Hailey's P.O.V
"I want the big one." I pouted at Avery.
We were at the winter carnival that was in town. He had been trying to win me a teddy bear for the last twenty minutes at the stall that you throw hoops on top of glass bottles. He was getting annoyed because he could not get it. I was standing next to him, giggling.
"Not funny." He said, glaring at me.
Mason and Layla at the stall next to us, shooting plastic ducks with water guns, having a ball, and laughing hysterically at how bad they both were at it. I smiled, watching them. I want that. What the two have, it was sweet. They were both smitten with one another. To be honest with you, I think Mason was possibly falling in love with her. Even after only a couple of weeks. You could see it when he looked at her. I think she was the same, even though neither of them would admit it. I went into a world of my own, getting a little sad. I thought I had that with Joshua when it was all lies. As for Avery, even if I do like him, I know I will never get that from him, not in that way.
"Kitten? Earth to kitten?" I heard him say, making me pull out of thought.
He was standing in front of me, the biggest smile on his lips, holding a vast tiger teddy in his hand.
"Told you I would get it." He winked.
"YEAH! Thank you." I said, smiling brightly at him.
"It is only a teddy baby girl." He chuckled.
"What? I like teddy bears. I am still a big child at heart." I giggled.
He laughed, shaking his head, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
"You are such a dork, a cute one though." He laughed, kissing the top of my head.
I looked up at him, giving him my dorkiest smile. We had not had a chance to finish our conversation yet, but I am determined to get it done before the day was over. He had not mentioned anything else about it or my date with Dane. I think we were all having too much fun, having shots on the rides, playing at the stalls, etc... to think about it all.
"Corn dogs ladies?" Mason smiled.
"Yes please." Layla and I said in sync.
"Two corn dogs coming right up. Do not be running off; stay put. I don't wanna be going about this place looking for you both." Avery said, shaking his finger at us, making us giggle.
"Yes, Sir." I laughed.
He shook his head, the two of them heading to the corn dog cart. Layla turned to me, and I knew what she was going to ask.
"No, we have not had a chance to finish our talk." I giggled, "Never mind Avery and I, tell me when did you start falling in love with Mason?" I added smirking.
"What? I am not in love with him. We have only been together for a couple of weeks. Yes, I like and care for him, love? A little too soon for all that don't you think?" She asked, raising her brow at me.
"If you say so," I smirked.
She glared at me, before laughing, making me do the same. We chatted as we waited for the guys to come back, which could be a while, the line was pretty long.
"Does he know that you don't have a date with Dane anymore? Did you tell him about last night?" She asked.
"Nope, it never came up," I said shrugging. "Maybe it is for the best that there was no spark between Dane and me," I added.
"You don't have a date tonight with him?" I heard behind me, making me freeze on the spot.
How long had he been behind me? How much of the conversation did he hear? I slowly turned around to face him. He was standing, looking at me, and looking a little confused but glad at the same time if that makes sense.
"No," I said, shaking my head, looking at the ground.
"Why?" He asked.
"Um... we hung out last night. We kissed, and there was nothing there. No spark... no butterflies. Dane and I are only gonna be friends." I said, finally looking up, catching his eye.
I could see the smile growing on his lips as he looked at me. He is good at hiding his disappointment... not. I glared at him, making him chuckle.
"I am glad my non-existent dating life amuses you, Avery." I pouted, folding my arms over my chest.
"Sorry. I guess some things are not meant to be. No spark or butterflies, huh? You mean the things you feel when I kiss you?" He said smirking.
I felt my full-face flush red. It was not helping that Mason and Layla were still standing there, hearing everything he is saying to me. I looked up at him, chewing my lips nervously. Was I that obvious to him?
"Don't know what you mean," I said, rolling my eyes, shrugging.
"You are a terrible lair, Hailey." He laughed.
"Shut up," I growled at him.
I shook my head, turning from him, and started walking away. I never needed him to know he was right. He does not need to know that every time he kisses or touches me my heart flutters, my body goes weak, my pulse speeds up, my breathing becomes uneasy, and I get butterflies.
The three of them soon caught up with me, Avery appearing by my side.
"I know I am right, Hailey." He whispered, a shiver shooting down my spine.
I turned to him, catching his eye. I was done lying about it. I gave him a small smile, nodding my head in agreement. I do not think he was expecting that from me. He soon took a step away from me, a worried look shooting through his eyes. I was right; he does not like me. Layla and Mason were wrong. I was only there when no one else was. I was someone for him to kiss, make out with, flirt with, and to annoy. I refused to look at him after that, putting my attention everywhere except him.
"Where to next?" Layla asked, trying to take some of the awkwardness away.
"Ferris Wheel?" Mason suggested.
"Yeah!" Layla said excited, making me giggle, the girl loves the Ferris Wheel.
"You three go. I do not fancy it. I am going to take a walk along the beach. I will meet you all back here soon once you are done." I smiled.
"What? No!" Layla pouted.
"Honestly, I have overeaten. I will end up being sick if I go on it." I laughed.
"Fine! I will let you get away with it this time." She giggled.
I nodded, heading in the opposite direction from them. I headed down to the sand, slipping my shoes off. I sighed, running my hands through my hair; my feelings and emotions were all over the place. I needed this time alone.
"Hailey?" I heard behind me, it was Avery.
I took a deep breath, slowly turning around to face him, giving him a small smile.
"Fancy some company?" He asked hopefully.
"Yeah," I said, smiling.
I would rather be by myself, but I never wanted to seem rude. A silence came between us as we walked along the waterfront. I stopped on the spot, deciding to take a seat. He chuckled before sitting down next to me. His next move surprised me, his hand laid over mine, linking his fingers through mine. I turned to look at him, a shocked look probably on my face.
"Can we finish that talk?" He asked nervously.
I nodded, feeling myself become nervous. Avery took a few deep breaths, opening his mouth but then shutting it again.
"Avery, why did you tell me not to go on my date with Dane?" I asked, deciding to start the conversation before it became awkward.
He shifted uncomfortably, his grip seeming to tighten on my hand. I waited for him to answer, but he never did. I pulled away from him, shaking my head, jumping to my feet, and walking away from him. I was not going to wait all day for him to speak.
"Hailey, wait please?" He called after me.
I ignored because if I never did I would end up saying something I regret to him. After all, he was starting to piss me off. He soon caught up with me, grabbing my hips from behind, turning me around to face him, and pulling me into his chest.
"Because I want you. I do not want to have to watch you with Dane or any other guy for that matter. Hailey, I have been acting like a jackass on and off towards you because I like you. I like you, and that scared the heck out of me Hailey. I do not do feelings. I do not do relationships. Then you came into my life, and within only days I found myself beginning to feel things for you." He said, his eyes not leaving mine as he spoke every word to me.
Hold up. Did he honestly say all that to me, or am I imagining things? I looked at him, going to say something, no words came out. He stood there, patiently, waiting for my response.
"You do?" I asked shocked.
"I honestly do." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "I get it if you don't feel the same, Hailey. I would understand because I am not exactly the boyfriend type. I wasn't going to say anything to you, but after listening to what your mom and dad were saying this morning, I changed my mind." He said.
"I do feel the same Avery, but I am scared you are gonna end up breaking my heart," I said sighing.
"Hailey, I can't make any promises that I will be good at this full-time thing. It is all new to me. I can't promise this will be perfect, but I am willing to try. I do not like labels, but I am willing to try the dating thing with you, see where it goes. Well, if you want too?" He asked a nervous wreck.
I smiled, leaning over, placing my lips over his, and kissing him softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hand going to my cheek, his fingers in my hair. The kiss was soft, slow, nothing like all those other kisses we have shared. It was different. I smiled into his lips, him doing the same. Once we pulled away, he reached over pushing my hair behind my ear.
"I am willing to try too. No label. No expectations. See where it goes." I smiled.
"Really?" He asked, and I nodded.
The biggest smile appeared on his face before he pulled me into his chest, hugging me close. He leaned down, resting his forehead against mine.
"You need to be patient with me Kitten, okay?" I am gonna mess up another hundred times before I get it right." He said.
"I promise. No pressure for anything...no rush, I promise." He smiled, kissing me softly again.
I am expecting to wake up at any moment. I hope all this is real.