WebNovelShe Is69.44%



Im sitting there just waiting for her to come out of school, class is over the last bell rang. Fuck it, my plan was to just return the favor and smoke up with her again, whatever another day i guess.

I kick start my bike and put my helmet on, as i head out there she is at the front of the school... why did i think she took the school bus home?

It was just instinctual at this point, i pulled up. My helmet was tinted, im happy about it; I dont think she saw my being smug, i couldnt talk at that time i had a studder when i get nervous. Looking at her stand there with her fitted jeans and the rips showing off her tan skin- alot of rips! She had on a science tshirt with a rather funny punt. And her kicks were leather black heeled high tops that she painted on herself, marvin the martian on her back pack.

I stopped in front of where she was standing and put my extra helmet on her head, she got on and sat so close to me, my back was warm from her body, it made me blush knowing she was not only straddling me between her legs , we both had back packs, next time i won't wear one when i ride with her.

As i got to the first intersection next to the school the light had just turned yellow With no one behind me so i stopped instead of going through it.

I grabbed my phone and opened up my create new contact and handed it to her,

'shes taking forever she better not be a slow typer'

im anxious cuz the light might change anytime now. She hands me the phone back and it even has her address! Im so happy i can feel my self get the nervous giddy where everything gets really hot because ur blushing throughout ur body....

I upzipped my sweater to cool down and i can feel her arms wrap around my waist- i look up and the arrow is green, more importantly shes hanging on to me unlike before— as we turn the corner i grab her leg - and she is soft-i couldnt resist and squeeze her thigh.

"Lando" i hear her whisper in my ear

"Lando" at that moment i realize im not feeling wind , or a throddle let along the the shifter.

I hear her again almost in the vagueness- if sound was a fog it said to me from the echos or the abyss "we landed, wake up"...

The quick wake up and i know im on a plane and it isnt high school. I sit up while rubbing the sleepy eye boggers off and look to my right, yup it wasnt an imagination or me dreaming it was her, she pointed to the corner of my mouth and handed me a napkin. In full embarrassment i clean off the drool off my chin.

"Stop staring b, look away!" Turn my head away from her to look better than my still buzzed state of being.

"I give u props lando, u got four long islands in you, good job" She gave me a little clap of accomplishment and it made me feel more shy about my presentation. I got up and helped her grab her things.

We head to the luggage pickup and the whole way shes practically carrying me, i was still dizzy my head was throbbing and a bruise was already showing under my right eye,

"Your coming back with me dummy, you can't even walk properly" she said to me in the most demanding way.

"No problem, I'm glad i didn't book a hotel early"

I look over and she just snickered at me.


Ms. Bre and her wonderful self made the flight fun for me, after lando changed seats, she grabbed us each a Long Island.

"Enjoy u two" winking as she dismissed herself.

She moved his things for us as well.

The flight was quite pleasant, we talked about old times. The people weve reconnected with since then, who weve stay close to, it was better than how i thought it would originally go down.

"I try and keep to myself, i just decided this year to do something with my parents and assist in the company" i start to ramble about my brothers party and i turn to him as one would do in a deep conversation;

He was sleeping!

Well we only had an hr before we landed i would say hes out of danger.

I sip the rest of my drink and give ms bre a tip before we land. I had to buckle him in, he wouldnt even wake up when i shook him, he just splumped over back against the head rest towards the isle and his mouth open slightly, he started drooling, it was hella funny! I just closed his mouth for him and sat myself down as they were ready to land.

He doesnt even bother to know the world is still ticking.

"LANDO" i push him his should to wake him up

"Lando! Weve landed, i tap his knee And try again

"Lando...lando..." like an alarm and he finally blinks. "We landed, wake up" in my annoyed language.

Im sure he still a lil drunk, he dropped my luggage,

He couldnt carry his own stuff. I wrapped his arm around my neck and we headed out, for once im glad i shipped most of my stuff, all i have is a very large purse, after all i just came back home.

I feel really guilty for how he now looks, i chuckle thinking to myself how uncoordinated he was,

'He hit that seat hard'

a voice said in my head... it was weird. Shook it off stop talking to urself outloud.

"Youre coming back with me dummy" i tell him as i continue to supporting his unbalanced weight "you can't even walk properly".

My parents sent the car to the airport,

"How u doing Mr. Peaches" i say why holding lando. He just looks at me with his wide eyes and opens the door me.

He plops himself in seat while peaches puts the bags in the trunk.

" whats happening mr peaches" i say smiling at him, hes been my dads go to guy. Extremely reliable to my father.

"Your parents just want me to confirm that you'll be there ON TIME"

I but my finger tip to my chest in my girliest dramatic fashion an respond with a gasp and then said in a higher pitch voice...

"Mister P you doubt me??" With a simple chuckle to follow

He gave me a sweet smile similar to and uncle being entertained by his niece... after all he is my god-father.

"Lando u good to walk or do i need to have my uncle carry u" i noticed his eyes widen really quick and he sat straight up so fast!


As im finally getting composed and a little bit to my normal self... i hear her say

"My Uncle"

I look over and the driver looks directly at me as she uses her index finger to point at him while they both stare at me from the front seats.

" no sir! " in my surprised state i refuse help and tell him in a humble manner " i can walk, im quite okay, its just my head from ... ? ..."

in my quick pause i dont want to disrespect her family as i look for the words to say "the pressure of the flight caught me off guard sir, i feel extremely jet-lag'ged"

i respond to him.

He puts the luggage in the lobby and talks to the reception.

"Dont worry i made sure all ur stuff was put or sent here, its a 'sorry' for smashing ur face" she sounded proud.

" im good to walk now" i say to her as shes ready to help me into her apt .while im still dragging my feet i look up and think to myself while taking in the surrounding of the huge lobby- the sleek furniture and tables,

"U live here?" I say to her while looking at the glass elevator that's coming down. It looks like a resort, in my apt hunting this place never came up?

"Yeah on the 14th floor".. i see a smile on her face while she waves me over to get into the elevator

"u gonna take the stairs, Hurry up"

1420! Haha im hoping thats coincidence, then again maybe she requested it.

Im quiet as we walk through the hallway with a massive window at the end of the hall that shows the lights of NY,

-is that Central Park? - talon asked

"Were right here, excuse the mess i havent been home in a while" she says while she turns unlocks the number pad and alarm..." ill write the number down for u, uhm..." she continues to give a quick tour "bedrooms are over to the right ill put ur things in the spare room but i dont have a bed in the there i usually use it for work, its the second on the left down the hall" her apt is incredible, its filled with paintings and photos covering the walls, the sculptures. A nice light grey the show off the frames that are all white framing the large paintings and smaller tan frames around the photos. Her wall tv is replaying a photoalbum of art. And the WINDOW!! What !!!the city!

"B! U live here? Its fucking huge and beautiful, when u said u did art i had no idea" she laughed at me and said

"Nah! My parent bought it for me when i graduated, only because i got accepted to college here"

"What" her parents " i thought u said ur parents ran a business, im sorry i just assumed it was a small business not buy their daughter a spot in high prices new york city!"

"Well just dont call me an heiress, that title goes to me older and little sister" i nodded in agreement while i was just mesmerized by the city, i sat on her couch and made myself comfortable taking off my vest loosing my shirt, i need a shower and an ice pack for my face.

"Hey b wheres ur shower" i turn around and shes no where... okay hallway is bedrooms, bathrooms gotta be that way to. I start heading to where she put my things and for being an art room she's got a huge couples couch and an easel with a canvas half finished, a small coffee table, and a bathroom??? Why an i not allowed to sleep in here? She said no bed but that couch is huge?

"Stop yelling at me through the phone before i hang up.." im not one to eavesdrop but its loud enough im forced to listen "were not a couple u have no right" what is she talking about

"i just got back and im not ready to have a bad vibe going to sleep goodnight sky" im sitting there casually folding my clothes for what i can wear thats casual enough to sleep in and she knocks on the door while i try to convince myself i heard nothing.

"Hey lando, food??"

" of course" i say and look up at her"b!! " i yell as i notice her bloodshot eyes and munchie take over " are u stoned!" Im chuckling as she nodes and starts to order food. At same time she gives me her confident guilty face.

I think i actually missed her and didnt notice until right now.... also who the fuck is sky?