WebNovelShe Is25.00%

9- After Party?

The manners!

Amazing amazing!!

I watch him walk over and lock the door,

that was risky and hot as fuck!

I needed a break I had to shimmy my skirt back down.

Getting back to my feet, my legs are shaky.

My shirt needs re-adjusting,

I buttoned it back up and pull it down to look respectable

I look up and he's watching me situate my clothes, while my shoes r.. somewhere else?

my brain is simply wanting to smoke.

The way he used me just now keeps running through my head, I keep forgetting I'm looking for my shoes. I need a bowl!!

grabbing my handbag I reach into the side pocket and pull out 'the toys'

I look over to sky when I hear a laugh and he's across the room shaking his head back and forth acknowledging what I just pulled out of my handbag.

"Ur already a troublemaker you're plan is to add gas to the fire?"

Why not?

He doesn't know I was holding back, and I don't know if he's ready?

From experience I'm not, I scare myself sometimes.

I start the flame and take one last look his way, maybe looking for a protest of some sorts, I think he actually wants me to smoke.

I give him a quick smile and take a large hit,

There's now a huge Curiosity of throwing gas on this fire, as he put it.

I offered over the pipe and I get from him a signaled with his hand to come over and sit on his lap.

I'm not doing that a second time. I shake my head no and hand over the bowl. I exhale the smoke and watch him play with the lighter, such a newbie.

He's funny just being his normal self, unintentional but I like it.

This guy need electronics, he's not yet up to date with Stone Age complications... I reach into my jacket and pull out the dab pen, already loaded. It's a bit much for a newbie

'Let's see where this goes'

it's potent enough !

I hand it over with my most sympathetic grin I instruct him on how to use it,

"Try this, seems lighters are to much for you,

it's a lot of multitasking I know" sarcastically I let him know I noticed his fumble.

In defeat we swap merchandise and I proceed to tell him the 123's of using a dab pen.

" hold down that button" pointing at it while getting extremely close to his face so he knows Im there,

"And use this end to inhale, just like u did earlier," (using his rather skilled technique for nasty games) before I move away I kiss his cheek and light up the bowl before anything else is said.

Im perturbed when he sitting there with this playful grin.

When he makes that face I end up wrapped around his finger

'Better make him smoke or I'm going to end up in a sweaty state again'

I take my hand and force feed him the dab pen before he decided to do anything I wouldn't allow him to...

When he takes advantage of the opportunity it make me extremely nervous.

We both take another hit.

I'm jealous he's got the dab's only because the flavor happen to be sweet and the concentrate was high, I was actually gonna use it to test the night out. I think it's hitting him, he overly focused on the smoke dance.

"Sky u alright, do I have to cut You off?"

"Sassy girl, I might need to ban you from this, it's to fun to be around you I might die from a heart attack."

He turned to me and grabbed the bowl and lighter from my hands place them to the side of us and started touching my body, it turned hot real fast,

I could feel my heart go into full speed, my breathe short,

it was all just quick,

I didn't even have time to move back or catch myself he just pulled me in and started touching my waist, to my neck, he got around my throat and gently squeezing it,

my body shook with a hot chill that made my muscles squeeze throughout my body, as he took deep breathes on my body, he pushed his waist against my legs in front of him so they were straddling him.

It feels pleasurable and needful, he's not in me and I want him to be, my insides call for it. I moan louder the wetter I get. I start to circle

My hips around him and he lifts me up to sit on him. I ride him hard and slow feeling the urge to feel his skin on mine. His guiding my hips now. I'm still using every muscle to ride him hard.

my hands are slipping when I grab his skin,

his shoulder are tight,

I can feel his arms and how he pulls me on him making his biceps bugle so sexy.

He pushes hard against my hips stopping me in my motion and he looks up at me, almost surprised that I'm sitting on him.

What did I do?

I can't think of anything?

I look at him after recollecting the whole heated moments that are happening and ask him

"What?" In my out of breathe language,"What's wrong?"

He smiles and sits there, he's thinking.

I respond knowing he's got some kinky plan.

" unbutton ur shirt for me" he asked with this devilish grin.

He's holding my legs in place and when I go to move he strong hands them to stay.

"... unbutton ur shirt for me" he rubs his hand a little bit more firm up my thighs.

I have no power, no words to respond to any of it.

All I had left was just to smile abidingly.

As I got to the third button, watching him watch my hands and nothing else, he doesn't notice that I haven't taken my eyes off him since he asked me.

Seeing him lick his lips, his finger putting more pressure on my legs when ever I moved the smallest inch, I could feet him thrust up slowly when the atmosphere got more intense.

" SKY! IS YOUR WOMEN MORE IMPORTANT THAN UR BOY, I need assistance! I got honies that need a b!"

He and I let out a little chuckle I turn to him and find a way out of this sex hold he's got me in

"It looks like some honies need me" He shrugs and moves off the couch to the door.

I thought he went to answered the door so I got up off the couch also and slip on my shoes. In a moment I felt him press against my ass and bent over my body to help my slide my shoe heel up, I turned and just smiled at him, lifting my hand up to the side of his face and seductively sliding my finger up running it through his hair,

In a quick moment I turning around and jokingly scruffing up his full head of normally tamed hair.

Opening the door I give a wink and smile to Galen when his face drops down to make eye contact and his mouth opens in Suprise.

I didn't wait for a word I walked right pass him turning around and asking jokingly

"Where the honies", the look of embarrassment was classic on Galens face. I'll went to do my own thing and left Sky alone to mingle with the babes.

I grab myself a drink and find a better stoner buddy that doesn't make me feel like I'm walking around naked.

I start walking and there they are the hoard of honies Galen was talking about, girls in a candy store is all I can picture as they huddle around the table of sweets and talk about the boys...

"Wow galens.. "in the muffle of sound, and another half comment "nie and sky are..." I wanna play the ditsy damsel and chime in on the gossip.

I interrupt with my best 'mean girl' voice,

"Did u see them upstairs all together" being incredibly over dramatic with my hands fanning my face I continue".. it's a BTS poster!"

We all turn and watch them walk down the stair together,

The Honey squad let's out A high pitch squeal,

it does catch me off guard as I'm not a squealer, then they wave at Galen

He confidently looked over , working his player style, as soon as nie and sky look over I play along and they know I'm mocking the situation.

I turn around and say to the honey bunch with a high girlie voice

"I dare each and everyone of u to go up and kiss ur favorite, we'll take a Talley"

'Yes!! They're playing along I got this handled!'

as they all reapply some color we play a quick Rock Paper Scissors on who's first'.

Contestant number one is

Purple honey- she's got the purple shoes, so that is now her name. She walks up to Galen and isn't so shy about it. I'm laughing hysterically as this 'line of honie' is just what I needed for tonight's fun.

Number two is curly honey- shes the one who's got the edge perm on point.

She happens to chooses Sky, I'm watching him watch me, I'm looking hoping he threatens the game, let's watch?

oddly enough I'm not bothered in the slightest.. lies, i am kinda jealous. Not because it's her but because he wanted to in front of me.

'Trying hard Sky? It's not going to work?'

He does give me the challenge look, he wants me to show the jealousy, my next action is just to wave to him during the stare off, it's his game tell. So far when he wants to challenge me he stares at me. It's funny and quite intimidating.

Number three is galens type, she gives him the cutest kiss on the cheek and walks away. Now she's got class I'll call her diamond honey. Her necklace is her attitude , classy.

Four five and six happen to Choose my brother, Nie is now living the happy life.

He hasn't actually told everyone he's dating Colleen, I think he's hoping Galen won't be mad. And last is Ms. burgundy. Her lip color is seductive, she's the confident type. She walked foward and pushed Sky back a couple feet before totally taking him over.

It looks like they are dating kind of kiss.

Wow she's got him handled.

'Yeah she my enemy, I need to get to know her.'

Telling myself As I'm standing there being the last girl at the table.

The scene from start to finish was hysterical, I'm laughing with tear in my eyes and they walk over and push against the tall bar table that I'm leaning against sending them a really cute finger wave and book it.

War with them is fun but not tonight.

"I won't take it to far though as I'm a guest not a host"

convincing myself I start mission 'snacking-out' in the kitchen.

I had managed to stay out of harms way.

My own not anyone else's.

I have to prevent myself from conversing with the persona I'm kinda intimidated by.

I been dodging and using the honeys to avoid the boys. I'm hear to have fun, I've so far gotten a third of the people in attendance baked.

'I'm on a roll.'

Had a couple more to light up that I've been saving for the end of the night solo smoke sesh.

Thanks to light weight I don't have my dab pen or my dabs, although if he's still high when I see him I'll take it as improvement. We all start somewhere, always nice to have people u can count on to smoke you out has been my rule.

I was about to head out to the garden for another smoke, while I was reaching into my pocket for my lighter as I walk pass the curtains.

I'm pulled back by my shoulder and a hand grabs my arm! in an ultimate panic fight response, I turn and twist the hand backwards that's on my arm. Taking the opportunity I step on the back of his knee and shove me elbow into the back of his neck, his head jerks up and I see NIE,

Shit!! I didn't hold back and wrapped my arm around his neck the moment I saw his face...

" u really think You could have taken me down lil bro"

I laugh and letting him get up and sure enough plan b showed it's ugly face real quick.

I feel my free hand getting pulled straight back and my neck being pulled back from my throat as my wrist gets reverse twisted up with my arm causing a major strain on my shoulder and wrist.

I choke a moment and Nie starts laughing at me.

" I have friends b, I don't need to always watch my back"

As my arm release and we both see sky is standing there. my face goes from fun to annoyed.

I don't like guys Having a bully mentality. The inherit dominance act really annoys me, Turn off in my book, well I thought so until I meant him. He's been dominate since minute one.

"Thanks for almost ripping off my ripper arm" I snap at him retracting my arm back to my own control, then i had to rotating the ache out my arm.