Reason and Truth

Avery P.O.V

I rushed out of Hailey's to my car and as soon as I was in it, I lost it. I broke down and started punching the fuck out of the steering wheel. I hate that I had to do that to her, but I never had a choice it was safer that way...safer for her. I felt my heartbreaking as I said those things to her. I never meant any of them and the look in her eyes is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. I was the one that was meant to protect her not destroy her and break her heart. I leaned my head on the steering wheel and for the first time since I was a kid I cried. I got pulled out of thought with my phone ringing. A part of me hoped it was Hailey but why would she call me after what I just did to her? I see Carly's name flash across the screen. I answered it but before I could say anything she started in.

"Avery Freeman, what the fuck are you playing at?" She said pissed off.

"You spoke to Hailey?" I asked sadly.

"Yes. She is completely heartbroken, why would you say that shit to her when you never meant it? What is going on?" She said a little calmer.

"Because he is back that is why. I do not want Hailey around him. You know what he is like. It is better this way because having him back in my life makes me angry and Hailey deserves better." I said finding myself cry again.

"What? When? How? I had a feeling that is what it was." She said.

"A week ago. He came back all nice and sweet. You know how vulnerable my mom is. She believed it...took him back. He has been playing the nice guy, but I can see right through him, that's when he is most dangerous." I said getting angry.

My sperm donor decided to show back up last week. And now he is back staying with us. My mom is falling for his crap, but I know it is all lies. I do not blame my mom though.

"Avery, why did you not just tell her? It is Hailey." Carly said sighing.

"Because I am ashamed that is why. Plus, I do not want her anywhere near him. It is safer this way. I fucking hate myself for saying those things to her." I replied.

"Do you really think she would judge you on that? She loves you, Avery. You need to sort this out or you are gonna lose her for good and that I know will destroy you. Tell her Avery or I will. She does not deserve this." Carly said.

"I know but she can do better. What if I turn into him. Carly? What if I hurt her? She is better off without me." I sobbed.

"Should she not be the one to decide that?" Carly said.

"It is better this way okay?" I snapped hanging up the phone.

I knew everything Carly said was the truth. I can't deal with it right now and Hailey sure as heck does not need to be around with him there. He is an evil, perverted, abusive asshole that likes eighteen-year-old girls. I do not even want him looking at her.

I calmed myself down before starting the car. I never wanted to go home. I had to because I do not like the thought of my mom being alone with him for too long. I pulled up outside of my house, sitting in the car, taking a few deep breaths. I sighed as I looked at Hailey's promise ring in the palm of my hand. I was hoping I would eventually be able to give her it back. I am not sure that is ever gonna happen because within the space of five minutes I broke most of the promises that I said to her. I headed towards my front door and as I did, I heard screaming and shouting.

"You never fucking learn do you? You worthless bitch. Your boy isn't here to protect you he would rather be with his little whore." I heard him hiss.

With him speaking to my mom that way and saying that about Hailey something snapped inside of me. A fit of anger took over me that I never knew I had. I barged in the door, hip slapping my mother as I did. I ran at him, grabbing him and pushing him against the wall, grabbing him by the throat.

"What the fuck you gonna do about it you worthless piece of shit." He hissed swinging at me, punching me right on the cheek. That will be the last time he ever lays a hand on me or my mother.

"I am not fucking scared of you. You are nothing but a fucking coward." I hissed punching him in the times.

I heard my mom screaming but after that, it was like everything around me never existed. I punched him again. My grip tightening around his throat. I wanted to kill the bastard. He pushed me hard away from him, making me stumble but I kept my balance. He went towards my mom again as she sat terrified on the chair screaming at him to leave me alone. Before he had a chance to even lay a hand on her I grabbed him again, shoving him to the floor, jumping on top of him.

"Avery stop! Please! He is not worth it." I heard my mom cry and I stopped, scaring myself with the way I was being right now.

"You are still a fucking coward I see. Doing as your mommy tells you." HE laughed darkly. "Is that how your little slut treats you too?" He added.

I found darkness take over me once again as I started laying punched into him...punching his face, torso, and any part of him I could reach. I looked down at him and he looked scared...looking like the coward he really is.

"Avery stop you are gonna kill him. Please, son, he is not worth going to jail for...I need you...Hailey needs you." She said.

I heard her words, but it was like they were not registering with me. Something has snapped in me and I could not stop it. He was bloody and groaning in pain below me.

"AVERY STOP PLEASE!" I heard someone shout, it was not my mom's voice, it was Hailey's.

Why can I hear her? She is not here, is she? I stopped with the blows, turning around to see if she was there and she was. My mom was clinging to her. The two of them looking mother in tears. What am I doing? I am scaring them both. I slowly stood up, pulling away from him.

"That girl of yours is a fine piece of ass." He chuckled darkly from the floor.

He was baiting me, and it was working. I went to jump on him again.

"Avery, stop, please. I need you. I love you." I heard Hailey whisper and her soft voice snapped me out of the trance I had gone into. I pulled away, jumping to my feet.

I heard him mumble under his breath. I ignored him, rushing to Hailey. She grabbed me, pulling me into her and I found myself breaking down.

"Kitten I am so sorry. I never meant any of what I said to you. I love you." I said hugging her tightly. "I know you probably hate me and never want to see me again. I need you to know that what I said to you was all lies." I added.

"I know, Carly told me why you were being that way." She said lifting my chin, so I was looking at her. "I love you, Avery. I know you never meant them but do not ever do that to me again, okay?" She said kissing me.

"I won't...I promise. I don't ever wanna lose you." I said kissing her back.

He was soon the last thing on my mind. I pulled away from Hailey, turning to my mom.

"Are you okay? I am sorry you had to see me like that. The thought of that bastard hurting you again made me wanna kill him." I said.

"Yes, I am okay. Are you okay my boy?" She whispered stroking my face where he punched me.

"Don't worry about me," I said hugging her.

I saw him out of the corner of my eye trying to pull his worthless ass to his feet. My mom turned to him.

"Get out of my house you coward. You ever come near me or Avery again I will kill you myself." My mom hissed at him, the first time she has ever stood up to him.

He laughed loudly.

"Fucking gladly neither of you are worth it. Just remember no one else will ever want you...look at you." He hissed at her. "Maybe I will upgrade. What about you darling? You into older men?" He said turning to Hailey and I see Hailey back away, fear in her eyes.

With that, the anger builds up again and I pounced at him. My hands around his throat once again and this time I never wanted to stop.

"I am gonna kill you, you sick perverted coward," I growled at him, my fist heading for his face again.

"Avery stop. This baby needs its daddy." I heard Hailey whimper out.

Wait? What did she just say? I let go of him pushing him towards the front door, turning to Hailey.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"I'm pregnant Avery. Please stop. We both need you." She sobbed out.

I stood there shocked. I soon heard him laugh darkly.

"Avery a father? Sweetheart you may as well get rid of the thing. He isn't man enough to be a father." He laughed.

"He is more of a man than what you ever will be. You are a disgusting, pathetic excuse of a man. Leave now before I call the police." Hailey hissed at him.

He put his head down, soon walking out.

"Avery?" Hailey said timidly.

"'re pregnant?" I managed to stutter out and she nodded.