Avery's 18th (Part 1)

Hailey's P.O.V

It had been a couple of weeks since Avery and I got together. Things had been going great. He was a sweetheart even though he would never admit it to anyone. We were taking it slow for my sake which he understood, and I was thankful for that.

"Hailey, earth to Hailey." I heard my mom chuckle.

"Sorry. Did you say something?" I giggled.

"Have you decided which dress you are gonna wear tonight?" She laughed.

It was Avery's eighteenth tonight. He never wanted to do anything but Mason, Layla, and I decided against that. Mason's parents were away for the weekend. We were allowed to use the house to throw Avery a party as long as we tidied up after ourselves and never caused any trouble. It was a parent-free zone. Mason had invited everyone that he and Avery had been friends with for years. Layla and I asked a few people from school that he was friends with. Louisa was coming too which I was okay with because she knows Avery and I are seeing each other. Plus, Dane was invited. We are going to try to set the two of them up because apparently, Louisa likes him. It was meant to be a surprise party, but Mason can't keep a secret to save himself and ended up letting it slip in front of Avery.

"Yes, I am going with the blue one." I smiled.

"Nice choice." She smiled, "Can we have a quick chat sweetie?" She added sitting on my bed.

I nodded, sitting down next to her. I had no clue what she wanted to talk to me about.

"You and Avery have become very close these last few weeks." She said softly, and then it clicked where she was going with it.

"Mom, Avery and I are not having sex. I am not ready, and he respects that." I said.

"Well, I am glad to hear that. But at the same time, I was your age once. Well, I was the same age as you when I got pregnant. I understand hormones, and I understand you like each other. I know eventually, you and Avery will start getting intimate so I would like to take you to the doctors on Monday after school and see about birth control." She said, "Just to be safe." She added.

That is why I loved my mom, she understood, and we spoke about everything.

"Okay. We can do that." I smiled.

"Thank you. But please sweetie, do not do anything until you are 100% ready okay?" She said.

"I won't mom, I promise. Thank you for being the best mom a girl can ask for." I smiled, kissing her cheek.

"I am glad we can talk about all this sweetie. I could never speak to my mother about any of this. So, I am glad that we are close enough to be this way." She smiled.

I hugged her, chatting for a few minutes.

"Well, I will leave you to it. I know Layla will be here soon to get ready." She smiled, kissing to top of my head.

Layla and I were getting ready at my house. My mom was dropping us off later. I lay down on my bed, grabbing my phone and texting Avery. I spoke to him this morning to wish him a happy birthday.


Hailey: Hey, handsome, what are you doing? Xox

Avery: Missing you kitten what else? Xox

Hailey: Well, aren't you the sweetest. Xox

Avery: I am as sweet as they come, baby. I am laying in my bed, relaxing before tonight lol. Do you want to come to keep me company? Xox

Hailey: Maybe another time. Xox

Avery: How can you resist this kitten?

Was what the text said, a photo attached. I opened the picture, swallowing hard. He had sent me a photo of himself in bed. Only in his boxers, the sexiest smirk on his lips. I whimpered to myself at the sight of it.

Hailey: How is that fair???? You are too sexy for your own good do you know that? Hehe xox

Avery: I know ;) it is all yours anytime you want it kitten. Xox

I groaned loudly to myself, getting a little hot and bothered. Avery knew fine well what that photo would have done to me. He was teasing, one of his favorite things to do. Maybe I should get him back at the party tonight because he had never seen me in a dress. The one I have is quite a sexy little number, not slutty yet sexy. I smirked to myself at the plan.

Hailey: Tease! I will get you back for this baby, just you wait. Mwah! See you at the party. Xox

Avery: Looking forward to it baby girl. See you soon <3 xx


I smiled, seeing the little heart at the end of it.

"What are you looking so happy about?" I heard Layla giggle.

"Avery," I said blushing.

"Aw how cute." She gushed, laying down next to me.

"More sexy than cute." I giggled, showing her the photo.

"Oh whoa!" She giggled, "But I really don't need to see that Hailes." She added laughing.

"Sorry." I chuckled.

Layla and I had some girl talk before we decided to make a move and get ready. I was feeling a little uneasy about wearing a dress, but I guess I would need to get used to it.

"Ready to go, girls?" My mom said, appearing at my bedroom door, "You two look great. I am sure Avery and Mason will be drooling over you." She added laughing.

"Mom!" I groaned embarrassed.

"Let's get going." She laughed.


"Stay close," I said nervously, grabbing Layla's hands.

"Of course." She said as we went in search of the guys.

The house was already full of people, it was making me anxious. We had guys looking at us in ways I am not used to and it was making me nervous.

"Damn! And who might you girls be?" Some guy said, stopping in front of us, eyeing us both.

"Someone way out of your league buddy. She is mine." I heard behind me, a pair of hands on my hips.

My entire body relaxed because I knew who it was.

"Sorry, mate." The guy said, hands in the air walking away.

I turned around to face him, but before I could say anything, his lips crashed against mine, kissing me roughly, I whimpered loudly. My arms around his neck. He pulled away, his eyes trailing me from head to toe before looking at my face, biting his lip.

"Fuck baby, you look sexy. What are you trying to do to me?" He purred at me.

"Happy birthday baby," I said, pulling him into me.

"Hmm." He said, too busy looking at me.

"I told you I would get you back." I purred in his ear.

"Yes...yes you did, nicely played kitten." He moaned back pushing me against the wall, his body pressing into mine.

"Can I help you?" I giggled.

"Yes. It's my birthday, so I am allowed as many kisses and dances as I want from you tonight." He smirked.

Kissing me I am all for that. Dancing? Not so much.

"I will give you as many kisses as you want handsome but dances? I need a few drinks before I do that." I giggled.

"Mmm I am sure I can agree to that." He whispered inching closer to me.

Damn, he smelt good, more than usual. I groaned closing the space between us, pressing my lips hard against his, wrapping my fingers in his hair. I kissed him roughly once again. I felt his body push against mine, his excitement clear to feel in his jeans. I smirked, knowing it was me doing that to him.

Once we pulled apart, he was panting a little, making me giggle.

"Yes, we should stop. Let us go get a drink." He said, reaching his hand out, which I happily took.

We headed through the crowds. Layla and Mason following behind to get some drinks. I stayed close to Avery, still feeling a little nervous.

"I got you a present, but you can't get it until tomorrow." I smiled widely at him.

"Baby you never had to get me anything. I told you that." He said, raising his brow.

"I know, but I wanted to. I am sure you will love it." I said confidently.

I knew he would because it is something he really wanted; something money can't buy.

"Of course I will it is from you, kitten." He winked.

I laughed, shaking my head at him. We found our way to the kitchen eventually, getting stopped by loads of people wanting to wish Avery a happy birthday. He was a popular guy that was for sure. He got us all a drink, handing them to us before he pulled me into him, my back against his chest, and his free hand on my hip. He leaned down, kissing the top of my head. Every time he does that it makes my heart go crazy. It means more to me than when he kisses my lips. There is something sweeter about it, more sensual about it. I relaxed into his chest, closing my eyes, and smiling to myself.

"I need to ask you something later." He whispered, kissing below my ear.

I moaned, nodding my head. I looked up at him, he leaned down prodding my nose, making me giggle.

"Should I be worried?" I asked.

"No, not at all." He smiled.

"Okay," I replied.

He leaned down, stealing a kiss before turning his attention back to his friends that had appeared. I was curious about what he wanted to ask me. I guess I would need to wait and find out.

"Hailey, can I talk to you for a moment please?" Layla asked nervously.

I nodded, excusing myself from Avery. Layla and I were heading out back where it was a little quieter. I turned to her, cocking my brow at her.

"I think I may be ready to give Mason everything." She whispered shyly.

"You mean sex?" I asked.

"Yes. I love him Hailes, and he loves me too. He told me so." She said.

"Well, duh! I told you that weeks ago, you love each other." I giggled. "Are you sure Layla...I mean 100% sure?" I added.

"Yes. Not tonight. I mean when we are alone again." She said, "What if I am terrible Hailes? I knew he has been with a few girls." She added worriedly.

"Layla, you will be okay. He loves you that is the difference between you and them. I am sure he will treat you right. What about birth control?" I asked.

"I guess. I am just nervous, but I am sure that is normal. I am already on birth control, remember?" She giggled.

"Yes, that is normal. Oh, that is right, so you are. If you think it is the right time, then it is the right time." I smiled.

We chatted about it some more before heading back through to the guys, they looked at us, raising their brow. We giggled, shaking our heads at their curiosity.

"Girl talk." We said in sync.

"Talking about us again?" Avery winked, pulling me in close to him.

"You will never know," I replied giggling.

I was looking forward to the rest of the night, not feeling as nervous now.