No Sparks

Hailey's P.O.V

Layla, Mason, Avery, and I were all hanging out at Mason's. Layla and Mason are curled up on the sofa, Avery and I sitting on the floor. It was Friday night. Mason and Avery were invited to a party, but for some reason, neither of them could be bothered going, which is strange. They decided they would hang out with us instead, not like we minded.

"Hailey, any idea where Dane is taking you on your date?" Layla asked.

My date was tomorrow; I was nervous about it. Dane and I had been talking a lot; we seemed to get along well. That was a good start, that should make it easier.

"Dinner and ice skating. He never wanted to tell me, but I made him." I giggled.

"Good choice, at least you know what to wear then." Layla giggled. "What are you going to wear?" She added.

"I have two outfits to pick from, can you come over tomorrow and help me choose please?" I asked, looking at her. "I wanna make sure it is the right choice," I added.

"Of course." She smiled brightly.

"It is only a date. Not a ball or something." Avery groaned, rolling his eyes.

"What is wrong with you today? You have been in a mood all day. Are you okay?" I asked, looking at him.

"I am fine. Just fed up hearing about Dane and your blooming date with him." He hissed, jumping to his feet, walking away.

I turned to Mason and Layla, raising a brow at them.

"What is wrong with him?" I asked.

"You don't see it do you?" Mason laughed.

"See what?" I asked, confused.

Mason chuckled, shaking his head, and not saying another word. Layla and I looked at each other confused.

"Mason?" Layla said, looking at him.

"Think about it. That is all I am saying." He laughed.

I flipped him off, rolling my eyes at him. I decided to check on Avery. I found him sitting out back on the stairs, staring into space. I slowly made my way over to him, sitting down next to him. He sighed, turning to face me and giving me a fake smile before turning away from me. I reached for his hand, but he pulled away.

"Avery, have I done something wrong?" I asked softly.

"Just leave me alone." He snapped storming off.

I sat there, having no clue what was going on. I felt tears burn up in the corner of my eyes, not understanding. We have been getting along great these last few days. I reached up, wiping my eyes; I was not going to cry over this. I needed to get away from here. I headed back inside, Avery nowhere in sight.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"He left. He went to that party." Mason said.

"Oh...Okay. I think I am gonna head home." I said.

"Hailey, you don't need to," Mason said.

"I know but not in the mood. You two kids have fun, be safe though." I winked at them, Mason chuckling and Layla blushing.

I hugged them goodbye, heading home. I didn't stay too far away from Mason's. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I grabbed my phone, texting Dane.


Hailey: Hey, what are you doing? Are you free for coffee?

Dane: Sure thing, meet you at Starbucks in 20 mins?

Hailey: Yes. See you then. :)


I smiled to myself, heading towards Starbucks. I was looking forward to seeing him because I had not seen him since that night at the lake. I decided I was not going to let Avery get to me. I soon arrived at Starbucks, Dane was waiting outside. He smiled when he saw me. I made my way to him, giving him a quick hug.

"Hey, you." He smiled, pulling away.

"Hi." I smiled sweetly at him.

We headed inside, ordering a latte each, splitting a cookie between us.

"You okay? You seem a little off?" Dane asked.

"Yeah, fine. I argued with a friend. Well, not exactly my friend is mad at me, and I don't know why." I shrugged.

"I am sure you will sort it out." He smiled, giving my hand a quick squeeze.

"Hopefully." I smiled.

"You been doing much since I saw you?" I asked.

"Busy with work and college." He smiled.

"Cool. How is college going?" I asked.

"Stressful but fine." He laughed.

After that, the conversation seemed to flow easily between us. He really was sweet and funny too. His laugh was beautiful. I was excited to spend more time with him, get to know him. My phone vibrated on the table. I ignored it but seen on the screen who the text was from, Avery. I pushed it away, turning my full attention back to Dane.


Dane and I had just pulled up outside my house. After coffee, we went for ice cream. He has put me in a good mood. He was a sweetheart.

"I am looking forward to our second date." He winked.

"Second?" I giggled.

"Yes, I am going to class tonight as our first date." He laughed.

"Okay. That is fine with me." I smiled.

A silence came between us, Dane looking at me. He reached forward, taking my face between his hands, inching closer to me.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered.

"Yes." I breathed out.

He leaned forward placing his lips over mine in a soft kiss. He had sweet lips, but I never felt butterflies. All the things that I feel when Avery kisses me. Hmm, that is disappointing. It only lasted a moment before we pulled apart.

"Hmmm," He said, looking confused.

"That didn't feel right, did it?" I said.

"No. That is disappointing." He said. "Maybe try again?" He added.

I nodded, kissing him again but again, there was no spark. We pulled apart.

"I guess maybe we are only meant to be friends?" He said disappointed.

"I guess," I said sadly.

"Maybe if we hang out, get to know each other things will develop." He said.

"Maybe. I would like that." I smiled.

"Me too. Well, instead of a date tomorrow how about lunch or something Sunday?" He said.

"Yes, that sounds good. Still disappointed though because you are sweet." I smiled.

"I know maybe in time these things will change. And thank you, you too." He smiled.

We stayed in the car, talking for a bit before hugging and saying goodbye to one another. I grabbed my phone, texting Layla.


Hailey: I ended up hanging out with Dane. We kissed but connection, gonna just be friends. Not the same things I feel when Avery kisses me. What is all that about?

Layla: Really? That sucks, I am sorry Hailey. Maybe because you like Avery?

Hailey: Me too. What are you doing anyway? Did Avery come back?

Layla: In bed reading. No, he never came back. I know what Mason meant when he said to think about how Avery acted.

Hailey: Do tell?

Layla: Mason thinks he was jealous. He thinks Avery likes you and wants to be more than what you are.

Hailey: What? I do not think so. Avery does not do more.

Layla: Think about it, Hailes?

Hailey: I do not believe it, sorry. You and I both know what he is like, he hooks up only. I do not need that, not in that way. Avery and I are better as friends.

Layla: Yes, friends that make out? Hehe. Well, I think Mason is right but okay then lol. I am going to get some sleep. See you tomorrow? Night, love you.

Hailey: Shut up! Lol, yes we can do something tomorrow, need a girl's day. Night, love you too.


After I finished texting Layla, I checked the message Avery sent me earlier. I opened it, not expecting the words that were on the screen.


Avery: Don't go on a date with Dane, please?

That is all that is said. What does that even mean?

Hailey: What? Why would you say that? What does that even mean?


I waited and waited for him to text back but he never did. I was annoyed and confused. I decided the best thing for me would be to just sleep. I changed into my pajamas, climbing under the covers, hoping I would sleep. I would be calling him first thing tomorrow. If he answers or not, that is a different story.