and not play silly games." I said.

Dane was nineteen. Two years older than me so hopefully, that will make things easier. Layla listened as I ranted on before letting it drop, I was thankful for it.

As we arrived at the school gate, I saw Avery coming towards us. When he saw me, he gave me a small smile. I, in return, turned away from him and walked away.

"Hailey, please wait. I am sorry." I heard his voice say from behind me.

"A little too late. I have heard that word too many times from you. Leave me alone, Avery." I said, rushing inside.

Someone stopped me in my path. I looked up, seeing Joshua standing there, arms across his chest. A smug look on his face. Great here we go, just what I need.

"I hear you and Avery fell out. I heard he does not want you either, well he does, only for one thing though. I did warn you." He smirked.

How does he even know all of this? I was not in the mood for this, sick and tired of guys treating me like crap. I decided there was one thing for it, but the words that came out of my mouth were not what I planned.

"Difference is he got what he wanted, you never did. He and I are fine, thank you very much, we are great actually." I smirked.

I cannot believe I just done that though the look on his face made the lie worth it though. Avery wanted to use me. Guess what I just used him too, to piss Joshua off.

"What you fucked him?" He hissed.

"What if I did?" I smirked.

"You were with me for six months. You gave me nothing. You have known Avery for a week, and you gave him everything. What is wrong with you? Why would you do something that stupid?" He snapped.

"Get the fuck out of my way Joshua," I growled, barging by him.

I soon regretted saying what I did. It would probably be around the school by the second class, meaning Avery will find out what I said. Great! What a stupid move of me. I headed to my locker, Layla catching up with me. I opened my locker, facing it, and took a deep breath.

"You okay?" I heard Layla say.

I turned to face her, shaking my head. I sighed loudly, running my hands through my hair.

"No, I have done something idiotic. I told Joshua I had sex with Avery to piss him off." I said regretfully.

"What? Why?" She asked, shocked.

"I know it was stupid. I am sure it will be around the school soon enough." I said.

"Ignore them...ignore all of them." She said.

I wish it were that easy. Layla gave me a quick hug before she had to get to her first class. I was dreading mine because Joshua and Mandy were in it, so was Avery. Maybe I should ditch first-class, hide in the bathroom. No, that would be pathetic. I sighed, closing my locker. As I turned around, I was met with Joshua again, looking more pissed than a few moments ago. The look in his eye was scaring me a little.

"I wasn't done with you Hailey. I never popped that cherry of yours, but I think I still wanna fuck you, show you how it is meant to be done. Come on, Hailey, we were together for six months, give me a little something for refusing me all that time. I know you wanna." He said, stepping closer to me, my back hitting the lockers.

"I really do not. Yes, six months of lies Joshua. I am not going to have sex with you." I said, pushing him away from me.

"We will see about that." He winked at me, placing his hands on my hips.

Why can he not take a hint? What is with guys, why can't they leave things be? He went to lean in and kiss me. My next move surprised me as much as it surprised him. I lifted my hand, slapping him across the face. Shit! Now he was beyond mad. He grabbed my wrist roughly in his hand.

"You are gonna regret that Hailey." He snapped, glaring down at me.

"I...I am sorry, I never meant to do that." I whispered out timidly.

"You can make it up to me." He said, soon smirking.

I knew what he wanted from me. He was not going to get it. I closed my eyes, shaking my head at him.

"Not going to happen, Joshua," I said.

I could feel his hot breath getting closer to my face, even with me trying to move out of the way. I felt his hand going from my hips, towards my ass as I tried to pull away. As quickly as it was happening it soon stopped. I heard a bang, making my eyes shoot open.

"Get your hands away from her. She clearly doesn't want them near her." I heard Avery's voice snap.

I looked around to see Joshua pined against the locker. Avery was holding him by the scruff of his tee, his hands a little too close to Joshua's throat. Joshua looked scared, which was unlike him.

"I have warned you more than once, Joshua. I see you anywhere near her again; it will be your throat my hands are around." Avery growled at him, punching the locker behind him, the familiar darkness to him anytime Joshua is near.

He looked like he was going to kill him. I could see his hand grip tighter on Joshua's tee. Everyone was standing around, watching them, and looking scared for Joshua. Avery got right in his face.

"Stay the fuck away from her Joshua," Avery warned, letting him go.

"Avery Freeman, my office now!" I heard the principal shout.

Joshua soon ran off. Avery turned around to see who was shouting at him.

"Shit!" I heard him mumble under his breath.

"Now, Avery." The principal said sternly.

Avery looked at me, he looked worried. I cannot blame him because if he gets expelled, then the next stop for him is juvi which means his mom will be left alone. Shit! I felt horrible.

"Avery, I am sorry," I said, looking at him.

"Don't worry Kitten, I always got your back. I will be fine." He said, managing a small smile.

I went to say something before I could though he headed over to the principal, following him to his office. I looked around, Joshua looking at me, now smirking.

"You better say goodbye to your bad boy Hailey." He laughed, walking away.

I wanted to do something, but there was nothing I could do. I made my way to class before I was late and got into trouble too. Everyone looked at me as I walked in. I put my head down, ignoring them all, sitting at the front out of everyone's way. I knew why they were looking at me. Joshua obviously told them I had sex with Avery. Could this day get any worse?