Trying New Things

Hailey's P.O.V

Avery and I were laying on my bed "watching a movie," well more like making out.

"Behave baby; your parents are downstairs." He chuckled as I let my lips trace his neck and throat, my body on top of him; apparently, I am making him a little breathless.

"Fine then." I pouted, pulling away from him giggling.

Good thing I did because there was a knock on my bedroom door, making Avery and I pull apart quickly.

"Come in," I said, pretending I was not just practically dry humping my boyfriend.

I laughed at how quickly he moved away from me. He nearly fell off the bed.

"You two sure you don't want to come out to dinner with us?" My mom smiled.

"No mom, it's okay. You and dad have your date night. We will order in." I smiled.

"Okay sweetie. You two behave. No funny business." She said, waggling her finger at us, a small smile on her lips.

I blushed, making my mom and Avery laugh at me.

"Yes Ma'am, we will behave...promise," He said, hands in the air.

"I don't believe you, but okay." She laughed.

I smiled. I liked the way he got along with my parents. It made all this better, easier even. My mom said goodbye before leaving us, the two of them heading out.

I smirked, taking my position back on top of him.

"Where were we?" I giggled.

"You were going to tell me how much you wanted me. How madly in love you are with me." He smirked, winking at me.

He was not too far from the truth with that one. I was falling in love with him, something I will keep to myself; I do not want him running for the hills. I giggled, shaking my head, changing the subject before words slipped from my mouth that really should not. I pressed my lips down on top of his, kissing him roughly. Where did the shy, sweet Hailey go? Not like I should be complaining. I prefer being this way rather than the way I was before him, the way I was with Joshua. I soon got pulled out of thought when I felt his hand go on my ass, giving it a quick grab. I pulled away from his lips, much to his dismay. I sat up on his stomach, looking down at him. I tilted my head to the side, studying him carefully.

"Um...Hailey, what are you doing?" He asked a confused look on his face.

"Studying you." I shrugged.

"Um...why?" He said, running his fingers up and down my back.

"Because I want too...because you're beautiful," I said nervously biting my lower lip.

" I don't think so." He said, shaking his head.

Where did the confident, cocky bad boy go? I reached down, stroking his cheek.

"Yes, you are." I smiled, leaning down, kissing him softly.

He groaned against my lips before flipping me onto my back, leaning over the top of me. He looked down at me. The same look on his face that I probably had only moments ago.

"Kitten you are making me fall for you quicker and harder than what I planned." He whispered, before capturing my lips in his.

I ran my hands down his back, gripping the bottom of his tee, opening my eyes, and looking up at him. He sat up, removing his tee from his body. I whimpered at the sight of him. He was sexy, beautiful. I wanted to run my hands and lips all over him. I swallowed hard at the thought of it before reaching up, tracing his upper body with my fingertips. He closed his eyes, his head falling back. I leaned up on my elbows, leaning up and placing soft kisses on his chest.

"Shit!" He groaned, pushing my body flat against the bed, his lips against mine once again.

I slowly slid one of my hands between our bodies. My hand landing on his crotch, rubbing him through his joggers. I had no clue what I was doing, not really anyway. I was just going to go with instinct. I heard his breath hitch in his throat, swallowing hard. I must be doing something right. I needed better access to him, rolling us back over, his body below mine again. He helped me remove my top, joining his on the floor, I pressed my upper half against him, kissing him as I ground my hips against his causing us both to moan. I moved from his lips to his jawline, my lips trailing across it before moving down to his neck, placing soft kisses on the skin, swirling my tongue, and nibbling on it. I proceeded downwards, letting my hand slide into his boxers. I was nervous; my hand was shaking a little. I slowly stroked him, and he shuddered under my fingers. I hope I am doing this right. He must have sensed I was nervous, his hand moved down, going over the top of mine.

"Hailey baby you're doing fine stop getting nervous." He said through his heavy panting guiding me.

I looked up at him nodding, using my free hand to tug at his joggers. He was looking down at me, his face flushed and his eyes dark. I pulled my other hand from his trousers, hooking the waistband of them, pulling them down and he kicked them off. I slowly slid down his body, kissing over his chest, abs, and stomach. He arched into my lips, gripping the sheets below him. I ran my tongue over his V shape, getting closer to where I wanted to go, what I wanted to try.

"Shit! Kitten, what are you doing?" He said breathlessly.

I looked up at him, licking my lips.

"Baby you don't need to do that." He said his body was getting weaker below me, his excitement...growing.

"I know. I wanna try though." I said nervously, sliding his boxers from him, swallowing hard at the sight of him.

I say it all in the shower this morning, so I knew what I was expecting. I took a few deep breaths, slowly inched him into my mouth.

"Fuck!" He growled his fingers wrapping in my hair.


"Hailey...fuck. I'm going to." He started but never finished because soon he spilled into my mouth.

His full body was shaking below me after maybe ten minutes; I was not precisely counting. His grip on my hair tightening as I finished him off. I slid him out of my mouth, making my way back up, sitting on his stomach. I swallowed hard when I looked down at him. He looked very sexy below me; his hair was a little messy, his face flushed. A sexy smirk on his lips and shallow pants coming from his mouth. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at me. I chewed on my lips, nervously.

"You sure you haven't done that before kitten?" He said through his heavy breathing.

"Positive. Was that alright?" I asked blushing.

"That was incredible." He winked, making me giggle.

"You aren't just saying that are you?" I asked.

He flipped me onto my side, turning to face me, reaching in, and stroking my cheek, pulling my body firmly against his.

"No, I am only just saying that kitten. That was incredible. You are a natural." Avery said winking at the last part.

I giggled burying my face in his chest, knowing my face was bright red again. He chuckled, kissing the top of my head.

"You're too adorable, do you know that? Don't ever lose that Hailey." He whispered in my hair.

I looked up at him, giving him a shy smile before excusing myself for a moment to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth quickly before making my way back to my bed. I whimpered to myself as I looked at him. He was laying with his hands behind his head, naked with only a cover over his bottom half. He looked at me smirking. My whimper was louder than I thought. I climbed back in next to him, sliding under the covers. As soon as I did, he pulled me into him, kissing me, his body placing itself on top of mine. My jeans promptly got removed, falling on the floor. He soon got to work with his lips and hands all over me. I wanted badly to give him everything at that moment, and my body was telling him that.

"Not tonight kitten in case your parents come back." He said softly stroking my hair.

"Yes, that is probably best, but I don't know how much longer I can wait." I said, breathing heavily.

"I know kitten. I am the same, but I will work something out for us, I promise." He whispered.

I nodded, reaching for his lips, wanting to feel his skin against mine again.

"But right now, I wanna do this." He purred kissing down my body, heading straight between my legs.

"Oh fuck!" I whimpered as I felt his lips on my panties, knowing precisely what he was going to do.

I honestly could not wait to give him everything. Maybe the weekend at the cabin would be the perfect time for that.