Just when everything was going good, he chose his side!
Him and my brother are now gonna get the same treatment.
I wonder if mister newbie is ready for this battle?
I slammed my beer down on the table.
'I will win! '
Last night was a total suprise I wasn't expecting someone to ambush me from a foxhole.
Sun Lzu would be disappointed in me.
I don't know how he keeps strong arming any situation he and I are in,
he's winning
All it takes is one tie and I can find his weakness to win the rest.
I couldn't take last nights defeat I had to leave, ended up meeting 'ma girl' at a club and we restocking at the dispensary.
Sky! This Punk keeps smoking more than me. For a newbie he's steady with the hits. Always on a timer.
It's okay this morning I need a plan of action.
Me ignoring him will only do two things, make him leave or make him stay.
We'll start with the basics B! no more sweet girl. My ninja mask is on now.
If he drops by, I must be in full work attire and ready to leave.
Plan number one- pull out all paint jumpers and wash them, I have 7 enough to hold out for two weeks. Yes u read correctly two weeks on the battlefield and just a day to challenge the challenger. Rotate and rotate.
Back up plan is to
find two solid outdoor jobs,
it's hot
I'm not working inside a non ac room again nearly killed me last time I did that.
Contingency plan is a
studio job it's gotta have a security check.
Gallery is most likely my only choice.
Part time of course.
this one requires a little more at home finesse to win.
I learned my lesson, using my body is no way to win the war, brain and wit shall be my conquering hero!
We must prevail!
With my newfound encouragement I start to position my pawn for the oncoming battle.
With my bong in hand I start planning how my day will be .
to avoid him is gonna be hard.
I have to start here, I'm not trying to encourage him...
I would lose that battle if I tried thinking about it now.
I have no retaliation pieces to even start to think about making a move.
he's got that played very well. I will gain back chess pieces I just need a little time.
I'm gaming with him trying to get in my panties vs. him ignoring me.
Crossing my fingers for this one. I'll start tomorrow. Midnight to midnight.
Plan of action:
Day 1- he has my number, so I'm no calling anyone.
My jumpers are sitting in the living room ready to be shot on like Superman in the phone booth.
I figured if Im going to play the part I should just do the job...
I booked some normals, originals, I spent time just getting lost in colors when I start.
I enjoy the loud music the fans blowing on me and nice fresh air from an open window. It does actually take up all of my attention, this will get me to stay away from my phone.
When I'm into a painting I tend to lock my door.
I had a drunkard walk in and sleep on my couch once. He was my cousin but it didn't matter there was no invitation.
No knowledge of it just happen to take place. Of course I escorted out the guest respectfully, but I started to lock my doors after as force
Of habit.
I had my Bluetooth hooked up to the karaoke machine, speaker turned full and phone playing my iTunes playlist filled with vibe higher crew, nb ridaz, has some theme movie music also John caffrety some billy.
when Elle mai started playing I got lost in my thoughts.
Thinking over ideas of when he does approach me and how I could use that moment to work for me.
taking my lack of plans out on the painting, purples, burgundies, throwing some greys in, I couldn't figure out what to do with this painting... I stared at it and tried to see anything, ... I need assistance, my eyes are imagining.
Pots wearing off, I need to take a hit and grab some wine. Taking a breather might help, with fresh eyes. I take advantage of the break and use the bathroom make sure I'm set up with a small snack container next to me and start the official
Munchie stock up?, I'm low I need to hit the quickly mart!
I reach my arm up and smell my pits,
Yup I stink, so I took me A quick shower.
While the music plays super loud I'm not as anxious about the time thinking I have to take this day by day, so far so good.
No call
No door knock
Texts are not exsisting,
Alright I'm to pursue? No no it's only been two days, I got one more... do I want to chan e that though?
Day 2–
One more day of no call no show and it's still a 50/50 chance Im surprised with him based on the party and everything he did.
If I see him today, im painting! Cannot be disturbed at all.
If he calls, no pick up
He will texts if he calls, respond with 'ur painting haha u can't be disturbed'
If he doesn't call, text or show up...
One he won't ever,
He'll send one of the pawns
Colleen Dhayle and Lynn,
Everyone is a suspect.
Suspect list...
My family knows me, if they haven't called or texted and i already mentioned painting, they will leave me alone till the job is done.
Friends... alright here we go i don't know what they will do?!
Lev already said he's defeated and won't play war anymore, if he's a pawn imma be disappointed. I enjoy allies more. Moving on
Colleen, ...??? Nothing. She has always been a suspect
Galen,... if he does play, I got a plan I've been working on for just the moment he enters the battlefield.
I wouldn't be so stressed if he made the move first.
And that's all it takes, sun down midnight and it's game on.
If he does chirp before I do, we're on plan A, if little birds flies, plan b..
Day 3- Mission: Friend Zone!
Woke up groggy, shit I painted all night but the painting is beautiful. I have the perfect wall for it.
It's an introverted style cherry blossom tree, the burgundy and purple laid out the orange, hot pink and lime green so nicely, it's paint splattering with a lot of detail on some of the flowers and parts of branches. I actually quite like it,
I don't want this one to leave,
I need another version and I'll keep one of them.
It works into my plan so I'll wait and think of a good start time.
This ones gonna be hard to accomplish if sky makes an appearance.
Right now pretty mama will sit right on the easel by the mirror.
So pretty!!
Set in motion step one...
I gotta cook, food and weed!! With my lazy face I walk to the kitchen
Start up the frying pan and drop some butter pepper and salt in, slice my potatoes into 'bite size' portions, take out the bacon, get the eggs off to the side, have the Texas size loaf slices ready to dip... , I love it when the studio smell good. It lingers and makes the day better.
Grabbing my lighter I take in a long meditative inhale before I take a large bong rip to calm my nerves.
Picking up my phone I go to my contacts and pull up sky's number and send a short text message nervously...
"I need a set of fresh eyes to help me? U busy?"
I start to cook the bacon and wait
Bacon is smelling so good and looking the right kind of crispy, I want food!!
I'm still waiting though?..
I'm about 45 minutes in and Godzilla roars!
I run to my phone, I know anxious, yes I do like him.
"Sure give me an hr I'll be over"
I can take my time. I start prepping. Pull out the same colors of paint as the first painting, I throw four more colors on the table to make the presentation better.
I have two plates set out and I had to chug down an Arnold palmers lemonade.
The bong sitting out in the open, had buds freshly packed... took one hit so it didn't look like I was waiting for him.
Pulled out the cart pen...
I'm so nervous, what's going on!!
I don't get this excited about anyone?
Should I just cancel?!
I need to cancel I can't do this!
I'm already fumbling around!!
I pick up my phone start texting in full honesty
"Sky I'm good, I know what I want to paint now... ur off the hook ;)"
And press the send button
.. a moment later I hear a chime outside the door.... it wasn't an hr. Nah it's someone else?
I enjoy how awesome it is that I sent and text and can hear someone receive one.the world amazes me sometimes.
"Knock knock knock"
What?, the only way, ... and it dawns on me!...
PLAN B: into action-
I run into the kitchen and turn the stove on, lay out the toast in a split moment. Compose myself and graciously say
" be there in a minute!!"
I tie top half of my jumper around my waist, loosely, I got hips I should use them.
Throw the bottom half of my tank over my head so it drapes down my back.
I ruff up my hair a little and walk to the door breathing myself into a calm state.
I unlock the door, it makes three clicking noises in sequence.
Turning the knob I take a hard blink before looking through the opening I just made with the door.
I gave a confused look
"I just texted saying I was good.. did u get it?"
Doing my best at diverting the invitation,
I mustered up every brave cell I have and say with full focus in actress persona,
"Shit I'm sorry... I didn't mean to pull u away from anything it wasn't life threatening important, my muse reared it's face and now I'm ready to be undisturbed."
I say it as I slowly start to close the door,..
He wasn't having it.
I've got him!
"What?! NO!" He pushed his body on the door refusing the let it close, so I Leaned off and opened it slightly
"Your eyes are not needed anymore, Sky!"
I point down the hallway to the exit with a smile. I hope he plays stubborn good. Because I really wanna play.
Last time I did it was the most amount of pleasure I had gotten.
He's not moving!
I got him, and I smile at him thinking this is retaliation?
I'm two steps ahead Sky? U should have made the first move!
Okay he wasn't moving, that's okay... I always do my best to accommodate my guest. So I let off my weight from the door and he stumbles into the apt.
After a couple of second I rolled my eyes and said to him
"Fine!!" Acting's like a drama queen
I pull out a folding chair and open it up for him, I pat on the seat so he can sit down.
I hear trippin start playing on the speaker when he starts walking to the chair, before he sits down I flip the chair around, a guy thing that most women don't do. He kicks a smile up at me and straddles the chair with his arms crossed and laying his chin on-top the back rest of the chair.
Despite how much I influenced him if anything, it was his choice to stay... I keep telling myself that as I take the remote and turn up the music tell the limit sound is reached. It's the one thing I know that always takes me over...
I start grooving and second nature has me grabbing my smokes and taking rip after rip while examining my painting....
An hr has past and I'm in full creation zone when mid dance I turn around and realization I was on the battlefield not pay any mind to the enemy.
'Have I been dancing in front of him this whole time'
"SHIT!!" I say out loud grabbing the remote and pressing the stop button.
"Shit!! I forgot You were here!" My heart starts pacing faster, I'm apologizing out of earnest behavior, I'm caught off guard for plan b!,
Time to wing it, damsel in distressed mode, its already the character run with it, flaunt the flaw!!
"Did ....u seee..... all of that" I point to the spot I was dancing and look up at him after asking.
Okay it's plan b
..."haha why are u smiling!?"
Throwing it back at him, rebutt it always a good winner.
He clear his throat a couple of times and tells me
"Ur cute"
.. yeah I can make him ten times more smitten right now. I take the time to give him a seductive smile, I had to wait for him to look up at me though, that was a lot of time for a quiet moment.
Yes I got upper hand
"We're u expecting a strip tease, I know I'm not Demi Moore?!" I say jokingly..
he can't even look at me right now!! It might be a one two count knockout....!
Getting his full attention and tell him outright
"How about u be Burt Reynolds?"
He looks at me with a slightly serious face.
Yup time to end this display but He says to me
"I'll be Burt, I'll be wood.. dance for me"
I smiled at him smiling at me knowing we both just walked right into this situation ourselves.